Wang Yun was modest, but no longer as frightened as before, as if all this had never happened.

"Your Majesty attaches so much importance to the old minister. Although the whole family of the old minister is very sad, it's hard to report what happens."

After that, he made a look at Wang Qian. Wang Qian quickly led many ministers and family owners to kowtow to them: "although the officials and other grassroots are so heartbroken, they can't repay the emperor's favor in case!"

Liu He picked his eyebrows and tapped his fingers on the table.

"Oh? I don't know how you Aiqing and all the masters of the family would like to make a big difference? "

Make painstaking efforts, Wang Yunwen said, "though the old minister is old and muddled, he knows that his majesty has been working hard for years to return to the court, and then the court will bury the dead and alive according to the old age and death, and increase the number of registered residence and the number of people. The number of military merit and title should be allocated separately. This is called" equal field system ".

Liu he said in his heart, "this old man is worthy of being an old minister of the two dynasties. He is really knowledgeable. Although I have been making this change secretly with the help of the chamber of Commerce, it has never been made public. He can understand it clearly and is really extraordinary."

Wang Yun's reply is also out of Liu He's expectation, so he is ready to be patient and listen to what he has to say.

Wang Yun was a little surprised to see that the emperor had not made a statement. However, he had to make a decision when the arrow was on the way. What's more, he had the intention of retreating. Now his Majesty's attitude seems to be that he has no reason to change his words.

"In recent years, I have benefited a lot from the sale of paper books. In order to raise money for the purchase of books, I have sold countless fields, but the money I get from selling books every year is more than tens of millions? The old officials were the main and partial members of the family, and most of the money and silk they used to buy were new properties and beautiful houses, no less than hundreds of thousands of mu. "

"The paper book is the most profitable thing in the world. It's a gift from your majesty. How dare you forget it? The old minister is willing to hand over to the imperial court all the land, water and dry land, totaling more than 673400 mu, under Wang's name in Taiyuan, and let it be distributed by the imperial court

In a word, many ministers and family owners behind them were very surprised.

They all joined in the sale of paper books with Wang Yun, and each family made a lot of profits from it. Now Wang Yun takes the lead to hand over most of the benefits to the imperial court in this way. How can they escape?

This makes many people feel puzzled and even dissatisfied.

Mo said that they, even Liu He, were somewhat surprised by Wang Yun's sudden decision.

"The old man, in order to save his own life and the glory of his family, is willing to go out."

The Wang family in Taiyuan is very large. They spend a lot of money, silk, grain and rice every year. It's just a drop in the bucket to rely on the salaries of dozens of officials in the dynasty.

Therefore, the income from property and business is the main source of income for Wang.

When Wang Yun handed over the property to the imperial court, it was tantamount to cutting off a large source of wealth for his family. Both Wang Yun and Liu he knew very well that the property was in Liu He's hands, and Liu he would certainly redistribute it to Wang family in Taiyuan according to the established national policy, but it was not a matter of overnight. After all, Wang family was not ordinary people's family, just counting population, state and county, and distributing property, It can't be done in a short time.

In addition, the move will also cause dissatisfaction from hundreds of families and ministers who follow the Wang family. After all, it also damages their interests.

But Liu he soon understood.

"Ha ha, a strong man has broken his wrist and abandoned his car to protect his commander. He deserves to be Wang Yun. He deserves to be the leader of the largest aristocratic family in the world. He has courage. But... "

He looked down at Wang Yun and sneered: "I'm not a beggar. If you give me something, I want to send it away."

Thinking like this, Liu he was surprised.

"Ha ha ha... The grand master is so compassionate of the holy heart. It can be said that he is a white jade pillar and a purple gold beam. I am greatly relieved. Get up, please

After that, he glanced around the people who were still hesitating, hesitating, and even dissatisfied. He picked up the cup in front of him, gently blew the precious tea on the surface, and said, "the grand master is noble, but you don't have to make a public statement about this. You love your family, and you don't have to follow suit."

Wang Yun turned back and glared at Wang Qian.

Wang Qian was still unwilling, but from this, he suddenly realized that money and property are important. If his life is gone, what's the use of these things?

He immediately knelt down here and repeatedly kowtowed: "the wealth, honor and disgrace of my ministers are all given by your majesty. Now the country needs them. How dare I not spare all my efforts and cherish the meager property? Wang Qian, a minister, is also willing to give up about 300000 mu of land

A few of the ministers and householders who were present also knelt down to worship and expressed their willingness to give up their property.

These people, at least 70000 mu, but at most 230000 mu. In a short time, with Wang Yun's share, Liu he had obtained more than 12 million mu of land.

Most of the remaining ministers and family owners, one by one, looked at each other and hesitated, making Wang Qian's teeth itch.

He turned back and said, "do you think what I and the grand master just said is not true? Or are you not willing to give up the land

As he spoke, he quietly made a knife with his hand and made a gesture around his neck.

These people see, immediately forehead sweat big as beads, Qi brush kneel down.

"Ministers and other grassroots are willing to give their land to feel your Majesty's great kindness!"

Liu He then showed a full face smile, squinting his eyes, personally went down, helped up Wang Yun.

"Grand master and all of you, why is this necessary? It is not my wish to give up my property in this way. "

Wang Yun was extremely willing, even as if Liu he would not stand up if he did not accept the property.

"Why did your majesty say that? Old minister and others, the whole family, can have today's glory, all rely on your Majesty's gift. If not, at that time, when the Dong thief usurped the rebellion and Yuan Shu created chaos, all the officials were afraid that they would have died. "

"What's more, the paper books are rich in profits. Your majesty could have made his own decisions, but he ceded them to the old minister. The mountains are high and the sea is deep. Although Wang family in Taiyuan died nine times, it's hard to report his death."

"I'm old and dazzled. I'm useless in my country. I'm just weak. If your majesty doesn't allow me, is it because I dislike my incompetence?"

With that, he hid his face and began to cry. Wang Qian and others, seeing this, quickly followed him to tears.

Liu He looked at the mighty more than 100 people, all of whom are dignitaries today, but they all cried here. He really wanted to laugh, but he had to resist.

"Well, well, the grand master is loyal to the country. How can I live up to such good intentions?"

He formally raised Wang Yun, then returned to his seat and said to Gong san'er, "after returning to the palace, the imperial Master Wang Yun will immediately pass a decree that Wang Yun, the imperial master, will make contributions to the field. He will also give the imperial master 800 pieces of dragon and Phoenix brocade embroidered by the queen himself and the Qinglang manor I built in Shanglin garden."

He turned to Wang Yun and said, "there are natural hot springs in this manor. Although it's cold in winter, it's just like spring. The grand master can enjoy his life. As for the canonization of Prince Liu Tai, what the Grand Master said is also reasonable, so we will postpone the discussion for the time being. Today, the rest of the people will record their merits together, and each of them will receive a reward. "

Wang Yunwen said, such as amnesty, bow down again: "Your Majesty, thank you!"

"Thank you for your grace!"

A disaster that made everyone, including Wang Yun, feel terrified, seems to have passed so easily.

Although the loss of almost all the family property, for these families, is almost equal to the loss of most of the family property, but ultimately saved their lives, even the official position has not been affected at all, as long as the right to sell paper books, only a small amount of property, within three years will be able to earn back.

In the hearts of all the people, Liu He put down the huge stone. When he was relieved, he spoke again.

"Well, you Aiqing and the family leader, step down for a while and wait outside the door. We have other family affairs to talk about."

In this short period of time, people were already sweating and drenched. At this moment, hearing the speech, they were very happy. They immediately got up and retreated to the door to have a rest in the courtyard.

But after a while, only Liu He, Zhang Ya, Gong san'er and Wang Yun were left in the Grand Hall of Taishi mansion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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