"Brother Cui, why are you so worried? That's not your style. In Tao's eyes, brother Cui has always been free and easy. Everything can be solved within your fingertips. "

Asked Shi Tao half jokingly.

Since he asked questions, Cui Jun was not easy to hide, and he also wanted to find someone to take a look at it. It was not something that could be casually mentioned to outsiders. Shi Tao was of noble moral character and had a deep personal relationship with himself, so he could be regarded as the best candidate.

After much deliberation, Cui Jun told Shi Tao about his meeting with Liu He in langdiao County, his prophecy of Taiping Road, and all kinds of information he has been searching for these days.

"I'm just bothering about this. I hope brother Guangyuan can give me some advice." Cui Jun said earnestly.

Hearing this, Shi Tao frowned.

He was calm in nature, but he was not happy and angry, but he was so. After hearing the news, although his face didn't show up, his heart was full of waves.

"According to Cui Jun, Liu He's resourcefulness is close to that of immortals. Living in such a rural area, he knows the general situation of the world so well. He must be a man of great ambition. It's just that what he said is too shocking to believe. "

All of a sudden, Shi Tao thought about many possibilities.

"It's normal that this matter is so important, perhaps because of his wrong judgment or lack of intelligence. How can he know such an important matter that even the adults in the court don't know? It's reasonable to be wrongly judged for a while. Why should brother Cui be so worried about it? "

Shi Tao thought about it and could only comfort Cui Jun and himself.

However, Cui Jun shook his head. Obviously, he had thought of this answer, but it was related to the safety of his father and brother in Luoyang, which made him unable to draw a conclusion easily.

Shi Tao also understood his mood. They had a good friendship. He was worried about Cui Jun, and quickly sorted out all the things and thoughts in his mind.

What kind of intelligence and insight he is, he also has a clear view of the outside world. It is not like Cui Jun who is deeply involved in it. He does not think carefully in a hurry, so he soon discovers something wrong.

"Brother Cui, do you mean that in the past few months, the movements of Taiping Road are much less than before?"

Cui Jun nodded his head and said, "yes, in the past few months, there have been fewer and fewer sermons, Fu Shui's treatment of diseases, and giving up porridge. This month is half over, and the great virtuous teacher has never appeared again. Even the disciples under his seat have not appeared."

When Shi Tao heard the speech, if he realized something, "this is not normal. These things are important means to expand the influence of Taiping Dao. How could Zhang Jiao give up easily? "

Cui Jun frowned: "this matter younger brother is also a hundred think its solution."

Shi Tao stood up, his hands behind him, pacing back and forth, and suddenly thought of something.

"Unless there's something more important than this..."

Cui Jun suddenly realized: "ah! Is it... "

Looking at Cui Jun, whose mouth was wide and speechless, Shi Tao nodded heavily.

"It must have been guessed by your Liu He. Indeed, this horn has the heart of plotting against the enemy, and I am afraid that time will not be far away. Now the Taiping Road is suddenly silent. On the one hand, it is to hide people's eyes and avoid being exposed to too much attention. On the other hand, because of the limited energy, I can't pay attention to these mundane affairs. "

Cui junshun Shi Tao's words, the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, and he could not help but panic.

Shi Tao then said: "now, before the troops are sent out from the corner, the virtuous younger brother can quickly write a letter and send it to Luoyang. Tell your father Cui Tingwei that he can contact the ministers in the imperial court and admonish his majesty so that he can take precautions in advance."

On hearing this, Cui Jun's expression became more and more gloomy: "well, if it is true, then the other things Liu he said have come true. Even if I have informed my father, no one in Chaozhong will believe it."

Shi Tao was surprised and asked, "what else did Liu he say?"

Cui Jun said: "he once mentioned that in the past two years, Zhang Jiao has sent people to Luoyang to contact various aristocratic families and constant attendants in the palace, and even met several generals in the forbidden army. Now that he has decided to start his army, he is afraid that the line in the imperial court is mature. Although his father is one of the nine ministers, he has a real voice compared with those aristocratic families and generals who have military power It's too low to work. "

Finally, he sipped his lips and added.

"And in terms of my father's character, I'm afraid he won't believe me. Even if he believes my words, he won't go to the court to offer advice, so as not to cause trouble."

Shi Tao was silent. Although he was disgusted by the family's behavior of protecting himself with family first and court rank second, he was afraid that he would not come forward if he lived in a different place. However, now that his stone family has declined and no one in his family has become an official, he will feel indignant. Otherwise, he will take it for granted.

"Alas, the aristocratic family and the powerful family have destroyed the foundation of our great man for four hundred years!" Shi Tao said indignantly.

Cui Jun knew that although Shi Tao's words were angry, they had some truth.The decline of the Han Dynasty to the present is directly related to the aristocratic families' control of the country's land, the government and the oppression of the common people. Now that the country is in danger, these families occupy a huge amount of resources, but they either turn to the rebels, or remain neutral and protect themselves wisely. Even some take the initiative to collude with the enemy and lead the wolf into the house. This is a great harm to the country and the country.

"Well, that's all. I still want to write this letter. As for my father's disposal, I can't do anything. I just try my best to be worthy of my heart. With my father's character, he should not be so strong as to be harmed by the rebels. The life of a family is always carefree. "

Cui Jun sighed.

Shi Tao nodded. Cui Ting had been an official for many years, but there was still a way to protect himself.

"What's your plan, brother Cui? Jizhou is the base of Taiping Road. Once something happens, Jizhou's chaos will be no less than Luoyang. How can you resist it if there are no more than ten followers of Cui's old house? It's better to pack up your bags and follow me to Yingchuan to hide for a while. If there's nothing wrong with Luoyang, it's not too late for you to come back. "

Cui Jun shook his head and refused Shi Tao's suggestion.

"Brother Guangyuan is kind. Cui has taken care of me. I have been prepared for my destination."

Shi Tao was a little curious: "Oh? Does brother Cui want to go to Luoyang? Well, in times of crisis, it's also filial piety to be with your parents and elder brother. "

Cui Jun waved his hand and said, "No. I'm not going to Luoyang, but I'm going to langdiao County in Bingzhou. "

"Well? To langdiao county? Is brother Cui going to join Liu he Shi Tao asked in a puzzled way.

Cui Jun nodded and said, "good. I had promised him. If Zhang Jiao did have a conspiracy within the agreed time limit, Cui Jun would serve him. Now it seems that I lost this bet. Cui certainly should fulfill his promise. "

Although Shi Tao felt that it was a pity that Liu he was still white and Cui Jun was the son of Tingwei.

However, he is also a famous scholar. It is very clear that the gentleman will promise again. Therefore, he has no objection to Cui Jun's decision.

Looking at Shi Tao's expression, Cui Jun moved in his heart and said, "brother Guangyuan is erudite and talented, and now he has no fame. It is better to go with his younger brother and report to the state and settle down with the common people. Isn't it wonderful?"

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