"Out of the water, out of the water!".

"Great, I don't have to run miles to fetch water anymore. "

"It's really worthy of Xiao Jun, he found so many wells so quickly, and now it can save us a lot of trouble. "

In the center of the city, many people gathered in front of a well, happy as if they were celebrating the New Year.

In the past two days, Xiao Yi used the knowledge he learned to build more than a dozen wells for Zhuo County, solving the problem of drinking water difficulties for the county residents.

In addition to the gratitude of the citizens of the prefecture, I also received 50 points for political achievements!

The system is really generous this time, and if you have another hundred and fifty points, you can get the second round of rewards.

"My lord, the military advisor is back. "

Xiao Yi handed over the work of directing the well digging to He Shen and went to the barracks himself.

Zhang Fei threw He Luan, who was tied into a rice dumpling, in front of Xiao Yi, "Lord, this person is the traitor He Luan, let me kill him with a knife." "

"That's right, those who slander the lord should be killed!"

The soldiers behind him raised the weapons in their hands and stared at He Luan like wolves.

The latter was so frightened that he almost didn't pee his pants, and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Xiao County Order, this is all a misunderstanding, please let me go, I promise in the future, no one will come to you for trouble!".

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "I think it's better to go to the assassin to make it clear." "

On the same day, he took Li Cunxiao and Ji Xiaolan, as well as dozens of guards, and pressed He Luan to Jixian County.

PS: Ask for flowers~

The name of Youzhou Thorn History is Guo Xun, born in the Guo family of Taiyuan, because of his good family background and famous youth, so he mixed up with the official position of Thorn History.

But he himself has no ability.

When I learned that the county order of Zhuo County, I personally pressed the county lieutenant of Fanyang to complain, and I felt very surprised

Hurriedly summoned Taishou Liu Wei and his subordinate generals to try the case together.

After meeting, Guo Xun asked, "Xiao County Order, He Luan is your superior, why do you want to tie him up, isn't this the following offense?"

Although he has no skills, he is not confused.

Xiao Yi argued, "The prince of the mansion doesn't know, this person has a personal vendetta because I killed his nephew Zhao Jie." slandered me in front of Han Taishou, and led the army to fight for no reason. My men caught him in front of the battle, so he brought him to the prince of the palace and sought justice!"

"Zhao Jie?".

This incident happened not long ago, Guo Xun naturally remembered this person, "Didn't he collude with bandits, a certain official, and was beaten to death by the indignant people after the matter was revealed, what does this have to do with you?"

Xia Guan was also puzzled. "

Xiao Yat said.

Guo Xun accused He Luan, "Lieutenant He, as a county lieutenant, how can you declare a personal vendetta! Now that you have taken the initiative to attack and have been arrested, what is your argument?"

He Luan cried, "Don't be deceived by villains. Soon after Xiao Yat took office, he recruited displaced people, recruited soldiers, built city walls, and hoarded food.

He bought grain from several surrounding counties.

Isn't this an attempt to rebel?"


The words were shocked, and the people in the state capital stared at Xiao Yi with vigilant eyes, and the soldiers around him also grabbed their weapons!

In this era, there are more and more people who rebel, so everyone is very sensitive.

Hearing the word rebellion, my nerves naturally tensed.

"Xiao County Order, can there be such a thing?".

Guangyang guarded Liu Wei too much, and his face sank.

"I did it, but I don't know what it had to do with the rebellion?"

In the face of everyone's hostility, Xiao Yi still did not change his face, "As a county magistrate, what's wrong with giving more people a bite to eat?"

The city is dilapidated, and I built it out of my own pocket, so what's wrong?

This is all for the benefit of the country and the people, but the people of Zhuo County are grateful to me, how did it come to your mouth and become a rebellion?

Do you want to declare your personal vendetta so obvious!".

Guo Xun's side, a farewell driver nodded and said,

"Lord, the treasury of Zhuo County does not have so much money to build the city wall, and I have never heard that Xiao County ordered the people to loot the fat and ointment, but many people praised his benevolence.

If he paid for it all out of his own pocket, then there would be no problem. "

He Luan glared at Na Bei Jie fiercely, and gritted his teeth and said, "Then what about you changing the tax system of Yulu and the imperial court without permission? Also, what are you doing with a small county order and recruiting so many soldiers?"

"I didn't change the system of money, I just gave more rewards to those under me.

As for the tax system, I don't think the common people can afford to pay such high taxes, so I exempt them from many taxes. But I will not lose a cent of what should be handed over to the state. "

Xiao Yat argued.

"Nonsense, you're just trying to win people's hearts by doing this. How could anyone spend so much money to do such a thing!".

"I have a lot of money, I like it, can you manage it?".

Xiao Yi replied with a word

"I ......


He Luan almost didn't spurt out a mouthful of old blood, and shouted excitedly, "You are flouting the law of the country, you are selfish, not a rebellion!"

At this time, a general in white armor walked out

The strong body with a mighty aura rushed to the face

"According to the law of the Han Dynasty, only officials above the county level have the right to recruit soldiers, how to explain the Xiao County Order to recruit soldiers privately?"

Xiao Yi secretly raised his eyebrows, very puzzled, how could Guo Xun's subordinates have such a general.

"Who is this?".

Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"This is the Marquis of Du Ting, the general of the Wuhuan Zhonglang Gongsun Zhan!".

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