They escorted thousands of unarmed yellow scarves back to the city.

After a night of fierce fighting, the sky has gradually begun to light up, but Liu He and others who have been busy all night are not sleepy at this time.

In order to calm the hearts of the Yellow turban soldiers who surrendered, Liu He personally led people to temporarily settle them in the school yard.

The area of the school yard is not large. At this time, there are so many people. It seems that it is full, but it is better than putting them into the prison. In addition, Liu he ordered people to prepare rice porridge, so the soldiers' mood gradually calmed down.

Cui Jun, together with Guan Yu and Zhang Yong, made statistics of the battle. It was not until dawn that the statistics were finished. They came and reported to Liu He.

"My Lord, a total of 4932 Taiping troops have been brought in, of whom 2271 are men aged between 18 and 35. The rest are old and weak women and children, or they are too injured to fight any more."

After two battles, the Yellow turban army has killed more than 3000 people. The Anmin army is proud of its fighting capacity, but Liu He is obviously not satisfied.

He waved his hand and said, "these are not important. I want to know how many brothers have been killed and injured in this war?"

Cui Jun looked at each other with a heavy look.

Among them, 275 soldiers died. Nearly a thousand wounded, almost all of the cavalry were wounded, and 69 horses were lost... "

Listening to such figures, Liu he frowned and sighed for a long time.

"Well, I had thought that sooner or later I would face such a day, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Cui Jun advised: "don't worry too much, Lord. Our army has conquered the enemy with few enemies and two battles. Moreover, the casualties of the enemy are several times or even 10 times higher than that of our army. This kind of combat achievement is very rare, not to mention unprecedented. What's more, after such two battles, today's soldiers of our army are all bloody and have high fighting spirit. The combat effectiveness of our soldiers has changed a few days ago. In the future, when we encounter another battle, we can use one as ten and one as a hundred. "

Zhang Yong also said: "yes, although the price for such a change is too high, if we pay such a price as soon as possible, we can naturally have fewer casualties in the future war, which is also a blessing in the misfortune."

Liu He nodded slightly: "well, I also know this truth. Let alone mention this matter. The families of the wounded and wounded officers and soldiers will enjoy a good life pension, and the Peace Corps officers and soldiers' acceptance and settlement will be left to the military division and the Qian family father and son."

"My Lord, don't worry. Jun has known that he and his son will join the money family. This afternoon, he will start to register them, and then the peasants, the army and the left will distribute the money."

Naturally, Liu he was at ease about Cui Jun's affairs. He did not say that the Anmin army should be supplemented for such heavy losses.

The three men came in together, but Cui Jun and Zhang Yong both spoke. Guan Yu, alone, stood by in silence.

Liu he glared at him and said to Zhang Yong, "call the brothers here and gather at the school."

"Here it is Zhang Yong took the order to retreat out, Liu He also stood up to go out.

On the school field, the soldiers were sitting in the middle. More than a thousand Anmin soldiers, who were not injured or were very lightly injured, stood around respectively. Liu He and others naturally stood in the front.

"Guan Yu and Cheng Liang are out of the line!"

Guan and Cheng seem to have thought of this scene for a long time. Without any hesitation, they stand up directly.

"Come on, tie him up!"

As soon as this was said, everyone was surprised. Even the Yellow turban soldiers who had just surrendered were puzzled. These two men seemed to be the top leaders in the army of langdiao County, and the first battle last night was extremely fierce. The red faced man was like the God of heaven. He killed Qu Shuai's five deer in the encirclement of many soldiers. According to reason, his contribution was indispensable. Why should he be punished at this time?

Several soldiers who were responsible for the punishment were obviously stunned and didn't understand what Liu he meant.

However, Guan Yu yelled at him and said, "what are you waiting for? Military orders are like mountains. Elder brother teaches you to tie them. Why don't you hesitate?"

Several soldiers came here and tied them up. However, those soldiers who were watching were even more confused. Even Zhang Yong, Zhu ye and ye Xiang were all surprised.

"Brother, why do you want to attack the second big enemy?"

Liu He waved his hand and stopped the three people from asking questions.

"Guan Yu and Cheng Liang, you disobeyed our military order and attacked without authorization, causing heavy casualties to our cavalry. Do you know if you are guilty?"

Cheng Liang seems to want to explain a few words, but is next to Guan Yu poked with his elbow, so that eye color stopped him.

"Little brother I will not know my sin! "

Those yellow turban soldiers were completely confused this time. How dare these two generals, who were not so fierce as ordinary people, actually sent troops to rob the camp without permission? No wonder the other side's original strength is less than their own situation, but also divided into several groups to attack.

However, it seems that the relationship between the two men and the present magistrate of Liu county is the brother of Jieyi. I don't know why he wants to make such a fuss about such a small matter.They thought that this matter had already let them be surprised enough, but they did not expect that Liu he would cry out next, which really surprised their chin.

"Well, since you have pleaded guilty, you should be punished! According to the military discipline of our army, what should be the crime of those who disobey military orders? "

After a little silence, Guan Yu replied, "when you chop!"

"Good! Come on, drag it down, chop it

"What!" These words not only startled the yellow scarf soldiers, but also frightened the people of the ANP and Zhang Yong.

"No! If you can't kill my second brother or third brother, you should step down! "

Zhu Ye rushes forward with one lunge, raises his double hammer and drinks back the soldiers in charge of punishment.

Zhang Yong and ye Xiang also pleaded with each other.

"You can't cut it! Although the two elder brothers attacked without authorization, they were meritorious in killing the enemy. After all, the second brother cut off the head of the enemy commander. The third brother fought with blood in order to rescue the cavalry brothers. There are still many wounds that have not been completely treated in places without armor protection. The internal injuries of the five internal organs can not be cured for a while. Under such a bloody battle, we can guarantee the great victory of our army! "

"Yes, now the Taiping Road is rebellious and the country is on the verge of collapse. The two generals are brave generals in the world, and they are also big brother Liu's

"You can't kill general Guan and general Cheng!"

The soldiers of the Anmin army around also knelt down to plead for mercy.

Liu He looked solemn and took two steps forward.

"Gentlemen, the so-called military discipline is the soul of the army. Why can our army be as powerful as it is today? It's not the work of ourselves or weapons, but because of the strict military discipline, only when we can do what we can do, can we win the support of the people. "

"If every general and soldier goes his own way and ignores military orders, the soul of the army will be gone, there will be no military discipline and military order to restrain them, and personal temper will be superior to everything. If this goes on, it will inevitably be confused for a while and do harm to the people, even to the country."

Some of the Yellow turban soldiers seemed to be quite sympathetic to this remark.

The Taiping Road was originally a slogan calling for orders for the people and overthrowing the fatuous imperial court. However, there were no military rules and disciplines among the large and small armies. How to act was completely decided by Qu Shuai's own preference. Therefore, when there was a shortage of food in the army, the five deer thought of going to Yuxian County to grab grain. If we opened this head, it would be impossible to receive it in the future Yes.

Cheng Liang called out: "elder brother, I tried every means to encourage the second elder brother to go with me. If you want to kill me, you will kill me. The second brother is innocent! Big brother, please spare the second brother

Cheng Liang fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

"Third brother, how can you give orders to the cavalry team? This time it's clearly the second brother I took you there. Don't talk nonsense! Big brother, cut off my little brother's head! "

Guan Yu says that, and strides toward the execution soldier, but is stopped by Zhu Ye.

"Can't kill, who dares to move my second brother, I fight with who!"

Later, Zhu Ye knelt down to Liu He.

"Brother, you kill two brothers and three brothers, I I'm stupid. I don't know how to say it. Anyway It can't be killed anyway

Liu he snapped: "nonsense! Military discipline is no joke! As long as the military discipline is violated, no one will be pardoned! "

With this sentence, Liu He's voice suddenly softened a little.

"The second brother, the third brother, the two of you, one is arrogant and ignores the heroes of the world, and the other is reckless and reckless. If you are left to take charge of an army alone in the future, it will cause even greater disasters."

When they heard the words, they knew that Liu he was right, so they both bowed their heads and did not speak.

"Well, you and my brother, you and I, have forged a righteous golden orchid and regarded life and death as life and death. Now the fool brother is a comfort in a city and can't go with you for the time being. But later, I will lead my own forty army staff to make an example to others."

The two brothers knelt down and said, "I'm not guilty! The two of us acted impulsively and harmed our brothers in the army. Now we are punished without any resentment. However, the elder brother is worried about our work day and night. Today, we have to be punished for my younger brother's crime. Isn't it that I will die in peace? "

Those yellow scarves fell dead, looking at the scene in front of them, completely stunned.

"Is there really an army with such strict discipline in the world?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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