The moonlight paved a silver avenue. The torrent of steel swept out, and tens of thousands of soldiers took firm steps!

Because this time, there is more than one enemy to face. Therefore, Xiao Yi's team must also fight separately.

According to the pre-made battle plan.

Lu Bu was the main general, Gao Shun, Cao Xing, Hou Cheng, and Wei Xu were the deputy generals, and Xun Yu and Xun Chen were the main and deputy military divisions, and went to Guangning County, Shanggu County to set up an ambush.

Yang Zaixing was the chief general, Pei Yuanshao, Bian Xi, and Qi were the deputy generals, and Xu Shu and Wei Yu were considered to be the main and deputy military divisions, and went to Yuyang County to set up an ambush in the area of Qianping.

Guan Yu is the main general, Zhang Fei, Zhou Cang, and Yan Zheng are the deputy generals, Du Ruhui, and Yan Rou are the main and deputy military divisions, and they went to Lulongsai in the area of Youbeiping and Liaoxi County to set up an ambush!

Xiao Yi personally took Li Cunxiao, Yuwen Chengdu, Chang Yuchun, Zhao Yun, Tai Shici and other fierce generals, with Liu Bowen as the military advisor, and the commander always took the team by water, crossing the sea to Liaodong.

Yue Fei, Zhang Juzheng, and others stayed in Zhuo County, as a follow-up.

Wei Zhongxian led the embroidered clothing battalion as a messenger to transmit intelligence and communicate the war dynamics in a timely manner.

During this time, often in the spring, Tai Shici and the two have been training sailors in Caofeidian and building warships.

Their existence is not known to outsiders, so Xiao Yi entered Liaodong from the sea, and there is no doubt about its secrecy.

The sea was calm, and Xiao Yi and his party arrived at Liaodong County smoothly, which is today's Lushun.

Heading north from Zhuzhu, avoiding towns and cities, we soon arrived in Xi'anping.

This area is all dense woods, full of towering trees, perfect for hiding troops.

Moreover, this is already the junction of Liaodong and Goguryeo.

More than ten years ago, the area of Liaodong was much larger than it is now, at least more than a hundred miles to the east!

However, because of the mediocrity and cowardice of the Han dynasty and local corruption, Goguryeo and Fushe took the opportunity to encroach on the territory of the Han Dynasty. As a result, six counties in eastern Liaodong and nine counties in Xuansu were annexed one after another.

To this day, there are still many people who want to return to the Han Dynasty and have not forgotten that they are Han people!

In this battle, Xiao Yi will not only defeat these alien races, but also regain the lost territory!

"Zilong, Ziyi, this area is all jungle, and it is difficult for Baima Yi to fight. The two of you continue to the south with Bai Ma Yi and sneak into Lelang. If you find out that you are threatening Hermes-Epitek, you will be killed immediately!"

Because of the terrain, Siu Yat made a new arrangement.

Although there are not many troops around him, in the jungle, Bai Ma Yi is useless, and it is useless to stay. It's better to let them go to Lelang and attack the thieves.

The Qiangs are only a very small people, and their numbers are not as large as those of the Xianbei tribe.

With the combat power of the White Horse Righteous Servant, it is completely enough to clean them up.

"Changgong, this is the most suitable place for the Wudang Flying Army to fight, send your people down, and secretly monitor the movements of Goguryeo and Wofu. As soon as they make a move, report back to me!"

The enhanced version of the Wudang Flying Army is the jungle special combat team all the time.

Entering the jungle is like coming home to them.

In this kind of area, they are more capable than the embroidery battalion.


Because of the complex terrain, Xiao Yat must first feel the shape before he can formulate the next battle plan.

Before the Wudang Flying Army returned, his team could only lurk in the mountains and forests.

In the early spring season, everything comes back to life, and the scenery in the forest is very pleasant.

Everywhere, there are tender and delicious matsutake mushrooms.

After waiting for two days, there was no movement at all from these alien races in Goguryeo, and Xiao Yi was a little bored waiting, so he took Zhang Ning and A Qing to the mountains to pick matsutake mushrooms to improve their food.

"Master, these mushrooms are poisonous, people will hallucinate when they eat them, and even poison them to death, why do you let us pick them?"

Zhang Ning picked matsutake mushrooms very honestly, but there was a greeting on his head.

Her father's "Taiping Yaoshu", which obtained the book of immortals, recorded that "mushrooms are poisonous and inedible!"


Xiao Yi said with a smile, this girl doesn't know that this kind of big and fat wild matsutake mushroom is more expensive than the price of gold in later generations!

How many people can't eat it if they want to.

"Eating raw is naturally toxic, as long as it is washed and cooked, the toxicity will naturally dissipate. Moreover, its nutritional value is extremely high, and eating it is good for the human body. "

Because of the large number of people, Xiao Yi took them to pick the surrounding piece, and then went to a farther place to pick.

If you can hunt another deer, matsutake stewed venison,

Hiss –

The saliva comes out when I think about it.

What a delicacy in the world!

"Master, what is this?"

Suddenly, Zhang Ning exclaimed.

Xiao Yi and Ah Qing hurriedly rushed over, thinking that she was in danger.

The result, a very thick ginseng!

"It's ginseng. "


Zhang Ning is also half a physician, so he has naturally heard of this kind of natural tonic, "Could it be that it is said in the Shennong Hundred Herbs Sutra, which has the magic medicine of replenishing essence and condensing qi and prolonging life!"

I heard my father say that most ginseng is only finger thick, and the larger ones are only two thick. But this plant in front of me is the thickness of a child's arm!"

Zhang Ning couldn't close his mouth in surprise.

"What's the difference?"

Ah Qing was puzzled.

Before she met Xiao Yi, she was just a sheep herding girl and didn't know a lot about the world.

"The thicker the rhizome, the older it is and the more valuable it is. If it is a thousand-year-old ginseng, I am afraid that it can really prolong life. "

Xiao Yat affirmed.

Ah Qing was pleasantly surprised, "With such a miraculous effect, let's dig a little more." If the owner eats a little every day, will he be able to live a thousand years long, long live?"

In her head, all she thinks about is her master.

"What do you think, it's still a thousand years old, long live, isn't that a fairy. "

Xiao Yat was amused by her naïve thoughts.

Ah Qing playfully stuck out her tongue and prepared to pick.

However, at this time, a tiger roar suddenly sounded in the mountains and forests, and the earth and the surrounding trees were shaken!

A big colorful tiger pounced from behind the woods,

The sudden behemoth scared Xiao Yi and the others!

I saw that it was four or five meters long from head to tail, and its height was almost to Xiao Yi's chest, to say the least, one and a half meters!

The sturdy limbs slammed into the ground, forming a deep pit when they landed.

It stepped on a rock with its forelimbs, and the stone suddenly fell apart. It can be seen how terrifying the power of this flutter is.

The tiger is the king of the forest and has a strong sense of territory.

In the face of these people who had violated its territory, the Tiger King exuded a strong killing intent!

A pair of eyes the size of copper bells stared at Xiao Yi and the others, their sharp fangs, exuding a cold chill!

Ah Qing and Zhang Ning turned pale with fright, but they were both brave and protected Xiao Yi for the first time.

They promised Cai Yan to ensure Xiao Yi's safety.

Not to mention a fierce tiger, even if an evil dragon comes, they will not hesitate!


Ah Qing drew his long sword, bowed and confronted the Tiger King,

"Sister Ning'er, you take the master to go first, and I'll break it off!"

"Master, go quickly, I'll stay and help A-Qing!"

Zhang Ning is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death,

Since her father and uncle left one after another, Ah Qing is her only good sister, and the two are like brothers. She is a sister again, so naturally she will not leave A-Qing here alone.

"Ouch, host ......"

As soon as the two finished speaking, they each received a blow on the head.

It was the first time for Ah Qing to face such a murderous guy, and he was not 100% sure that he could win!

For the sake of the owner's safety, it is better to leave first.

"What do you think? "

Xiao Yi was angry and funny, and knocked on her head, "I'm a man, what are you two girls like when you are in danger?"

Isn't it just a tiger, let's just kill it together.

Just right, the luncheon meat has fallen!"

Matsutake stewed tiger meat!

Sounds pretty good too.

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