In Wang Yun's residence.

Since Liu he gradually elevated the power of Sangong by several times of family turmoil, although Wang Yun was one of the three gongs, he also led the position of Taishi. He had a great reputation and a high status, but he didn't have much practical work to do.

All the generals, such as Xun Yu, Cui Jun, Jiuqing, and even Guan Yu, performed their duties step by step. However, Wang Yun was at leisure. Ever since he went back to the palace, he had been basking in the sun and reading books in his backyard. He was very happy.

Not long after, a man dressed as a servant came down.

"The master, the eldest son, and the morning son have asked to see you."

Wang Yun was stunned: "how did they come back? I've never heard of him being transferred. Why did he return to Beijing for no reason? "

Wang Chen, the eldest son of Wang Yun, is now the prefect of Yanzhou East County, while Wang Chen is the prefect of Jizhou Bohai. Both of them are the feudal officials of Central Plains. In addition, they are very young and powerful. Wang Yun has high hopes for them. He hopes that they will become the new monarchs in the future, that is, Liu Tai's ministers from the dragon, so as to further strengthen the reputation of Wang family in Taiyuan.

The servant said, "Mr. Chen said that there is a big matter concerning the life and death of the family. I must admonish you face to face."

Wang Yun's face fell down immediately after hearing the speech.

"Well, turn your elbow out. They're quick to hear, but they're smart in the wrong place. Go to tell them that now is really the time of life and death for Wang family in Taiyuan. The rise and fall of the whole family in the next hundred years, even hundreds of years, will be decided by this war alone. They are foreign ministers, and they are not willing to participate in the court disputes. It's not wrong. But if you want to pull the family back, I can't tolerate them. Tell them to go to the post house for a night's rest, and return to the hospital as soon as possible tomorrow. They can't go back to Beijing without the imperial edict. Also let them not forget, today's glory and wealth, who gave them, so quickly forget their roots, it is unreasonable

The servant immediately turned to leave, but Wang Yun was so angry that his chest heaved violently.

"Master, who made you angry?"

A slightly flattering voice came, and Wang Yun turned to see that it was Taichang Wang Qian, which made Wang Yun's face soften a lot.

"Takong, what's going on outside?"

Wang Yun took a cup of tea, gently blew off the surface of the tea, sipped it, and immediately showed his expression of endless aftertaste. The whole person also calmed down from the rage just now.

Wang Qian, with a happy face, stood in front of Wang Yun: "it's extremely smooth. The Miao family, without saying a few words, was trapped by you yuan about what happened last night. In less than half a day, people in Luoyang City will know that today's Prince, for the sake of a private affair of a common woman, disobeys the imperial edict and runs away in the middle of the night during the funeral of the empress dowager, even kills five people. "

With a smile on his face, Wang Yun put down his tea cup and said, "well, let the secret sentinels of all the major families and the secret lines in the imperial academy be mobilized, and make sure to expand the influence of this matter to the extreme."

"Don't worry. I will try my best to describe your highness as a disloyal, ungrateful, impulsive, irresponsible villain and coward. At that time, even if your majesty is willing to believe in his son, I'm afraid that the government and the people will be excited. How can he still be the crown prince?"

Wang Qian said that he was more excited than Wang Yun.

Wang Yun said with a smile: "ah, this is not true. We are ministers. How can we frame the prince? It's just that the great prince's virtue is deficient. We should help your majesty to solve his troubles and cultivate his moral integrity. "

"Ah, yes, master Mingjian, it's just to train the prince." Wang Qian immediately changed his words.

Wang Yun waved: "go ahead."

"Yes, I will go now."

Wang Qian turned around and was about to leave. Wang Yun suddenly stopped him again: "wait a minute."

"What else do you want from the grand master?" Wang Qian asked.

Wang Yun thought about it and said, "how are the leaders of the private schools and the great Confucians

Wang Qian frowned: "it's really difficult. Although most of them have written joint letters and sent them to the capital by county representatives. However, many of these representatives are still waiting to see, either because they have doubts about this matter, or because their nephew is still in prison in Luoyang, so they don't want to make trouble at this juncture. Even though my subordinates and colleagues have been more enlightened, they have had little effect. I'm afraid it's... "

He looked up at Wang Yun and saw that he was not angry. Then he continued: "I'm afraid that if we don't save their nephew from prison, these people may not be willing to stand on our side."

"In the next two days, tens of thousands of great Confucians and students will jointly present the performance to your Majesty's imperial court again by the hand of the Imperial Academy. In addition, we have caused a storm among the people in the city this time. Hehe, the public opinion can't be violated. Even if your majesty wants to protect you again, I'm afraid the great prince will not escape."Wang Yun completely showed a relaxed and satisfied smile: "well, in this way, everything is ready. When your majesty returns to court two days later, we must all speak one word and impeach Liu Zheng. Whether our family will be prosperous or not in the next hundred years depends on this matter. "

"Don't worry, master. This matter has reached the present stage. There is absolutely no reason for failure."

"Well, go ahead and do it."

In the courtyard where Lu Zhi lives, the famous scholar, who is about to turn 60, is sitting in his study, looking out of the window with a thoughtful expression. I don't know what he is thinking.

A figure appeared outside the door, and the visitor patted the door page: "what's the matter, son?"

Lu Zhi was awakened from his deep thought by this voice. He turned to see that it was the Jing Yuan, Si Yuan, Cui Yan and Cui Ji Li who stood up to greet each other.

"It's Ji Xuan. Please take a seat."

After they are seated, Cui Yan looks at Lu Zhi's desk and smiles.

"How come there are joint letters from private schools all over the country?"

Lu Zhi nodded: "yes. In recent days, such letters are like flowing water. Every day, they can be as few as a hundred or as many as a hundred. Without exception, they all denounce the eldest prince for his absurdity, recklessness and unfavourable conduct in the war. Many people find out that he and the three generals killed Cao Jun in the pit, and almost describe the lower hall as an unfaithful, unfilial and unrighteous villain. "

Cui Yan didn't seem to take it seriously: "some people who don't know where they are are are seduced and encouraged by others. They just talk nonsense. Why should we take it seriously? Your majesty has already been involved in this matter. This is the imperial government. Our Taixue is specialized in teaching. Such matters only need to be reported to the imperial court, which is beyond our jurisdiction. Why bother the dean? "

Lu Zhi glanced at him and said in his heart that Cui Yan's scholarship is the best of a great Han Dynasty. But when it comes to the way of power and government affairs, it's really out of the ordinary. No wonder his majesty immediately took him from the position of a feudal official to the position of the Secretary of the Imperial College after he established the Imperial College. It's really very wise.

"My dear brother, that's not true." Lu Zhi casually opened a letter: "our Taixue always governs the academic affairs of the whole world, and private schools all over the world are also in the Department of functions. The so-called teaching is not only for learning, but also for teaching students to distinguish right from wrong, study hard and think well. "

"Nowadays, many of these great Confucians and teachers do not distinguish between loyalty and treachery, listen to people's words, and even collude with treacherous people secretly, plot against the right track, and let these profiteering and dangerous people, stupid and unruly Confucians, control private schools all over the world. Is it not harmful to our sinologists?"

Cui Yan also realized that things seemed to be serious, and his expression became serious.

"It's a problem. But how can we help your majesty? "

Lu Zhi shook his head and said, "I'm also worried about it. I've been thinking about it all night, but I still have no clue."

Then several servants came, each with a large stack of letters in his hand.

The paper letters are still very expensive today, and ordinary people, even some small gentry, still can't afford them. Therefore, as soon as Lu Zhi saw the material of these letters, he knew their origin.

Wang Yun is now in charge of the Han Dynasty paper book trading, only he and those families attached to the Wang family in Taiyuan, co founded private school, can have such a hand.

"Oh, here we go again..."

Lu Zhi patted his forehead, but he felt that his temple was aching and swollen. Cui Yan was also indignant and worried.

Just at this time, another figure came quickly and appeared at the door of the study. Lu Zhi and Cui Yan's face changed as soon as they saw him, and they rushed to meet him.

"Mr. Gong, why are you here? Is it your Majesty's will?"

Gong san'er flicked the dust and said, "Your Majesty's oral instruction is that Lu Zhi, President of the Imperial Academy, and Zhong Yao, captain of the Imperial Academy, will go to the Luoyang prison to bring the criminals to trial."

Lu Zhi was stunned as soon as the edict came out.

"To bring a criminal up for trial? I'm not in charge of justice. Why does your majesty want me to sit with Ting Wei? But who is the culprit? "

Gong san'er said with a cold face, "I don't know. However, Zhong Tingwei has already set out, and Dean Lu is puzzled. He only needs to go to Luoyang to make the prison, and then he will be able to solve the problem. "

With that, Gong san'er turned and left.

Lu Zhi and Cui Yan look at each other face to face and see endless doubts from each other's eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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