Xiao Yi was not in a hurry, and took out a silver spear from the prestige warehouse.

This spear is an unusually sharp blade, and it cost 200,000 prestige to get it.

Because of that, Xiao Yi was reluctant to use it for the people below, and kept it for himself. Unexpectedly, it came in handy today.

After the silver dragon spear appeared, a cold light suddenly appeared, and a cold chill swept through the entire jungle.

In the eyes of the Tiger King, there was a touch of timidity!

For Xiao Yi to be able to take things out of thin air, the two girls are no longer surprised. In their hearts, the master is a man among the gods, and it is not too much to know what to do.

At the same time, Xiao Yi casually stuffed a force pill into his mouth.

Thirty-five points increase in force!

Originally seventy-seven, it was suddenly raised to one hundred and twelve.

The surging power surged out of his body, forcing the surrounding leaves, grass and trees to retreat one after another!

"So strong! Is this the real strength of the master?"

The second daughter looked at Xiao Yi in horror,

For the first time, from the master to such a terrifying power!

Can there be such a means, not immortals?

"Ah Qing, you go to the left of it, Ning'er, you go around to the back of it. The three of us will work together to destroy this big worm!"

Yat Xiao assigns tasks.

Among the three, Zhang Ning's strength is the weakest, with only 82 points of force.

She was able to improve so quickly, and the aura of Rong Ma Jia played a big role. Coupled with her own hard work, as well as Ah Qing's careful teaching, in one winter, the force increased by 7 points!

Such a rapid improvement shocked Xiao Yat and his generals.

But because she is a girl, her strength is not as strong as that of a man, so Xiao Yi gave her the easiest task.


Although the Tiger King is jealous of Xiao Yi, in the face of human provocations, it must maintain the dignity of the Beast King and defend its territory!

It roared angrily and took the initiative to attack, rushing towards Xiao Yi!

"Brute, don't hurt your master!"

Ah Qing used the Yue Nu Sword to the extreme, and the person appeared on the side of the tiger like a bolt of lightning.

The sword flashed, cutting a gap in the tiger's shoulder.

The tiger screamed in pain, and the beast was furious.

The front paws slammed into Xiao Yi's body.

Xiao Yat had already dodged away, and what it hit was just Xiao Yat's afterimage!

The blood and wounds completely enraged the tiger, and its eyes were blood-red and its mouth was wide open.

The long tail swept towards Xiao Yi!

Tiger's three-plate axe: pounce, bite, sweep!

Xiao Yi was prepared, and lightly jumped to avoid the long tail like an iron whip.

The spear pressed down and landed on the tiger's back!

This move, called Thousand Jin Slash, is a martial art learned from Li Cunxiao, and it is extremely lethal!

Although Xiao Yi's strength is far inferior to Li Cunxiao, this move will also crush the tiger into a half-squat.

The tiger staggered and rolled on the spot to dodge.

"Master, why don't you kill it?"

Ah Qing looked at Xiao Yi puzzled, the trick just now, Xiao Yi only needs to turn the blade of the gun, and he can seriously injure this tiger!

But Xiao Yat used the back of a gun.

Only control the enemy, do not hurt others.

"This tiger king doesn't know how many years he has lived, it's not easy to grow so big, it's a pity to kill it. "

Xiao Yat temporarily changed his mind and planned to take it in!

Think about it, what a stylish thing it is to use such a big tiger as a mount.

"Oh. "

A-Qing nodded.

Anyway, whatever the master says, she will do.

With the help of Ah Qing and Zhang Ning, Xiao Yi pressed the tiger and had no power to fight back!

It even tried to escape several times, but was forced back by Ah Qing's sword qi.

After some fighting, it had more and more wounds on its body, and its physical strength gradually became overdrawn.

These three humans are terrible.


The tiger knew he couldn't beat it, and he couldn't escape. He actually fell to the ground, with a pleading look in his eyes.

This tiger will actually beg for mercy!

put away the beastly side, and the colorful tiger pleading turned out to be a little humane and pitiful.

Girls are naturally sensual animals, and when they see it like this, they can't help but soften.

"Master, this tiger can't hurt us anymore, so let's let it go. "

Zhang Ning looked at Xiao Yi pitifully.

Commanding the jungle, the fierce and invincible tiger was injured and begging, which reminded her of her father. Once commanding the wind and clouds, waving millions of soldiers, what a scenery. But there are also those who are seriously ill and twilight, and they are helpless to die.

Therefore, there are thousands of unbearable feelings in my heart.

"Can't let it go. "

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It's so badly injured, if it doesn't be treated in time, the wound will become infected." When the time comes, it won't live long. "

"What should I do then?" Zhang Ning Xiumei wrinkled and said anxiously, "Why don't you let the military doctor help it heal?"

Today, each team of Xiao Yat is equipped with a special military doctor.

After more than half a year of training by the divine doctor Zhang Zhongjing, the level of these military doctors has also improved a lot.

In addition, the march and battle brought a lot of gold sore medicine to heal wounds, which may be able to cure this tiger.

But Xiao Yat had other plans.

He walked up to the tiger, knowing that this tiger was human, he took out a small blue-green bottle and said, "I can save you, but only if you surrender to me?"

The tiger sniffed the smell of the small blue-green bottle, and a pair of tiger eyes burst out, staring at Xiao Yi's hand with extreme longing.

"Woo...... Whew......"

It seemed to understand Xiao Yi's words, let out a coquettish roar, and then staggered over.

As if to say: I am willing to surrender to you, please give me that little bottle.

"Good. "

Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction, he could feel the surrender of the tiger.

So, he threw the small bottle in his hand to it.

The tiger quickly jumped up, biting the small bottle and swallowing it in one gulp.


The medicinal power is like a rushing river, bursting out in an instant, flowing into the limbs and bones of the tiger!

The tiger roared wildly in the sky, and the earth shook the mountains!

The soldiers stationed a few miles away were shocked and looked at it in shock!

"Beep Bo Bo ......"

The limbs of the tiger and the bones of the whole body made a cracking sound of bone joints, and its wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Originally, it was only four or five meters long and one meter five high.

In less than three or five minutes, it rose to seven or eight meters long and more than two meters high!

Its body is twice as big as the strongest warhorse!

The whole body is full of explosive power, and the huge body gives people a strong sense of oppression, which makes people breathe stagnant and daunting!

If Xiao Yi had encountered such a tiger before, he would definitely not hesitate to run away with the two girls!

"I didn't expect that the primary beast potion would have such a powerful power!"

He felt more and more precious about this thing, and was glad that he didn't use it casually for the war horse.


After the evolution, the Tiger King felt an unprecedented powerful power, and couldn't help but look up to the sky and roar, venting the joy in his heart!

Tiger Roar!

Shaking the mountains and forests, it is several times more powerful than the momentum of the battle just now!

Birds and beasts within a radius of dozens of miles looked at the sky in horror, lying on the ground trembling and trembling!

Li Cunxiao, Yuwen Chengdu and others, who were rushing here, looked ahead in horror.

"So mighty...... Lord!"

"Lord, you must not be fine!"

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