You yuan looks gentle and gentle, not like other young people. However, although Miao's father and Miao's mother don't know much about each other, they can see that they are not easy to be provoked by each other. They can't help but retreat. Although Miao's mother instinctively grabs her husband's arm, she still stares at each other fiercely.

You yuan smile, handsome face, a time to provoke many women around some eyes shine.

He took two steps forward and bowed to several members of the Miao family: "you have met all of you."

Miao's father is the head of the family after all. No matter how worried he is, he will stand up at this time.

"What's your opinion?"

"I don't dare to be a teacher. But as a subject of a great Han Dynasty, how can yuan not speak out when he sees something that shakes the country and corrupts the cardinal principles

Hearing this, Miao's father immediately frowned, and his heart trembled.

"You... Why are you so bloody? We are all hardworking people. How can we shake the country and corrupt the code of ethics? "

Miao's father's tone was a little excited. He was obviously angry. After all, the accusation was too big.

Miao's mother is also holding her husband's arm, the other finger to you yuan on the shouting.

"Who are you cursing? I didn't invite anyone to offend me. You've charged me with such a big crime for no reason. If you don't make it clear today, I'm not finished with you! "

You yuan is still that calm smile expression, said: "two don't worry, this matter said, this also can't all blame your family."

He took another step forward and turned his eyes to Miao Juan: "as far as I know, your highness and ling'ai seem to get along well and have a lot of friendship during the healing period in your mansion?"

Miao Juan's face turned red, but she immediately shook her head again and again: "no, I have nothing to do with tietou... I have nothing to do with your highness..."

"Oh, yes?" You yuan this question, let Miao Juan some upset up, can't help but toward the parents behind.

You yuan continued: "since it doesn't matter, why did your highness escape from the palace and kill five people for you

All the people around were surprised by the words.

"What? Did your highness leave the Palace last night? "

"And killed? Who did you kill? Or for this little girl? "

"I'm not sure. When the Miao people came to set up the stall, I met his royal highness. At that time, he had not fully recovered his memory. He was really close to the little girl of the Miao family in her words and manners. "

"No way? Now it is the period of the Empress Dowager's national funeral. Your majesty has ordered that the prince be forbidden to go out of the palace and that he should be filial to the Empress Dowager for half a year. What's more, there is a curfew in Luoyang City. Even general Guan can't go out of the city at night. This is the national law of the imperial court and the military discipline of the army. No one can violate it without authorization. How can your highness have been in the army for many years and be so undisciplined? "

For a moment, many people who had sympathized with the Miao family just now began to waver.

The Empress Dowager has always been kind and kind. Although she seldom goes out of the palace, she always gives her own money and food to help the victims when there is a natural disaster. In addition, she is a rural woman, so the people naturally feel close to her. Therefore, they have a good impression of the Empress Dowager.

What's more, the Han Dynasty always ruled the world with filial piety. His grandmother died and his father banned him. In this case, it's a big matter, and he can't act privately. He violates the duty of filial piety and the curfew law of Luoyang City. As a prince, he knows the law and violates the law.

"I... I didn't... I wasn't..." Miao Juan became more and more afraid and stammered.

Brother Qin stood up and said, "you can't talk nonsense. It's a great sin. I don't think Lao Miao would be so ignorant. How could your highness leave the city in the middle of the night? How can you kill for the girl of Miao family? There's no reason

What he said also made many people understand.

"That's right, that's right. You can't just say Hu Wa and ruin your Highness's reputation as well as that of other girls. "

However, the faces of the Miao family became very ugly because they knew that what you said was true.

But father Miao thought that even if the other party found out about it, there was no evidence. As long as they didn't recognize it, they were helpless. They couldn't break into the palace and confront their majesty and his highness face to face?

In any case, apart from his highness and his family, only general Zhu ye and the city gate captain who were guarding the city at that time experienced the incident personally. They could not testify for these young brothers.Thinking of this, the father of Miao lowered his head and whispered to his daughter-in-law and daughter, "in any case, this matter can't be admitted. He insisted that it was their nonsense and slandered his highness. He must not damage his Highness's reputation for the sake of you and my family."

At the moment, Miao's mother had no idea. After listening to her husband's words, she nodded her head again and again.

Miao's father was a little relieved, forced himself to calm down and said, "you are really rude. You are also a man of knowledge and reason. In broad daylight, you speak so wildly that you will not only damage my daughter's reputation, but also slander today's Prince. How unreasonable! Don't go. Follow me to the government! "

But after all, he didn't have the courage to really pull each other.

You yuan looked at their faces and was secretly surprised.

"I can't imagine that these people have some courage and insight. They have never been bullied by me. It's not easy to do."

The Miao family hugged each other, and his father stood in front of his wife and children, looking alert and alert. The merchants and the people around them, seeing the Miao family's vows, felt more and more that this was nonsense.

"Well, what did I say? Your highness is so wise that he will never do anything like that. "

"That is to say, the Miao people are honest and honest. How can they live in peace and contentment after being rewarded by your majesty? Why do they want to cling to the royal family

"This young man speaks falsely and slanders the prince. He should be brought to justice."

Since Liu He ascended the throne, he has carried out benevolent government, strict laws, orderly agriculture and commerce, and high prestige. However, the eldest prince Liu Zheng, who joined the army as a young man, has repeatedly charged in front of him. He nearly died in the battle of hulaoguan and defended Luoyang City. Naturally, the people are also very impressed. At this moment, everyone "confirms" that someone has ruined the reputation of the royal family, and everyone is more and more excited, They began to denounce you yuan and others.

Seeing that the common people around are gradually getting excited, the other young CHILDES can't sit still. One of them came up, pulled the corner of your yuan's clothes, and said in a low voice, "things are not going well today. These people are not easy to scare. You and I might as well step back for a while and make a long-term plan..."

But you yuan didn't agree. He was in the family, In Taixue, you have been oppressed by your elder brother all the time. When everyone mentions you, they will only praise you for your wisdom. When they mention you, they can say at most, "there is a bit of elder brother's legacy". Now that they have the opportunity to make him famous, even if they may offend the prince, they are willing to do so. How can they let him go easily?

On the surface, he is quiet, but he has a pair of eyes, but he is asking around. Just as his eyes sweep past several people in the Miao family, he suddenly sees Miao Juan's younger brother hiding in her arms. As soon as he turns his eyes, he immediately has a plan in mind.

All of a sudden, he looked up to the sky and laughed, which surprised and puzzled everyone.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha? I've heard that the great prince attaches great importance to love and righteousness. It seems that he's just empty talk. "

He turned to look at the onlookers around him and said solemnly, "you may not know that since the Miao family was rewarded by your majesty, many hooligans and bullies have been following them in an attempt to seize the property. One of them, named Niu ye, went to find their trouble last night with more than ten hands, sticks and swords."

When this was said, everyone was very frightened.

"Master Niu? That's a bully outside Luoyang. Although he didn't dare to be presumptuous in the city, he gathered dozens of gangsters and thugs to extort money in several villages outside the city. Although he didn't commit a major crime, he did little evil every day. "

"Yes, it's said that he was arrested by Luoyang order no less than seven or eight times, and can only be closed for more than ten days at a time. When he is released, he will go to the official reporter's trouble. He blocks the door of other people's house every day and doesn't beat people. That is to say, he throws some stones and filthy things at your house and fields from time to time. It's very annoying. He can only spend money to eliminate disasters."

"Lao Miao, they are really being watched by Niu Ye. That's troublesome."

"It's probably true. Don't you find that Lao Miao hasn't set up a stall for many days? I thought I was rich and didn't need to suffer any more, but now I want to come. With Lao Miao's character, I'm not the one who's going to eat nothing. I must be guarded by master Niu and can't get out, right

"Yes, yes, I've heard that the old Miao family's hundreds of acres of land awarded by his majesty have been destroyed by Niu ye and his family after several months

With a word from you and me, you will automatically guess the Miao family's being bullied by master Niu.

You yuan saw, very proud, followed by a fire.

"I heard that someone rushed into the palace to report the news to the prince last night. I thought the eldest prince was very kind and would try to help each other. How could he sit back and watch his benefactor be harmed by a bully? I didn't expect that... "He glanced at the Miao family, and his voice suddenly raised: "I didn't expect that the eldest prince was also a heartless and ungrateful man, and he turned a deaf ear to this. It really made you feel cold..."

Miao Juan saw that he was so angry at the prince. She was about to argue, but she was held by her father and shook her head at her.

"It's a big deal that we ordinary people can't get involved in. He'll talk nonsense and let him talk. If we say something wrong, we'll make it self defeating."

Miao Juan bit her lip and reluctantly endured it.

But at this time, her brother suddenly called out: "you are nonsense! Brother tietou is a good man. Last night, it was he who ran out and killed those villains that we didn't get beaten. You said bad things about brother tietou, you are a bad man, you are a bad man... "

"Shut up, you quickly shut up..." father Miao's face changed greatly. He quickly covered his son's mouth, but it was too late after all.

You yuan's face suddenly changed, and his expression of "regret" became as if he wanted to laugh wildly, but he forced himself to restrain it, which made him somewhat twisted and ferocious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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