Zhang Yong listened to Liu He's explanation and giggled.

"Good, listen to the childe, then choose the big axe with long handle!"

"Well, brother Liu, we've all chosen. Which weapon are you going to choose?"

Zhu Ye looks at Liu He with a smile and asks.

Liu he was puzzled by this question.

He didn't like heavy crude weapons like hammers and axes, which seemed too clumsy. If he used weapons which were relatively light and more skillful, he felt that he wasted his natural power and was a bit outrageous.

Zhang Yong and Zhu ye are puzzled when they see him frowning.

"Don't you want to use any weapons?"

Liu He will be confused simply to a few people said, several people also bow to think.

"That I think... " Zhang Yu's feeble voice began to ring, and the three turned their heads in unison, which frightened the little girl to speak.

"Let's not talk about it After all, I don't know martial arts... "

Liu He knows that Zhang Yu must have some ideas. It's all right to listen to her. This girl is naturally intelligent, and she is obsessed with the situation and sees clearly from the bystanders. Maybe she has some good idea.

"It's OK, sister yu'er, if you have anything to say, I'll see who dares to laugh at you."

Liu he said with relief, and Zhang Yu took a slow breath before she said it.

"I don't think it's hard. Since you want to have both weight and skill, you just need to learn both the power and light weapons. Then, according to the childe's own habits, you can directly create the most suitable weapon. You are talented and intelligent. You can do what ordinary people can't do. "

After Zhang Yu had finished, Liu he slapped his thigh, startling all three.

"Oh, my sister is so clever! We are limited by the weapon atlas and name in this book. Who stipulates that the world's weapons can only look like this? I'm going to find another way to build a magic weapon that belongs to me and create a set of weapons and methods of my own! "

When he said this, Zhu ye and Zhang Yong understood immediately and praised Zhang Yu one after another.

"Well, I'll choose a sword, a gun, an axe and a pair of swords. I'll practice these four weapons one by one. Then I'll try to master them. Maybe Liu he can make a name for it. Ha ha!"

Liu He has the feeling that once this weapon method is completed, his own force will certainly have a qualitative leap! Strange weapons and strange moves can win by surprise!

After all three weapons are selected, Zhu Ye stands out and pats his chest.

"Ha ha, I'll leave it to my younger brother. I'll bring out the best weapons!"

After the day's daily training, Zhu Ye trotted all the way home and told his father about the weapon casting. The master of Zhu's family immediately agreed.

It's a taboo for ordinary people to forge weapons. However, in recent years, there are many powerful people and the government's control is weak. In some places, it's not uncommon to have thousands of armed people in their families. Although Zhu's family is small, it can cast several weapons for children's play, and no one will take it seriously.

Such a flash is a long time. In a few days it will be winter. The temperature will drop rapidly. It is estimated that the first snow of this year will come.

In order to facilitate Liu He and others to practice and learn martial arts, Liu Qian took a group of people to build a simple wooden house in the back mountain, which was used to keep out the wind and rain and lay weapons.

Now it's sunny and the afternoon sun is very warm and comfortable. Although it is accompanied by chilly wind, Liu He and others are not afraid to practice martial arts outside. Zhang Yu studies and studies in the wooden house.

"Oh, the hammer felt a little heavy when I first used it, but now it feels like paper paste and has no weight at all. It seems that my father will make me a pair of bigger ones."

Zhu Ye throws and plays the double hammers in his hand, and says with a hard mouth.

A single hammer weighs 58 Jin, which is equivalent to more than 20 jin of Liu He's previous life. If he can play with a hammer of this weight like a child throwing bricks, it can be seen that Zhu Ye has made great progress in both strength and martial arts for several months.

Seeing Zhu Ye's appearance, Liu he couldn't help teasing him.

"You boy, you practice all day and night. I heard from your servant that you would go home at noon every day, and you would have to practice in the hospital for a long time before you went to take a medicine bath and have a rest. Wu Chi's name is really right for you, ha ha!"

When Zhu Ye hears the speech, he shows a bright smile.

"Haha, I want to catch up with you as soon as possible. Before our martial arts competition, I still lost to my elder brother. After two and a half years of hard practice, I didn't expect that elder brother was still better than me, so I had to work harder."

More than three months ago, Zhu ye offered to compete among the three. As a result, Zhu Ye defeated Zhang Yong, but lost to Liu He. After that, he became more and more diligent.

After hearing this, Liu He has not said anything, but Zhang Yong is somewhat embarrassed.

"Brother Zhu said that. It seems that I can't sleep after my worst martial arts."Zhang Yong looks a little embarrassed.

"Yongzi, don't be ashamed. You are better at the art of war than brother Zhu. People have their own strengths. They can't be the first in everything. Ordinary people don't have so much energy. If they want to master everything, they often... "

Liu he did not finish his words, suddenly a noisy voice came from the distance, listening to the voice, the other side is obviously some fierce characters, let several people immediately raised alert.

"Quickly, hand over all the valuable things in the family, as well as the food and property. Otherwise, the steel knife in my hand will not be polite! Come on

A ferocious voice faintly passed from the foot of the mountain, which shocked Liu He and others.

"No, there are mountain bandits! Go down the mountain

Although there are more than 100 brave villagers in Huangshui village, they are all selected from young farmers. They are just farmers who work hard every day. They have no weapons, they don't train very much, and they don't have much fighting power. They can't make a good decision in the face of fierce mountain bandits.

The four ran down the hill in a hurry.

On weekdays, they only felt that the back mountain was very close, but today the four people were in a hurry, and they suddenly felt that the mountain road was so long.

"Hurry up!"

"Damn it, you deserve to be beaten!"

"Son of a bitch! Slowly look for a fight

All kinds of mountain bandit's angry voice faintly passed over, which made the four people more anxious.

Liu He, Zhang Yong and Zhu ye first run back to the gate of Liu He's courtyard. Zhang Yu comes after him panting for breath.

At that time, Liu He's family was spacious to some desolate gate, and gathered hundreds of people, most of whom were villagers of the village. No matter men, women, old or young, were driven here, and many people were constantly driven here, and some things were more or less in their hands.

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