Bet again!

A few people beside Xiao Yi couldn't help but be happy when they heard this.

The heart is the master of his own family, and he likes to bet with others the most.

Sympathize with Daru for a second.

"If you have thousands of people to copy it together, you can do it in a month. "

Cai Yong didn't dare to gamble easily, especially after seeing the expressions of those people behind Xiao Yi.

"Instead of thousands, just two or three people. "

Xiao Yat continued to smile,

That's how curiosity is aroused. This is how Da Confucianism was brought into the ditch step by step.

"Two or three people, copying thousands of books in a month?

Cai Yong resolutely did not believe it.

It's not that he hasn't copied books, and two or three people can't finish his collection of books in a month without eating or drinking.

This bet can be taken!

"If I can do it, how about my husband being the dean of my school?"

The entire academy is his, and as long as Cai Yong agrees to be the dean of the academy, it is equivalent to taking refuge in him.

In disguise, this talent was subdued!

Moreover, if the world's scholars knew that the great Confucian Cai Yong was the dean here, they would definitely come here to study.

"What if you can't. "

Cai Yong felt that this was simply an impossible task.

Cai Yong and Cai Yan also thought so, so they didn't stop him.

"If I can't do it, I'll give my husband an ancient book. "


As soon as he heard the ancient books, Cai Yong was suddenly like a cat that saw a fish, and he was excited.

"All who are there can testify. "

Yat is confident.

"A gentleman's word!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

The bet between the two is completed.

Next, Xiao Yi took Lu Zhi and Cai Yong's family to visit the beautiful scenery of Zhuo County, and usually the food and wine of Zhuo County, which amazed everyone, and they all called it a miracle to be able to create such a prosperous city!

After the visit, Lu Zhi went back to his home, and Cai Yong's family temporarily lived in his house.

"Brother Bo, this Zhuo County is really an eye-opener for us. "

Back in the house, the two were still in shock.

Especially Lu Zhi, when he saw the hero monument in the city, a sense of admiration arose. He suddenly felt that he had been a commander for so many years, and there were thousands of soldiers who died in battles with him, but he didn't remember the names of these people.

Very unsuccessful!

Xiao Yat's practice is not only a respect for the martyrs, but also an encouragement to the living soldiers.

No wonder, he was able to defeat the Yellow Turban Thieves!

"That's true. "

Cai Yong is the same as him, until now, his head is still recalling the stage comedy, the picture of the Monkey King's earth-shattering stone.

Although there are many deviant ways in this son's actions, if you think about it carefully, you are really thinking about the people.

The people here are not only well fed, well clothed, and able to enjoy a stable life, but also spiritual and cultural satisfaction. This is a good life that many people have never had.

It would be great if all the people of the world could live like this. "

There is no war, no struggle for power.

Everyone gets along with each other and lives happily, isn't it just a fairy-like day?

"Haha, Brother Bo, since you like this place so much, why don't you promise Xiao Jun to stay and be a dean.

If you are a scholar in the world, you will know that you are teaching here. I'm afraid that the threshold of the academy will be trampled by the swarms of people. "

This was originally Lu Zhi's hometown, and now that it has developed so well, he likes to live here even more. Therefore, he also wants to keep this friend so that he will not be lonely.

"Brother Zi thinks that Xiao Zizhuo will be able to transcribe my collection of books within a month!"

Cai Yong exclaimed.

Lu Zhi nodded, "For some reason, this son always gives people a sense of confidence. I think that he can govern a county so well, not like a person who can talk nonsense. I'm sure he had an ingenious solution. "

"Then why didn't you say it earlier!"

Cai Yong was anxious.

I've never seen such a pit brother.

Lu Zhi couldn't stop laughing, "I reminded you earlier, will you still stay? If you don't stay, I won't be alone here." "

"Hmph, he hasn't come to pick up the book yet, and I think it will definitely not be finished. "


The next day, Yue Fei came back with the team, and more than 100 people returned to Zhao, and the 100 war horses they brought back were also unscathed.

When the Yellow Turban Thief Kou of Liangxiang learned that the soldiers of Zhuo County were coming to crusade, he was so frightened that he surrendered and wanted to join Zhuo County and become the people of Zhuo County.

But Yue Fei didn't promise them.

The quality of the personnel of the Yellow Turban Thieves is uneven, and most of them are bandits and bandits. If you take them in, it will definitely cause a lot of problems.

But Yue Fei did not refuse them, for the sake of them taking the initiative to sacrifice horses, Yue Fei asked them to clean up the interior, when the cleanup was cleaned, when they could come to Zhuoxian.

This event not only gained 100 good horses, but also gained a lot of political achievements and prestige, killing three birds with one stone.

Xiao Yat rewarded the soldiers, not to mention.

On the seventh day of investing in the prestige mall, Xiao Yat spent 500,000 prestige and finally got the reward-raw pulp and papermaking!

Paired with it is movable type printing.

Of course, the principle of the latter is relatively simple, and Xiao Yat does not need to invest to get it.

With these two things, his bet with Cai Yong is about nine times out of ten.

Another day later, Xiao Yi personally came to Lu Zhi's house to pick up Cai Yong's collection.

"It's been so long since you've come, are you planning to start counting the time from a few days?"

Cai Yong was very speechless, he had been thinking about this matter for the past few days, and even thought that Xiao Yi had forgotten the bet between them.

If it weren't for his own identity, he would have gone to Xiao Yi's mansion to question him.

"Sir, you should know that if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. Although I delayed it for a few days, I now feel that I can complete the transcription in a shorter time.

Moreover, I intend to transcribe three copies. "

"Three...... Three copies!"

Cai Yong jumped on the spot like a cat whose tail had been guessed.

"How is it possible, three or four people, in less than a month, to transcribe a thousand volumes of books in three copies......! Do you know how many words there are!"

Crazy, this kid must be crazy.

"Do you need to increase the stakes, sir?"

Now that the difficulty has increased, the stakes have to keep up!

Cai Yong has been completely set, and it's time to slaughter.

"If you want to copy three copies, it's impossible to do it anyway......!

"Daddy. "

Cai Yong was about to take the bait, when a shadow walked out from behind the curtain and glared at Xiao Yi resentfully.

Shuiwanwan's big eyes seem to say: You are so bad, you want to lie to my father again.

"Daddy, you can't gamble anymore. "

Cai Yan stopped.


Halfway through...... Cai Zhaoji.

Do you know who I put so much effort into trapping your father......

Xiao Yat wants to cry without tears!

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