Gongsun Chan?

Is this guy going to be nosy.

Although Gongsun Chan can be regarded as a hero and is very famous, he is not very likable in front of many lovers of the Three Kingdoms.

Ambition is greater than strength, and the end will be very tragic after all.

"I heard that when General Gongsun once served as the county commander of Zhuo County, he also called the militia to deal with bandits and aliens, at that time, could anyone say that the general rebelled?".

Ji Xiaolan stood up to solve the siege.

As a county magistrate, he learned about the county records of Zhuoxian County, and learned that Gongsun Zhan had also served as the county magistrate of Zhuoxian County.

Today, Gongsun Chan made it difficult for Xiao Yi, and he just took this matter out to talk about it.

"That's a rebellion of bandits, a foreign invasion. "

Gongsun Chan glanced at Ji Xiaolan with a calm expression.

"The prince should have heard that Xiao Xianling had just taken office, and when he was investigating a civil homigre, he was ambushed by bandits and almost died.

These bandits are so rampant, what is wrong with Xiao County's order to recruit some soldiers to protect the safety of himself and the people?

Moreover, these soldiers were not included in the establishment of the imperial court, and all military salaries and ordnance were paid by Xiao County for his own pocket, and he did not use a penny of the imperial court, so how could he be considered overdue. "

"This ......


Everyone was speechless by Ji Xiaolan's words.

The name of iron teeth and copper teeth is not given for nothing.

However, Gongsun Chan was not so easy to deal with, and found a loophole in Ji Xiaolan's words.

"So, Xiao County Ling is recruiting private soldiers?"

Gongsun Zhan's words changed sharply and became extremely sharp!

In this era, the crime of recruiting private soldiers and plotting against it, etc.

Ji Xiaolan's rebuttal seems to have become a self-confession.

Xiao Yi frowned secretly and glanced at Ji Xiaolan

The latter suddenly burst out laughing, "General Gongsun, you have been made a hero by the world in vain, but you don't even understand such a simple truth."

I am beyond the system, and all the people have the obligation to defend their homes and the country, to serve as farmers in their spare time and as soldiers in wartime.

Today, there are alien races in the north, bandits and bandits are rampant, and cult organizations are demagogic. I have recruited the people in advance in case of emergency, and this is an extraordinary foresight, how did it reach your mouth and become a rebellion?"

"My lord once reminded Han Zhuo Taishou and asked him to strengthen his guard, while being taken advantage of by thieves. However, Han Zhuo listened to the villain's words and took revenge. How can such a mediocre and incompetent person take on the responsibility of guarding the county?

Guo Fujun, as a assassin, inspected the officials of various counties and counties, but tolerated such an incompetent person who had been in a high position for many years, which was the negligence of the Fujun!

General Gongsun is deeply trusted by the people, and now he is in a high position, but he does not know how to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Are you worthy of the people's trust in you?".

Gongsun Zhan's Hua Feng is sharp, and Ji Xiaolan is even sharper!

The sonorous voice was vibrating, and the people who said it were full of shame, and they didn't dare to look up to see people.

"Guo Fujun, my lord thinks that you are a virtuous person, so he brought a traitorous villain to you. I didn't expect to be so suspicious.

The lord humiliated his ministers to death, although Ji was a first-order literati, even if he was splashed with blood for five steps, he had to seek justice for my lord!".

The more Ji Xiaolan spoke, the more excited she became, and without waiting for the others to react, she suddenly pulled out her sword and stabbed it into He Luan's chest!

The white knife goes in, the red knife comes out!

He Luan was killed on the spot!


Everyone was taken aback by Ji Xiaolan's crazy move.

Taishou Liu Wei exclaimed, "It's ...... someone to come."


Guo Xun hurriedly called out to Liu Wei.

Things have come to this point, and if he doesn't stop it, he will be discredited.

He looked at Ji Xiaolan with admiration in his eyes.

"Mr. Ji, forgive me, it's Guo who is confused. "

Guo Xun was born in a famous family, and his reputation is more important than anything else, and it is impossible for him to give his reputation here for a little He Luan.

Therefore, I did not hesitate to apologize to Ji Xiaolan.

In this way, he can win a good reputation as a corporal of courtesy!

"Han Zhuo's matter Guo will definitely investigate in detail, if he is really unworthy, Guo will definitely show the court and choose another talent!".

The assassin only has the authority to supervise, but does not have the right to appoint personnel.

"Xiao County Order, Mr. Ji, He Luan is dead, and the anger of the two should be gone. Guo Mou is the east, and he prepares a banquet in the house to make amends to the two of them!".


It's not that exaggerated.

Xiao Yi didn't believe it, Guo Xun had such a good heart. This guy must be playing some bad idea!

While Xiao Yi muttered in his heart, he always paid attention to Guo Xun out of the corner of his eyes.

I saw that this guy's eyes stayed on Ji Xiaolan's body, as if a pervert saw a beautiful woman, full of hope.

"Damn, this old boy, you want to dig into my corner!".

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