Shi Tao said with a smile, "well, Cui Jun, if you lose your bet, you can go and earn me. Should I praise you for your devotion to your duties, or scold you for selling friends and seeking honor, ha ha! "

Cui Jun also laughed a few times.

"Ha ha, brother Guangyuan, I'm not a little brother selling friends. I really think about you. You Shi family has never been an official since your ancestors. Now the world and the imperial court are under the control of aristocratic families and eunuchs. How can ordinary people have the opportunity to serve the country? Now that the world will be in chaos, we should show what we have learned. On the one hand, we can protect the country and the people, and on the other hand, we can glorify our ancestors. Isn't it beautiful? "

Shi Tao didn't think of this. He was shaken by his words.

Seeing his expression, Cui Jun knew that there was a play, so he quickly continued to persuade him: "although Liu He is now a white body, his literary and military skills are rare in the world. Once there is a change in the world, it is certain that heroes will rise together and occupy one side. How many of them can be called real heroes? I think Liu He must be one of them. Besides, he is also a nobleman in the imperial palace. When the time comes, you and I will be able to help the imperial court and rejuvenate the Han Dynasty. Then you and I will be named as "Brocade and silk."

Shi Tao also agreed with this point.

He admired Liu He for his moral character and resourcefulness. He was surrounded by many brothers who worked together to achieve great things in the future.

What's more, Cui Jun is really right. He studied hard since he was a child and made friends with many friends in order to revive his family's prestige. Now a great opportunity is in front of him. Of course, it is impossible to say that he is not excited.

However, he was different from Cui Jun in that his father lived high in the temple, and his own character was not the kind of person who valued fame very much. Therefore, he only saw that Liu he shared the same ideals with him, so he intended to be similar.

However, Shi Tao was still burdened with the burden of rejuvenating his family and did not dare to take risks easily.

Liu He is only white now, and whether the horn will really start, how it will develop after the incident, and how the court will respond to it are all unknown. If you take the risk to join us now, if the prediction is wrong, will it be a waste of time?

Thinking about this, Shi Tao said to Cui Jun, "brother Cui is right, and I think so. But you know my grandfather, my parents are dead, only my grandmother and uncle raised me. Now my uncle is all right, but my grandmother is sick and I dare not leave without permission. Well, brother Cui, go ahead first. When my grandmother gets better, I will certainly come to you. Then you will need more good words from brother Cui! "

Cui Jun also knew something about the Shi Tao family. He knew that what he said was true, so he had no doubt about him in his heart.

"Filial piety is the first of all good things. What brother Guangyuan said is reasonable. Brother Guangyuan came home and said hello to my grandmother and uncle. I'm waiting for you to grow up in Bingzhou

After chatting for a while, Shi Tao got up and left.

Cui Jun didn't waste much time either. He quickly ordered his servants to pack up some things and prepare to go to langtiao county the next day. However, he suddenly realized that he could not go empty handed. After thinking about it, he decided to unite with the Rangers he knew. These Rangers were everywhere and had good information. They could always be used.

At the same time, he also wrote a letter and sent it to Luoyang. Unexpectedly, according to the report of the person who sent the letter, after receiving Cui Jun's letter, his father Cui lie didn't believe it. Instead, he accused Cui Jun of not doing his job and mixing with some wild people all day long, and urged him to study hard so as to help himself in Luoyang as soon as possible.

This reaction was completely expected by Cui Jun, so he didn't bother to argue any more and prepared to go to Bingzhou wholeheartedly.

At this time in the wolf tune County, Liu He is a relaxed appearance, at home with his son Liu Zheng playing.

Two days ago, Pu de and others finally prepared all the weapons, armor, saddles, stirrups, horseshoes and other materials needed by the entire ANP. Since yesterday, these equipment have been gradually distributed to each soldier.

Although these equipment can't compare with their five brothers and ye Xiang's magic soldiers, they are much better than other armies in this era.

Looking at the sharp weapons and new and strong armor, more than 3000 soldiers were excited and their morale was high.

Liu he ordered all the miners and blacksmiths to rest for five days, and each gave a certain reward.

After that, we will continue to make preparations for the army by increasing its personnel.

It's only half a month since Zhang Jiao started. According to the information from Tang and Zhou dynasties, Zhang Jiao went to Hanoi secretly with some of his cronies at the beginning of the month.

There are only about 30000 Taiping Daoists remaining in Jizhou. As for Bingzhou, there is no news of Taiping Dao troops stationed. Instead, there is a troop of about 8000 people stationed in Changshan, Jizhou, next door to Taiyuan county.

Liu He is not particularly worried about this.

There are Taihang Mountains between Changshan state and Taiyuan county. Even if they cross the mountains and attack them, a group of exhausted teachers and a mere 8000 mob will not be afraid of themselves.Having been busy and nervous for such a long time, now that something important is about to happen, Liu He is relaxed. In addition to some daily training and business processing, he basically stays with his wife and children.

During this period of time, except ye Xiang and Cheng Mian, under the careful guidance of Liu He, the commander-in-chief and military force have been improved, but the attributes of others, including Liu he himself, have not changed.

However, Liu He is not surprised by this. The war is about to start soon, waiting to improve in actual combat, and the efficiency may be higher.

Today, there are more than 70000 people in langtiao County, among which more than 30000 are bandits and mountain bandits who have been conquered in recent years, as well as refugees from all over the country, including their children.

In this respect, langdiao county is one of the top counties in China. It is estimated that there are few counties in the Han Dynasty that can be managed to such an extent. With stable public order, high grain yield, popular support and large number of refugees, langdiao county has gradually stabilized and participated in labor, which has become a great help to the development of langdiao county. It can be called a miracle.

Under the personal supervision of Liu He and Qian Li, the city wall was also raised and strengthened. The city wall, which was only about two Zhang high, was raised to more than three Zhang.

For the regular army with a large number of siege equipment, the city wall of langdiao county may be vulnerable to attack, but for those Taiping believers whose combat effectiveness is not much better than the mob, Liu He is still very relieved about the wall.

But everything is far less peaceful than Liu he imagined.

At this time, a large number of people gathered in Liang Hao's residence.

These people are representatives of more than a dozen families in the city of langdiao county. They have gathered together now and don't know what they are discussing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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