"Ding! Because the host makes a vow to activate the hidden task, the defending side: the host is required to occupy the territory of at least one county before the age of 20, and obtain the position of county magistrate of that county. If the requirements are met, different rewards will be given according to the host's policies and governance. If it fails, the total host attribute is reduced by 3 points. "

The system cold not Ding came out to say this paragraph, Liu he was startled.

"What's the situation? Why is there a hidden task? Are there any other hidden tasks? System brother, can you give some tips in advance? Don't be so surprised. When you are 20 years old, you think highly of me? Yuan Shao was only 20 years old when he became a county magistrate. "

In this era, officials rely on the system of examination and examination. If you want to become an official, you must have a recommendation from a noble person. However, as a small farmer in a mountain village, where can I find such a noble person.

"To restore the host, this system is tailored for the host, so some behaviors and psychological activities of the host may affect the system, which may lead to the generation of hidden tasks. As for whether it can be completed, it is not within the scope of this system. "

The system completely programmed the answer, almost fainted Liu He.

"Forget it, all the tasks have been sent out, and it is impossible for the system to withdraw. We have to try our best to complete it."

Liu he comforts himself that he is not weaker than Yuan Shao in any case

Yuan Shao has one of the best family background, but he also has such a plug-in system.

What's more, if you can't even compare yourself to a second-class hero like Yuan Shao, isn't it for you to fight for the world with Cao Cao and Liu Bei?

"Well! You have to do it if you can, and you have to do it if you can't! "

In addition to this reason, there are also Liu He heartache that three all attribute! It's so tiring to upgrade attributes, but it's a matter of minutes to buckle up.

"Now that everyone's strength and energy have been trained, the next step is to change direction. In addition to the original physical training, weapon training is also indispensable."

Compared with those in their twenties and thirties, ordinary soldiers who have undergone strict training are not inferior to their own in terms of physical fitness. In particular, they are born with divine power, and few of them can surpass themselves in the world.

However, if we really fight against a master, we will surely lose. Because they can't use weapons and do not know any fighting skills, and this is no less important than strength.

"System, exchange a basic weapon skill manual and take it out directly."

Liu He gave orders to the system.

"Receive the instruction, spend 80 points, exchange for a basic weapon skills training manual, host current remaining points: 720 points. The book has been sandwiched in the bamboo slips on the bookshelf in the host room

Liu He smell speech, turn over to get up, came to a side of the old bookshelf.

Among the bamboo slips, Liu he saw a very striking paper book. This paper book is a luxury in this era, and there are not many of them in some top families.

However, Liu He, as a man from modern times, is naturally not surprised.

He took the book and had a rough look at it. After opening it, it was about the size of a3paper in the previous life. It was estimated that there were two or three hundred pages in total, holding it in his hand.

"Oh, the basic edition is so thick. If there is any advanced edition, isn't it thicker than the dictionary?"

Liu he thought about it in his heart.

In this book, there are 18 kinds of weapons, including knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, Yue, hooks, forks, whips, maces, hammers, daggers, cudgels, writhes, sticks, spears and palladium. There are also detailed instructions on the use of concealed weapons such as throwing knives and meteor hammers, as well as the practice of bows and arrows.

"Good things, good things. There are so many treasures in the system. I will choose the weapons to use with my brothers tomorrow."

The next day, Liu He took the book with him. He said that it was given by Liu's ancestors. It was a treasure of the immortal family. He told him to practice hard and succeed as soon as possible.

Several people saw that the book was so detailed that it was several times more detailed than that recorded in the martial arts books of Zhu Ye's family. The most important thing is that the book is actually paper-based, and they believe Liu He's words.

"Brothers, there are so many weapons recorded in this book. If we learn everything, we will not be able to learn anything. It's better to practice hard day and night, just as you choose. You'll surely improve with great speed. "

Zhang Yong and Zhu ye have always been headed by Liu He, so they should agree.

"Ha ha, brother Liu, I'm going to learn from the hammers. Those swords, spears, swords and halberds are too light to be wielded. I like this hammer if it's more steady!"

Zhu Ye is a typical type of fierce general. Liu He also thinks that with Zhu Ye's strength and character, the double hammer is the most appropriate.

Then he looks at Zhang Yong. Although he is also brave, he is a little more calm than Zhu ye, and his strength is half a chip weaker. It is not appropriate to use a hammer.

"Well I don't know how to choose. I've never used these things since I'm so big. Looking at the colorful things, I feel that they are no different from the firewood choppers and firesticks at home. "Zhang Yong looked at the atlas of those weapons in the book and scratched his head.

Liu he heard the speech in front of his eyes, and then thought of a way.

"Yongzi, you helped with your work at home and went hunting with your father. You also used a lot of things, such as sticks, bows, axes, rope sets, broadswords, etc., as well as the spears and halberds brought by brother Zhu. You have played several times. Which of these do you like best

Zhang Yu, on one side, immediately understood Liu He's intention and gave a knowing smile.

Zhang Yong frowned slightly and then patted his head.

"Well It's also the best axe for cutting firewood in the mountain. It can chop, chop and smash, but the handle is too short. If you can have an axe as high as me, it would be nice. Even the thick tree can be cut off with one axe! "

Zhang Yong's silly and honest words make Zhu Ye laugh. Even Zhang Yu covers her mouth with her hand, but makes Zhang Yong feel embarrassed.

"What Did I say something wrong? I can't. I'll change my weapon... "

Liu he patted Zhang Yong on the shoulder and tried to hold back his smile.

"Hehe, Yongzi, you didn't say anything wrong. Your reason for choosing a weapon is not clear. As long as the user's strength is enough and his skill is skilled enough, the more he holds it at the end of the long handle, the more powerful he will be

The spring and autumn sword technique that martial Saint Guan Yu is famous for is able to kill enemy generals in seconds. The most powerful one is this move of dragging the sword. He holds the end of the handle and swings the knife immediately. With the weight and sharpness of the green dragon sword, this sword can be cut down with great force?

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