"Imperial edict..."

With Gong saner's voice rising, all the officials stepped down.

"Wang Yun, the grand master, is loyal to the country and has made great contributions to the country. However, it's not too late for heaven. Yesterday, he suddenly fell ill and died in the house. This is not only the misfortune of the great man, but also my misfortune. The eldest son Wang was the Marquis of yongyang county. In order to show the merit of the grand master, the Great Han did not set up the position of grand master since then

"Your Majesty, long live, long live!"

The officials who were able to participate in the court meeting, regardless of their rank, status or insight, were very clear about how Wang Yun died suddenly. However, they knew better that now the faction headed by Wang Yun in the court has completely declined, and the power of the court has been completely in the hands of the emperor. Naturally, these ministers can't fight for the sake of a dead man, What's more, he really violated the national law. According to the laws and regulations, he was able to copy his family and destroy his family. His Majesty's protection of his reputation and family was already a great Royal favor.

Without waiting for the officials to think more, Gong saner once again took the title of "Zhongshu bushe, Zhongshu Sheren, Shangshu bushe and Shangshu Sheren."

"Each of the six departments has one minister, two assistant ministers, six assistant doctors and ten principal officials."

"Around the prime minister and the six ministers, you can go directly to Tianting, enter the palace to play, and help the emperor control all officials and take charge of the government."

"There is one censor and two censor Zhongcheng, who are in charge of supervising all officials, advising the emperor, commanding several Yusheng and Shibo, and one Taishi, who is at the same level as the censor doctor, is responsible for recording the deeds of the government and the public and compiling the historical records."

"Imperial edict..."

"After the Spring Festival, the name of the state was changed to" Yuanxing ". In March, Mount Tai was set to offer a Buddhist ceremony to the ancestors of heaven and earth, in order to ensure the peace of the country and the people and promote the peace of the world. The construction of the imperial mausoleum was officially started. Within three years, the construction of the Sheng'an mausoleum was completed to bury the coffins of the emperor and Empress Dowager. Five years later, the mausoleum of the emperor and empress will be built. "

"Imperial edict..."

"Reform the currency system and recast the copper coin. At the same time, due to the continuous business travel in recent years and the increasing variety of precious goods, the special banking regulatory office was set up to govern the coin making, and three major banks were set up, namely Yongxing bank, Anmin bank and Huatai bank. The banks set up money tickets, bills of exchange, savings and loans, so as to facilitate trade and provide people with a place to deposit their surplus money. They also set up workshops to run official businesses such as mulberry groves, weaving, silk, embroidery, porcelain, lacquerware, gold, silver and jade, paper making and printing

"The former nine ministers' Zongzheng mansion and the empress's neifu are combined into the internal affairs mansion, which is in charge of Royal affairs, Royal assets, and the construction of royal gardens."

"The government of banking supervision and the government of internal affairs each have a chief secretary, several deputy secretaries, and more than ten to dozens of secretaries. The ranks of officials in the two governments are the same as those in the six ministries, and they are directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor."

"Imperial edict..."

"Reorganize the forbidden army in the capital and set up four forbidden armies, Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque and Xuanwu, with 30000 soldiers each, stationed inside and outside the Imperial City, Hulao, Hangu and Mengjin port. In addition, there are 30000 Yulin guards, Gongwei palace. The leaders of the four imperial guards and general Yulin weizhonglang were all subordinated to the second grade and directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor. "

"The military ranks of Siping, Sizhen and Sizheng generals will be abolished, and the State animal husbandry will be abolished. The government affairs of each state will be under the jurisdiction of the prefectural governor, and the military power will be under the command of the governor. In addition, when the four generals, including the front and back, the left and right generals, the Hussars generals, the cavalry generals and the general generals, arrived, they could temporarily take over the military power under the jurisdiction of the prefectural governor. Each state was not allowed to recruit troops without authorization. All the troops needed were recruited by the imperial court and then sent to be stationed separately. Those who do private placement of arms are regarded as treason. "

"Imperial edict..."

"From now on, eunuchs are only used to serve in the palace. They can no longer serve in the former dynasty, let alone take charge of military affairs. If there are eunuchs in power in later generations, everyone will be punished."

"Imperial edict..."

"Abolish the vassal system and the fiefdom system. Since the year of the Yuan Dynasty, all meritorious deeds have been granted to the fiefdom no longer. Instead, the fiefdom has been granted the property of the land according to the system of equalization of land, together with houses, gold and silver, to show heaven's favor. No more fiefdoms. In addition to the existing Ting Marquis, Xiang Marquis, county Marquis, Wang Jue from the bottom up, a total of five, for the county, the country, the king, the prince, Prince

"Among them, Hei Wang, Jun Wang, Prince, non Royal descendants, can not be granted."

"All of the above things are promoted by the family of Zhuqing. Every official should be appointed as follows..."

"Right Prime Minister of Shangshu Province: Xun Yu."

"Prime minister left of Zhongshu Province: Qian Li."

"Minister of the Ministry of industry: Xun Chen."

"Minister of the Ministry of War: Cui Jun."

"Secretary of the Ministry of household: Wang Chen."

"Minister of Rites: Zhang long."

"Minister of the Ministry of official affairs: Meng Jian."

"Minister of punishment: Zhong Yao."


Many of Liu He's wills were read out all morning. By the end of the great court meeting, it was already three strokes of the day. Liu he held a banquet in the Zhangde Hall of the palace and drank with the officials. Until the end of the day, the emperor and the officials had finished drinking, and the officials retired.

The repercussions caused by this meeting are unprecedented.

Whether it's the abolition of the fiefdom, or the reorganization of the imperial guards and the imperial guards, or the restructuring of the military, or the change of the name of the state, Taishan's fiefdom is a top priority for a country.

However, all these events come together today. Even so, they can't be compared with other events.

The system of equalization of land, the reform of the currency system, the establishment of the system of government education and imperial education, and the system of two provinces and six departments, all of which, one by one, are enough to shake the government and the opposition.

What was announced at this meeting almost brought about an earth shaking change in the Han Dynasty. The people talked about these new measures in their spare time, and called them "Yuanxing reform".

In Yang Biao's house, Yang Xiu looks at his father fishing in the backyard. He can't help but interrupt his interest.

"Father, you can sit down."

Yang Biao was not upset. He put down his fishing rod and said, "why shouldn't I be a father?"

Yang Xiu turned his lips and said, "Your Majesty has made such a reform, abolishing the three princes and nine ministers, and replacing them with the system of two provinces and six ministries. The new prime ministers and six ministers have nothing to do with your father. Isn't this to banish your father from the mountains? And none of the two prime ministers or the six ministers is my Yang's son or disciple. Does your majesty want to suppress Yang's family

Yang Biao raised his eyes and looked at him. He stood up and went to the pavilion. He picked up a cup of tea and sipped it.

"You are smart since you were a child. Even your majesty once praised you. In recent years, your performance in Taixue has been first-class. No one can compare with you in other lecturers. You must have your students who are among the best in the school examinations over the years. Although you are the best scholar and Professor, you don't know anything about the affairs of the imperial court. I think your majesty transferred you to the Imperial College in those years, and then there were many side attacks to warn you, that is to tell you to teach at ease and not to speculate too much about the government. This is your Majesty's good intention to protect your life, but you don't understand it. "

Yang Xiu tried his best, but he didn't agree: "I don't believe it. Among the disciples I teach, there are many of the nobles in Guiyi county. I'm still an official. Can't I?"

When Yang Biao saw that his son didn't give up, he could not help shaking his head and looking at the direction of the palace, showing some gratitude.

"Well, since you ask questions, if your father doesn't make it clear to you, I'm afraid you have to guess for yourself. On the contrary, it's a bad thing. In that case, sit down."

When Yang Xiu heard the speech, he immediately sat down in front of his father. He filled his father with tea, and then sat up straight, looking very attentive.

After another sip of tea, Yang Biao began to speak.

"Have you ever found that your majesty has been fighting for many years, and his military officers and generals have made many meritorious contributions. Although they are highly rewarded, none of them has been granted the capital?"

Yang Xiu nodded and responded: "yes, even general Guan Yunchang, the first general in the army, has never been granted a reward."

"Here it is." Yang Biao said, "what is the purpose of the fiefdom? From then on, the people here did not have to pay taxes to the imperial court. They only had to pay tribute to the feudal lords, and so did the feudal princes. "

"Your Majesty abolished the feudalism of the state and the capital, collected the property of the world and returned it to the imperial court, and carried out the system of equalization of land. All he did was to strengthen his own imperial power. As the saying goes, "the whole world is not the land of the king, the land of the king is not the Minister of the king." Your Majesty just put this ancient saying into practice. "

Yang xiuruo realized: "in this way, your Majesty's will and decrees can be spread all over the world, with great authority. Even if some people are willing to give up, they have no foundation, so it is difficult to reproduce the chaos of the seven kingdoms in those days or the situation in which the vassals are rising together now."

"But even so, what does it have to do with my Yang family?"

Yang Biao shook his head: "do you not find that the new officials, who came from a family, and those who came from a poor family or even from the countryside, account for half of them?"

Yang Xiu thought for a moment and said, "sure. Xun Yu, the right prime minister, came from the Xun family of Yingchuan. Qian Li, the Prime Minister of Zuo, was his Majesty's playmate in Huangshui when he was young. Four of the six ministers came from rich families, and two from poor families. Among the ministers, most of them came from poor families and from humble families. "

At this point, he seems to suddenly realize.

"Does your majesty intend to suppress the children of aristocratic families?"

Yang Biao nodded: "this is nature."

"Your Majesty's intention, although I have noticed it for a long time, I didn't think that it was the same intention in this change. Now I think that everything is clear. In this way, after Wang Yun's death, Wang Qian and not less than Taiyuan Wang's old ministers who had been in close contact with each other asked to resign one after another, and even Cui lie, the father of Cui Jun, the Minister of the Ministry of war, resigned and returned to his hometown. He also realized his Majesty's intention? "

"Not bad." Yang Biao's tone was very positive: "I'm sure that if Cui lie doesn't want to resign, his position as Minister of the Ministry of war will not be up to him."

After all, Yang Xiu was extraordinary. He immediately drew inferences from one instance: "it seems that people like Wang Chen and Wang Gai are now being put in a position of great importance. That's just his Majesty's strategy of delaying his troops to prevent others from having doubts about Wang Yun's sudden death."

"Not really." Yang Biao waved his hand: "I affirm that your majesty doesn't mean to drive the aristocratic families out of the court completely. Since ancient times, the skill of emperors is the skill of employing people and balancing. Only when the rich and the poor, the children of the gentry and the disciples of the countryside coexist in a balanced way, can your majesty rest easy. Wang Chen and Wang Gai, however, did not agree with Wang Yun's many illegal activities, and most of them dissuaded him. In addition, they were really talented and learned, so his Majesty would not hesitate to reuse them. "

"As for my Yang's children..." Yang Biao's voice turned a little gloomy: "ah, I hate my family's children. They are not prosperous, and there are fewer outstanding people. Now there are few figures of our family in the court, but no wonder your majesty."

When Yang Xiu heard this, he looked proud: "father, don't worry. Although your majesty intends to prevent him from becoming an official in the court, since he is in the Imperial College, he will certainly train more talents. In this way, he can be regarded as a powerful student of Yang family."

Yang Biao was full of smile, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and he even said a few words of encouragement. However, Yang Xiu did not notice that when his father heard what he had just said, his eyes showed a trace of comfort and ease.

What he would not have thought was that with this change of mind, he was destined to die young because he was "too smart". Now he will die, and even become a famous teacher of the Han Dynasty.

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