The girl in front of her is a little too beautiful. Especially the shy appearance, it can simply fascinate people.

I can't imagine that in this world, there is a woman as beautiful as Diao Chan's wife!

If it had just crossed over, Xiao Yat might have lost his temper.

After such a long period of cultivation, he has long since changed from what he used to be.

"No offense, abrupt girl, and look at Haihan. "

Xiao Yat withdrew his hand and kept a step away from the girl.

Such a gentleman's behavior immediately won the girl's favor. She hummed shyly, indicating that she had forgiven Xiao Yi.

Then, he looked at the scroll in his hand.

It was a volume in the Book of Songs,

"Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the river island, fair lady, gentleman. "

Seeing these lines, the girl's face, which had recovered slightly, suddenly became redder again. Hurriedly stuffed the scroll into Xiao Yi's hand and turned his head.

Xiao Yi smiled,

She's a shy girl, but she's cute.

"Akihime, what's going on!"

At this moment, a serious voice suddenly came, breaking this beautiful encounter.

"Where did the disciple come from, he dared to insult a woman in the street!"

Seeing that his daughter's face looked like a red apple, Cai Yong was furious, snatched a self-defense stick from the hand of the servant, and wanted to fight with Xiao Yi.


Countless blades were unsheathed, and the soldiers defending the city immediately rushed over.

The surrounding people also picked up the flat burden in their hands one after another and protected Xiao Yi behind him.

"Who dares to murder Xiao Jun!"

"If you want to get close to Xiao Jun, ask me if I agree to the flat pole in my hand!"

Hundreds of people suddenly surrounded Cai Yong.

He was just a man of letters, and he had never seen such a battle.

Who is this young man, and what kind of soldiers and civilians are facing him!

However, he took advantage of the reason, but he refused to back down.

Lu Zhi walked over, "Zhaoji, what happened just now?"

The first "Zhao Ji" Xiao Yi thought that he had heard it wrong, but now that he heard it again, he looked at the fairy girl in front of him in surprise.

"Could it be that you are the first talented woman in the Han Dynasty, Cai Yan, Cai Zhaoji?"

The girl nodded shyly, and then ran over to explain to Cai Yong and Lu Zhi.

What a situation!

Xiao Yi didn't react for a while, Cai Yan, why did you come here?

Could it be that my tiger body was shocked, and the beauties naturally came to vote?

"System, what the hell are you doing too?"

[It has nothing to do with me, but if the host can take her in, there will be a surprise.] 】

Not you?

So why did she come here?

History has been completely messed up.

Knowing that it was a misunderstanding, Xiao Yi hurriedly dispersed everyone.

At this time, Liu Deran, who was behind him, also recognized Lu Zhi, and hurriedly stepped forward to give a big salute, "Disciple, I've seen the teacher." "


Lu Zhi had previously run a school in Zhuo County and accepted a few disciples. Among them, the more famous ones are Gongsun Zhan, Liu Deran, and Liu Bei.

Liu Deran excitedly introduced to Xiao Yi, "Xiao Jun, this is my teacher, Mr. Lu Zigan. "

"Lu Zigan, Lu Zhi!"

Xiao Yi is completely confused, how can this guy come here.

"Xiao Jun, could it be that you are the county magistrate of Zhuo County, Xiao Zizhuo!"

Lu Zhi and Cai Yong's eyes widened in surprise,

This is too young.

No wonder the people and soldiers are looking towards him, it turns out that he is what people call the fairy county order.

"Xiaosheng Xiao Yi, I have seen Mr. Lu and Mr. Cai. "

These two are both great Confucians in the world, and their fame is quite loud.

No matter what they're here for, if they're here, they must stay.

Their fame will be of great help to the development of Zhuo County.

What's more, I can't let them go at Cai Yan.

"How do you know my name?"

Cai Yong was taken aback.

He hasn't introduced himself yet, how did he know?

Xiao Yi explained, "Shicai listened to Mr. Lingai's word, and Lingai is the first talented woman in the Han Dynasty, so she knows it." "

While speaking, Xiao Yi secretly glanced at Cai Yan, who happened to look over.

When his eyes met inadvertently, Cai Yan blushed and hurriedly lowered his head in shame.

"The two gentlemen have just come to Zhuoxian, let me do my best to be a landlord. "

Xiao Yi immediately ordered that people go back to arrange the banquet first.

Lu Zhi and Cai Yong also wanted to find a chance to meet Xiao Yi, so they did not refuse.

"May I ask Xiao County Ling, what are you doing with so many books?"

Seeing Xiao Yi pulling a cart of books, Cai Yong was very curious.

He is a reader and is more interested in the things of reading.

He didn't ask, Xiao Yi hadn't thought of it yet.

In terms of book collection in the world, who can compare to this great Confucian.

"I have set up a new school for the children in the county. These books are for them.

Mr. Cai is a model of a scholar in the world, with a large collection of books at home, and many valuable people. Xiao Sheng dared to borrow a book from Mr. Cai, I wonder if Mr. Cai is willing?"

He could see that there were several wagons full of stuff behind him. With Cai Yong's love of books, the things contained must be books.

Therefore, Xiao Yat came up with his idea.

"The enlightenment teaching in the county only needs a few commonly used books, why do you need so many?"

Cai Yong thought that Xiao Yi was talking about the previous enlightenment teaching.

In that kind of teaching, few people will be willing to send their children over.

Therefore, Cai Yong didn't take it seriously.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Mr. Cai misunderstood, I run an academy, not an enlightenment school. The students taught are also people of all ages and different levels of culture, so a large number of books are needed.

In addition to this, I also plan to build a huge library in the school to collect all the books in the world for those who like to read.

In this way, all the people who read books in the world will not be troubled because they can't afford to read. "


Cai Yong looked at Xiao Yi in amazement, attracted by the idea.

"Your approach has benefited the world's scholars, but the feasibility is not very strong. "


"Books are very precious, most of them are hidden in the mansions of the family, how can they take these books out and show them to others?"

If he doesn't talk about others, he himself will not be reluctant.

Those are all books that he has worked so hard to collect, what if they are lost or damaged.

"Mr. Cai misunderstood, I didn't ask for the original of these books, but borrowed them to transcribe. "

Cai Yong still shook his head, "There are so many books in the world, I alone have thousands of volumes, if I transcribe them, I can't complete them in a few years." "

Xiao Yi smiled, "Why do you need a few years, within a month, it can be completed." "

"One month! Xiao Jun is joking?"

Cai Yong didn't believe it.

Lu Zhi, Cai Yan and others also don't believe it.

"Why don't we make a bet?"

Seeing the expressions on their faces, Xiao Yi was very happy.

Fish, it's time to take the bait again.

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