All the generals and soldiers, the confusion in their eyes disappeared, and what appeared on their faces instead was an unprecedented firmness!

Steadfastness in the mission of the military!

"Now that jackals, tigers and leopards are back and want to invade our homeland and slaughter our compatriots, what should we do!"

Xiao Yi asked with a hissing voice!

"Kill, kill, kill, kill ......"

Tens of thousands of soldiers, neatly waving the sharp blades and weapons in their hands, roared angrily!

The generals and strategists behind Xiao Yi were also deeply infected, raising their fists and roaring.

Everyone's anger and hatred for the alien race were completely ignited by Xiao Yi's words, and their morale was like a rainbow!

"I'm very satisfied with your performance.

At this moment, I only have one sentence for the alien races who have invaded the people of my Youzhou, those who offend my Han Tianwei will be punished even if they are far away!"

Xiao Yi's body is rippling with monstrous pride,

The pride infected everyone present!

"Those who offend my Han Tianwei will be punished even if they are far away?"

Everyone's hearts were pounding, their eyes were suddenly red, and they were extremely excited!

A transcendent sense of honor arises spontaneously in their hearts!

Especially the generals standing behind Xiao Yi, their faces were frightened, and they looked at Xiao Yi's majestic and trembling back with a loyal face.

In the bottom of their hearts, a touch of pride was raised,

It is our luck to be able to follow the lord in this life!

"Those who offend my great Han Tianwei will be punished even if they are far away!"

Everyone in the camp followed the roar, rolling killing intent directed at the nine heavens.

At this moment, the barracks is like a volcano that is about to erupt at any moment, and when the lava rolls out, it will swallow the world and conquer everything!

Xiao Yi raised his empty hand, and the scene of thousands of roars came to an abrupt end!

Everyone looked at Xiao Yi with fanatical eyes and listened to his instructions!

I saw that Xiao Yi waved his hand,

Suddenly, more than a dozen wrestlers walked in with several large wooden boxes under the puzzled eyes of everyone.

"What's that?"

Although everyone was curious, they just rolled their eyes. Tens of thousands, not even a single person turned his head!

It can be seen that this team is disciplined!

Discipline is steel, and only a team that abides by discipline is indestructible!

"Could it be the lord's reward for the soldiers?"

Behind Xiao Yi, the heads of several generals were also full of question marks.

Everyone felt that there was no need for this at all, that the morale had been ignited, and that the reward was completely superfluous.

At this moment, everyone is determined to go to the battlefield and return the horse leather shroud!

"100 people each, line up!"

Xiao Yilang shouted.

Hundreds of people stepped forward with neat steps!

Xiao Yat personally opened the wooden box and handed the bundles of envelopes and pen and ink to the hundreds of leaders.

"One copy per person, send it out!"


The generals behind Xiao Yi were dumbfounded, at this time, what did the lord do when he sent envelopes to everyone?

Soon, tens of thousands of soldiers, each received envelopes, pens, and ink!

These soldiers are all veterans of Xiao Yijun's army, and when they train on weekdays, they will also have cultural classes. Therefore, everyone can read and write.

This point is incomparable to any team in Dahan and even in this era!

"Don't be stunned, come and get one each!"

After sending out the soldiers, the generals behind Xiao Yi did not fall behind, and each person had one!

Everyone is holding these things, and their faces are full of question marks.

"Lord, why did you send us pen and paper? Could it be that each of us should write a letter to our families?"

Xun You asked.

Xiao Yi also took a copy himself, and looked at the whole army,

"This is not an ordinary letter, but a farewell letter before the expedition, your suicide note!"

Wei Lang's voice spread in the army again.

Smell it!

The audience was in an uproar!

"Suicide note!"

Hearing this undescending term, everyone had puzzlement on their faces.

On the eve of the expedition, why did the lord ask us to write a suicide note?

Moreover, everyone has to write!

Could it be that we will be wiped out in this battle!!

"Yes, suicide note!"

Xiao Yi's firm voice stirred.

Everyone looked solemn, put away the doubts in their hearts, and listened with their ears pricked up!

"War is a process of survival in death, and no one can guarantee that they will come back alive. I asked you to leave a farewell letter, not to say that you will definitely die if you go here. It's about being responsible for yourself and your family!

I will keep these letters.

In case, who was unlucky, died heroically. This letter will be delivered to your family for a final farewell!

So write down what you want to say the most and leave it to the most important people!

I can't die great, but I leave regrets in the hearts of my family!"

When I used to watch TV, Xiao Yi would feel very sad when I saw this scene.

Now, when it was his turn to give the order and let the soldiers write farewell letters, his heart was like a big mountain!

But he knew it was necessary.

With this letter, they have no worries when they fight on the battlefield.

Even if you are really unfortunate enough to die in battle, you will not leave regrets before you die!

"My lord, I don't write! I'm lucky that I won't die!"

The farewell letter reminded many soldiers of many things.

They are unwilling to leave these regrets!

"Not this time, there will be a next time, there will be no next time, there will be a next time!

This is a military order, and everyone, including me, must write it!"

The unmistakable voice rang in the ears of every soldier.

The generals behind him had no choice but to swallow back the words that came to their mouths.

The lords have taken the lead, why should they not write it!

"Lord, I am an orphan, and my parents and relatives are all dead. If I die, no one will be able to see my suicide note. "

A soldier in the front row, hang his head!

In this age of fucking, there aren't many people like him.

In the army, there are hundreds of people, to say the least.

"Who said your loved ones are dead!"

Xiao Yijian raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "How can you say that you have no clothes, and you are in the same robe as your son! I am your relative, and the tens of thousands of brothers in this camp are all your relatives! If you have unfulfilled wishes, you can stay in the letter." If you die in battle, I can help you complete it, and these thousands of brothers can help you do it!"


The orphan soldier stared at Xiao Yi and was moved. The iron-clad man had fog in the corners of his eyes at the moment.

At this moment, he thought of several brothers in the same army, who had experienced a few battles, and that was a lifelong friendship.

Moreover, the noble status of the lord and other nobles is also commensurate with his brother!

Just by virtue of this brother of the lord, although he will die, he will not regret it!


Li Cunxiao is also alone, but at this moment, he seems to have thousands of things to say in his heart.

I picked up my pen and wrote.

Tens of thousands of soldiers sat down cross-legged one after another, swaving ink.

Two quarters of an hour later, everyone sealed the written letter, and Xiao Yi sent someone to collect it and keep it in separate camps.

His own, put it in it!

"I hope these letters will never be opened.

This battle will be won!"

Xiao Yi clenched his fists tightly and roared in a low voice.

The officers and men of the whole army felt the tragic emotions of the lord, and suppressed a tragic atmosphere in their hearts!

For the sake of the family, for the sake of the lord, and for the sake of yourself!

This battle,





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