"According to the system, Guan Yu triggers the" drag knife "stunt. The force increases by 6 points, the king of soldiers increases by 2 points, and the current force increases by 102 points. Against five deer, force 84 points. "

The first sound came from Liu hel'er, but he didn't care about it. Anyway, Guan Yu's military force was far higher than that of five deer, and he was armed with divine armor. With the strength of five deer, he used no more than ordinary weapons, and could not threaten Guan Yu at all.

At this time, he was taking several other brothers with him, leading the army of the people's Liberation Army, and heading for the camp of the Yellow turban army.

Not long ago, another Anmin Army soldier with Pan Yun, with Yan Chi's head and his entourage, returned to the county. After listening to his story, Liu he was extremely anxious and immediately called the army to gather.

It was at that time that he found out that Guan Yu and Cheng Liang had already taken the cavalry out of the city secretly, which made him very anxious.

There is such a huge difference in the number of troops. Whether it is Guan Yu, Cheng Liang, or the cavalry team, or pan Yun and Cheng Mian's younger brother Dameng, if any of them is killed, it will be a great loss to themselves and the Anmin army!

At this time, Liu Heer in succession came two prompt tones.

"Guan Yu killed the enemy general Wulu. His force value exceeded 80 points and reached 84 points. The host got 14 points."

"Cheng Liang saved the besieged cavalry many times, and was hit by the enemy many times. Although he was protected by divine armor, he did not hurt the vital part, but still shocked his body. As a result, Cheng Liang became bloodthirsty and activated the special skill" blood evil spirit "-- he increased his force by 2-5 points and reduced his opponent's force by 1-2 points according to his injury degree. The host gets 25 bonus points. "

"Under the influence of this special effect, Cheng Liang's current force is increased by 2 points and the force of surrounding enemy soldiers is reduced by 1 point. The king of war and king a each increased their force by 2 points, and Cheng Liang's current force was 94 points. "

Liu He hears that Cheng Liang is injured. Although it seems that the injury is not serious, he still ignores Cheng Liang's joy of getting points from special effects and himself, so he claps his horse hard and speeds up.

"Let's keep up with us

Zhang Yong, Zhu ye and ye Xiang are as anxious as ye Xiang. They are constantly urging the Anmin army behind them, and they dare not stop at all.

The Yellow turban army's camp, finally gradually appeared in front of the public, firelight everywhere, fighting the sky, Liu He and others can't wait to find Guan, Cheng and other figures.

At this time, even though Qu Shuai Wulu was dead, more than half of the Yellow turban army were still fighting bravely. Only a small part of them lost their fighting spirit, threw away their weapons and stood by in scattered places.

There are still 4000 or 5000 yellow turban troops who insist on fighting. Although the cavalry team is excellent, at the foot of the mountain, the terrain is rough and the advantages can not be fully utilized. The fighting situation is still not optimistic. Liu he can see that many of the horses belonging to his Anmin army have fallen into a pool of blood.

"The fourth brother leads the army 800 to encircle from the left side, the fifth younger brother leads the army eight hundred to encircle from the right side, the rest follow me!"

The 2000 Anmin army was quickly divided into three forces, like three sharp knives, which were directly inserted into the chaotic battlefield.

"Ha ha, it's big brother. They're here! I've been holding back for a long time. Finally, I can breathe well. Come on

Cheng Liang laughs boldly and boldly, and flies an enemy in front of him.

After yesterday's war, the Anmin army had complete logistics and was able to recover physical strength and morale as soon as possible. However, the Yellow turban army was not able to do so. They were already tired. Some of them had not had time to eat before they caught up with the battle of looting camp tonight.

Now, after such a battle, most of them are very tired, and their morale can't help weakening. Only by relying on the large number of people and the fighting spirit of some soldiers who are the same as those who died in the siege yesterday, can they take the advantage.

But now, with Liu He leading his army to help, and because the Anmin army was baptized by yesterday's war, its fighting spirit is now more powerful, so this advantage quickly reversed.

However, despite this, there are still casualties in the ANP, which makes Liu He unavoidably anxious.

"No, we must end the battle as soon as possible, or even if the second and third brothers have self-protection, ordinary soldiers will not be able to afford to lose!"

Liu he thought in his heart, then rode out, and suddenly raised his arms.

"I am Liu He, the county magistrate of langdiao county! Now the traitor Wu Lu is dead. Don't make unnecessary sacrifice! As long as they surrender, they will be free from death, and can be incorporated into our army. They can have three meals a day and have good food and rates! If there are those who are obstinate, they will be killed and will not be lightly forgiven! "

"No mercy! Never give up! "

Liu He's words were loud, and the two thousand Anmin army that he brought behind him also cried out in unison.

The deafening sound made the battlefield fall into a temporary truce.

The Yellow turban army had been "taught" by Zhang Jiao for many years. They believed in the Taiping religion and Zhang Jiao's words, and hated the imperial court. An easy battle in Yu County deepened their thinking.

Although they had heard of the prosperity of langdiao County, they did not believe it. However, the results of the first World War in langdiao County forced them to rethink those "rumors".At this time, Liu He's inducement and coercion made the hundreds of yellow turban soldiers who had just thrown away their weapons suddenly felt lucky, and some of the thousands who were still fighting were shaken again.

"Dog officials should not be demagogues. Those of us who only believe in great virtuous teachers will surely frustrate your bones and bring ashes to ashes today. Those who do evil for tigers in the city will all be punished by Huang Tian!"

Several yellow turban soldiers, with their weapons in hand, ran to Liu He.

Liu He shook his head: "ah, if you are sick, you can still cure it. If you have a brain disease, you really have no medicine to cure. Your mind has changed. Innocent people will no longer be innocent."

The voice did not fall, only heard a few "whoosh" sound, a few arrows fired in succession, the few people hit the arrow, fell to the ground.

Liu he turned back to give ye Xiang a positive look, and then looked at the yellow scarf army in front of him.

"Zhang Jiao is a traitor who bewitches the people. It is called" relieving the people from hanging over ". In fact, it is in order to fulfill his ambition! The imperial court had known his ambition for a long time, and Luoyang city had many defenses. His attack will certainly be disadvantageous. At that time, all of you will be big criminals who are plotting rebellion. They will copy their families and destroy their families, and their ancestors will be disgraced! "

"If you repent in time, this county promises to let bygones be bygones. You can also live in langdiao County in our county. This county guarantees that you will be as well fed as other people!"

As soon as this was said, more of the thousands began to hesitate.

The first group of people who surrendered, as if to prove that their choice is correct, also came out to admonish.

"Liu county magistrate is right! We couldn't live in our hometown. We heard that we could eat and wear warm clothes when we joined the Taiping Road, so we rebelled with him. But now we have to go everywhere for food and clothing. There is no food and pay. What's the difference between being a mountain bandit

"And this five deer, who ate his own rice and let us drink porridge, was just chased by the red faced general, and asked us to block his knife. He ran away first. I don't want to live this kind of life any more."

"We often hear about the reputation of Liu county magistrate in langdiao county all the way. It's better for me to gamble on this than to go around and rob houses with the name of a traitor, and risk his life at any time."

Once this kind of atmosphere is brought up, the blow to morale is often the most fatal.

Sure enough, as these voices of willingness to surrender rang out one after another, more and more yellow scarves laid down their weapons. Even if some of them were not very happy, they were forcibly taken away and thrown away by several better comrades around, and squatted down on him.

Of course, many of them, like those in front of them, did not die and were prepared to fight in a desperate situation, but in the end, Guan Yu and others killed them mercilessly.

The rest of them still don't believe Liu He's promise.

"You Are you really going to let us go and give us food? Can there be such good things in the world? "

Liu He hears the speech and raises Yang Ming's head directly.

"I, Liu He, swear that as long as these soldiers surrender on the spot and never make any more trouble, I, Liu He, will keep them innocent. Those who are willing to join the army will be given food and pay equally! For the people, distribute good farmland and farm tools! Those who are willing to return to their hometown will never be hindered! If you disobey this oath, I will be struck by the sky, which will frustrate my bones and raise ashes! "

Listening to Liu He's oath, these people seem to have increased their confidence. Then they looked at the majestic army behind him, and finally put down their weapons.

The ANP officers and men quickly surrounded and tied up everyone.

"This battle is a great victory, return to the city triumphantly!"

Liu he exclaimed.

Almost at the same time, the dark clouds in the sky finally dispersed and the bright moonlight came down, which made everyone feel better. Many people unconsciously showed a relaxed smile.

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