Liu he saw everyone quit, but he didn't speak. Instead, he took the cup again, took a sip, and then breathed out a breath.

"Hoo... Good tea, really good tea..."

Wang Yun was puzzled. Since his majesty left him alone, why didn't he speak?

But then, he suddenly wanted to understand what, "Putong" fell on his knees, repeatedly kowtow.

"I must die for all my sins, your majesty, please CONFESS!"

When Liu he heard the speech, he gave a cold smile. He was no longer as kind and benevolent as before. His eyes looked like a sharp knife, which made Wang Yun feel tight.

"Ai Qing, have you ever heard that greed is not enough to swallow an elephant?"

This sentence, the tone is extremely cold, let Wang Yun can't help a shudder.

"Old minister... Old minister..."

"Hum..." a cold hum, let Wang Yunru fall into the ice cave.

"Just now in front of everyone, I left you a face. Do you really think that this heinous crime can be used to muddle through with a little bit of property?"

Wang Yun was so scared that he kowtowed repeatedly, and then blood stains appeared on the floor.

"I... I really want to fight for the crown prince Liu Tai, but... I don't have any transgression. Please check it out."

Wang Yun knows very well that he is the eldest son of the royal family. If we really want to investigate the crime, we can't kill the nine families.

"Since your majesty is concerned about the feelings of the old minister, I think it's because he didn't get any evidence. The flying eagle guard's ability to explore information is absolutely unique in the world, but it's done without any flaw and trace. As long as your majesty has no evidence, I will not admit it to death, and then resign and go back to seclusion on my own initiative

Wang Yun figured out how to deal with it, so he made up his mind to deny it to Liu He.

Liu He's eyebrows moved, which is not surprising.

"Oh, yes? How can I know in time that several people in the Miao family have been made difficult? "

Wang Yun heard the speech, his heart trembled, but he still clenched his teeth and said: "this... I don't know..."

"Oh, I don't know? Well, I'll ask you something else

Wang Yun bowed his head: "the old minister respectfully listened to the sermon."

Liu he leans forward slightly and stares at Wang Yun. Even if Wang Yun doesn't look up at each other, he feels as if he is on his back.

"I'll send someone to investigate the scoundrel of the bandit master Niu. Although he has a bad reputation and many bad deeds, he used to bully the market and run rampant in the countryside, but he is not such a bold person. He has never done anything to hurt people or kill people, and he dare not fight against the imperial court openly. "

At this point, his eyes narrowed and Wang Yun's body trembled slightly.

"Although the Miao family is only white, they were awarded by me not long ago, and it is well known that they have a lot to do with the great prince today. How can villagers like Niu ye have the courage to blackmail the Miao family so blatantly? Even if let him succeed for a while, he will face Zhenger's Revenge afterwards. Even if ZHENG'ER didn't know about it, local officials would never tolerate such humiliation on a meritorious official who had just been awarded. Niuye is just a man. He doesn't dare to bully the ordinary people, let alone the Miao family? "

"This makes me curious. What makes him so bold overnight? Or... Who is behind it? Even coercion and inducement? "

When he said that, Liu He's eyes were already flashing.

Wang Yun is what kind of person, even if did not see Liu He's face and eyes, but also feel the murderous.

Although Wang yunben didn't expect this to be hidden from the eyes and ears of the flying eagle guard, he never thought that their speed of investigation would be so fast.

But when things got to this point, Wang Yun could not admit such a serious crime.

Buying bandits, intending to rob and kill the meritorious officials of the imperial court, and taking the opportunity to murder the prince, these two charges are enough to make the Wang family of Taiyuan completely perish.

"This matter... This matter is really a bit strange. We should order Luoyang to make it clear as soon as possible."

Liu He nuzui, also expected that he would reply like this.

"Now Niuye and others have been killed by Zhenger. It is said that there is no proof of death. How can Luoyang order be investigated?"

Immediately, he changed the subject and said again: "it seems that the grand master is really not ready to confess to me?"

Wang Yun's heart trembled like a drum.

He could vaguely feel that his majesty seemed to have some tolerance towards him. Maybe after he confessed, he would not be punished too much.

But the accusation is too big for Wang Yun to take the risk. Once he makes a mistake, he will be killed.

"As long as I clench my teeth, your majesty has no evidence and has nothing to do with me. As long as I keep my family and I don't die, no matter how much I lose, I will get it back sooner or later. "

Seeing Wang Yun bow his head and say nothing, Liu He looks disappointed.

He sighed: "Alas, I really don't want to break with my family. Why do you force me to do so?"

Wang Yun was shocked and seemed to regret his decision for a while.

However, without waiting for him to think more, Liu He waved: "Gong san'er, let someone come in."

Gong san'er immediately took the order and came to the entrance of the hall, shouting: "pass on xiao'anzi to meet you!"

Many ministers outside the door, home owners, some unknown, but Wang Yun is in the heart.

Who was Xiao an Zi, who knew no more, the eunuch of the great emperor's womb, who was bought by him soon after he had just entered the palace, had spent years in the dark, and spent countless energies to send him to serve in the court of Liu Zheng. He thought he was not aware of it, but he was unnoticed by his majesty.

Think of here, Wang Yun forehead sweat. However, he could not understand that he never contacted Xiao Anzi on weekdays, and that the other eunuchs in the palace told him the news that needed to be delivered by means of chatting and using specific code words. Even if others heard it, they would never have any doubt. Moreover, he had supported him for so many years, It was only used once this time to pass on the news of the Miao family and others to Liu Zheng. I have never contacted him in previous years.

No matter how wise and wise your majesty is, even if he can guess that there are spies around Liu Zheng, he will never find Xiao Anzi, let alone himself.

Just when Wang Yun was in a state of uncertainty, Xiao Anzi trotted to Liu He and fell down on his knees 15 steps away. The whole person fell to the ground.

"I'll see your majesty."

Liu he didn't answer. Instead, Gong san'er said, "xiao'anzi, there are many doubts in the master's mind now. Your majesty has an intention to ask you to solve them for him."

"Yes, my servant."

After kowtowing to Liu He, Xiao Anzi turned and looked at Wang Yun.

"I'd like to thank you for your years of cultivation."

Although Wang Yun was shocked, he was inexplicable and surprised: "how dare you talk nonsense in front of your majesty? I don't know you at all. What kind of cultivation have you ever had? Don't slander me here. "

Xiaoanzi was not in a hurry, neither humble nor arrogant. He bowed his head and said, "great master, many people forget things. I was ten years old. When I first entered the palace, I was supported by the grand master. Otherwise, I was afraid that I would have been lost in the open and secret struggle inside the palace wall. Even if the slaves were able to serve his highness, they all depended on the cultivation of the grand master. The grand master can be said to have made a new contribution to the villain, and the villain will never forget it. "

Wang Yun's face was already gloomy to the extreme. He gritted his teeth and opened his eyes angrily: "bold slave, shameless eunuch, who told you to slander me?"

He turned and looked at Liu He: "Your Majesty, this Liao has fallen into the position of an important official of the current Dynasty, trying to bring disaster and disorder to the court. He must have colluded with the thief chief sun CE secretly. I beg your majesty to take him down quickly and torture him severely."

When he said this, the corner of his eye secretly winked at Xiao Anzi. There was a threat in his eyes.

But Xiao Anzi turned a blind eye: "Your Majesty, the slave is not sent by the sun thief. It is true that the grand master has trained me since childhood and ordered me to watch the eldest prince secretly. This time, the great prince went out of the palace late at night to kill people. It was the imperial master who ordered me to teach the maidservant to pretend that he had accidentally revealed that several people in the Miao family had been created difficulties, thus causing his highness to do something against the road of loyalty and filial piety. "

Wang Yun was so angry that his face was blue. He pointed to Xiao an Zi and said angrily, "damn dog talent, how dare you talk nonsense! Come on, come on... "

He cried out to the door, "come on, take down this thief!"

As soon as his voice fell, there were bursts of footfalls outside the door. These footfalls, which were uniform and loud, were obviously well-trained and elite soldiers.

When Wang Yun and other people outside the door saw the appearance of these people, their faces changed.


Different from the Imperial Palace's Yulin guards, the halberds, who were personally trained and commanded by Zhang Yan, were the real guardians of the emperor. Whether they were fighting in Luoyang or abroad, they were all close to the emperor. They only obeyed his majesty. Even Guan Yu, the first military general, could not mobilize them to do anything.

Naturally, no one can be harmful to your Majesty in this taishifu. Since your Majesty's safety is not threatened, there is only one purpose for the emergence of these halberds, that is to arrest people, and to arrest people with high status who can't be arrested by ordinary officers!

A general dressed in team leading armor and several halberd soldiers rushed into the hall, and the meat on Wang Yun's cheek was shaking.

"Your Majesty, who are you going to arrest?" The team bowed.

Liu He waved lazily: "ask the grand master, who should be arrested?"

Wang Yun is sweating now, but his face doesn't change. He points to Xiao Anzi and says, "this man is deceiving people and the holy heart. His crime should be punished. Kill him quickly!"

Who knows, when he said this, the team suddenly got a clear look. "Cang Lang" pulled out the sword, and without saying a word, put the blade on Wang Yun's neck. At the same time, the several halberd soldiers he brought also surrounded Wang Yun.

Wang Yun was shocked: "you... You are bold!"

"You are bold!" The team led Yizheng and said sternly, "Your Majesty has long had a will. If the Grand Master says that he wants to capture or even kill an Gonggong, he will let the last general capture the grand master on the spot. The last general will act according to the order. I hope the grand master will forgive me."

Wang Yun looked at Liu He in shock. His lips trembled and he said, "Your Majesty..."

Liu he said with no expression: "grand master, I have done my utmost. Today I have given you three opportunities. When I first reprimanded you, if you could repent in time, or if you could confess truthfully when you asked who disclosed the news to the prince, or who encouraged the bull master to act recklessly, I would be able to expose your past crimes. No matter how hard it is, just now you can give up killing xiao'anzi and kill him. I can at least spare your life. "

He leaned forward and stared at Wang Yun. Wang Yun, who was already guilty, did not dare to look directly at him and could not help but lower his head.

"It's a pity... Taishi, you are very intelligent, but you are confused by power."

Wang Yun was shocked all over. Suddenly, he burst into tears. With a "puff" sound, he fell to the ground heavily. The whole person fell down in front of Liu He, sobbing.

"Your Majesty... I am... I am guilty... I failed... I failed your majesty..."

Liu He then stood up and went to Wang Yun.

"Do you think I know nothing? Over the years, you have been secretly training eunuchs, maids, and so on, a total of 132 people, in addition to my imperial study, all the other palaces have your eyes and ears. For example, when Xiao Anzi came to serve in the emperor's palace, you sent someone to his hometown to buy 200 mu of land, three houses, a cow and a donkey

"Well, you are also very clever. Xiao Anzi's father has always been addicted to gambling. At the beginning, it was because he was unable to pay off his gambling debts that he thought of sending his flesh and blood to the palace to sell some money and food. You deliberately let people gamble with him, and then you lose all these rewards to him, so that even Xiao Anzi's parents don't know, just think that their family's fortune has changed. Do you think that's the way to hide the truth? Hum, I don't know that all this is under my control. I just want to remember your past achievements and my father-in-law. I can't bear to fight you until I have to. "

After that, Xiao Anzi also said to Wang Yun, "although the grand master is very kind to the maidservant, the maidservant has been abused by her father since she was a child, and she hates her to the bone. But my little sister is very sensible. Every time the maidservant is abused by her father and gets hurt, she always takes care of her. A few years ago, the beast wanted to sell her younger sister to others as a child's daughter-in-law. Her Majesty secretly sent someone to save her and raise her as a maid in general Guan's house. Not only did she get enough food and clothing, but also my brother and sister could often get together. I don't care how much property my father got. Your majesty treats my younger sister so well. That's the real rebirth of my father. "

After listening to what he said, Wang Yun understood it thoroughly.

He said with a dead face: "ha ha... Ha ha... I see... I see. I think I have everything under control, but I never want to escape from your Majesty's control. If you want to disclose the affairs of the Miao family to your highness in accordance with my order that night, you will be instructed by your majesty to lead me out on purpose? "

Xiao Anzi bowed his head and did not reply, but Wang Yun already knew the answer.

Liu He once again said: "Gong san'er, the mountain chief and the great scholar who studied in private all over the country yesterday, asked Dean Lu to present the joint memorial to the grand master."

Gong san'er took the order and came to Wang Yun with a heavy Memorial in his hands.

Wang Yun didn't know why, but he took it. This memorial was arranged by him to impeach Liu Zheng. Now his majesty shows it to him. I think it's to make one more charge.

However, just after he opened it, he just took a look at the old pair of eyes, which became bigger and bigger, and his hands could not stop trembling.

"They... How dare they..."

The content of the memorial is really to impeach someone, but it is not Liu Zheng, but a large number of scholar ministers headed by Wang Yun, with hundreds of them, most of whom are in the Imperial Palace today.

Liu He sneered: "didn't you expect that? I think the grand master was also very surprised. Why did these people turn against each other overnight? How can they be so united and rebellious with your salary and pay? "

Wang Yunchu was indeed full of doubts and shock, but he was also an old official in the official life after all, and soon understood.

"Was it the man who had been imprisoned at the time of wine, or the princess of ursun, who was imprisoned in the prison?"

Liu He raised his eyebrows and said, "the grand master really has a vicious eye. That's exactly what it is. Those people are the nephews of these great Confucians, and there are even some people who teach in private directly under the name of the grand master. At the beginning, the princess of Wusun kingdom is my concubine. Now she is my concubine. Hum, as long as I say one word, all these people will lose their heads... "

"Of course..." he said, "I only need a word to forgive them for their innocence and release them."

Wang Yun vented his anger thoroughly: "today, I have just completely convinced you. You are wise and resolute. It's rare in ancient and modern times. I will respect you. I will kill you or cut you. I will let your majesty vent my feelings."

Liu he glanced at him and his mouth rose slightly.

"Don't worry, Taishi. You are not only my meritorious servant, but also my father-in-law of the imperial court. I will not punish you to death for your feelings and reason. This will greatly damage the face of the imperial court and the royal family. However, you are sinful. If you want to protect your reputation, you need to pay something... "

When Wang Yun heard this, he could not help but get a boost: "what does your majesty like? I will never be stingy."

Liu he said with a smile: "education is the great plan of the country. The grand master has made great contributions to the country by setting up private schools for many years. But... I hope that I can learn more from the government when I am a big man in the world... "

Wang Yunwen was stunned and then gave a wry smile: "it turns out that your majesty has been planning for a long time for this matter. Your majesty has a long-term vision and a broad mind, which is the blessing of the great man and the happiness of the common people. I would like to dedicate all my private schools to the imperial court. "

At this time, Liu he finally showed a smile of victory , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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