Everyone thought it would work.

However, Mr. Chen said at this time: "do you think that thirty or forty thousand troops can't deal with me?"

Just this sentence, let everyone suddenly quiet down.

After a long time, the master of the Jia family said cautiously, "does he dare to send troops to encircle and suppress us?"

Old Chen raised his eyelids and said, "has he done such a thing little? You Jia and Zhang are both in Yangyi county. Although some members of your family work in prefectures and prefectures, even in Jizhou and Yanzhou, the base camp can't escape. How many guards can you two unite? Can you resist those fierce generals of Yanmen resistance Xianbei? The governor Shi has been leading the army in Xihe county all the year round. Do you expect him to save you? "

After hearing this, the owners of the house could not help but pinch a cold sweat.

"Oh, ah, if it wasn't for Chen's warning, we'd almost be wiped out!"

"It's not bad. If we do this, we will certainly get revenge from Liu He. With his temper, we may send soldiers to kill us directly!"

Everyone secretly congratulated, looking at the eyes of old Chen has become more and more respected.

"In Chen's opinion, how should we deal with it?"

Looking straight ahead, Mr. Chen said, "cut off the roots, and you will never suffer from it! Only by uprooting his influence and killing Liu He and his many followers, can we be truly at ease

All of a sudden, they were in a bit of a dilemma.

"Mr. Chen, that's true, but it's hard to get rid of the roots."

"No matter how difficult it is! You can see how fast Liu He has won over the people's support. If he is only hurt, he will make a comeback sooner or later. That will be the end of us! "

What Mr. Chen said also made everyone finally determined.

"Good! It's better to break one finger than to hurt ten fingers. Mr. Chen, you can tell us what to do. We'll listen to you! "

Mr. Chen held out four fingers.

"It's not difficult. Even if Liu He has three heads and six arms, he will be destroyed by four measures."

The crowd was overjoyed and quickly asked, "how can we do it in four ways?"

Chen said: "first, not long ago, the governor Shi and the Xiongnu just fought. Although it was not fierce, more than 3000 people were killed in the battle, and more than 8000 soldiers were injured and are recuperating in the rear. As long as we do something about the drugs used in the army, we can kill all these 8000 people. Having suffered such losses, Wang xiannephew once again proposed to the governor that Liu he should be sent for 15000 troops, and the governor must agree. "

We never thought that the first plan was so vicious, but no one raised any objection.

"Second, we helped to save Zhang Yan from Liu He. Now it's time for him to repay. Send someone to inform him, let him order troops to attack Liu He, the troops must not be less than 70000, after the completion, we will present 60000 stones of grain and grass. "

"Third, Liu He and his brothers' families are all in the city of langdiao county. We sent 10000 people, pretending to be thieves, to capture langdiao county. We captured all these people alive. On the one hand, we disturbed Liu He's mind and spirit, and on the other hand, we could use human nature to intimidate him when necessary."

Three finished, including Wang Chen and other people can not help cheering.

"Mr. Chen is really the Pearl of the sea god in our country! I can't wait to hear what the fourth one is

Mr. Chen looked at the crowd and said, "before you say the fourth point, you must first swear. Then you must act according to these four points. No one is allowed to have a different mind. Otherwise, all our families will fight together, and we will teach him to kill one of them."

When we saw that Chen had suddenly become so severe, we all felt puzzled.

"Mr. Chen, this is..."

Old Chen shook his hand impatiently: "don't ask more, I'll ask you, do you want to take this oath?"

The crowd looked at each other, and could not understand Chen's intention for a moment.

"Well, we are all grasshoppers on a rope. There is nothing to be hesitant about. I swear it is!"

With the first person to start, everyone in the back will throw happy doubts, have to swear in accordance with Chen said.

Old Chen had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Good! This matter is not forced by my husband. It's just a matter of great importance and we have to be cautious about it. "

The more he said that, the more curious everyone became.

"I don't know what this fourth strategy is, which makes old Chen so cautious?"

Mr. Chen looked very solemn and said solemnly, "send another batch of detailed works, sneak into Yanmen pass at night, and try to open the gate and lead Xianbei to pass!"


All the people present were shocked, and many of them turned pale.

"Mr. Chen, this Is it... "

"Yes, it's a big crime to cooperate with the enemy and betray the country, and to punish the nine clans..."

"Shall we discuss it again?"Looking at them, Mr. Chen couldn't help but exclaimed, "how can we achieve great things! As far as I know, after kuitou led the army to defeat Yanmen last year, the voice of supporting Qian man to be the leader of Xianbei in Western China is getting higher and higher. Kuitou is in urgent need of a great victory to consolidate his position. As long as he is allowed to enter the Yanmen pass, he will surely give Liu He's army a head-on attack! "

In spite of what he said, the owners were still afraid.

"But However, the charge is too big. I think even if he is not allowed to enter the pass, even if he is in a battle with Liu He, and Zhang Yan's army is close to him, it will be enough... "

The master of the house did not finish his words, but was drunk by Mr. Chen.

"Confused! How about the fighting power of Liu He's army? Should I remind you? As long as he guards Yanmen pass, even if Xianbei and Zhang Yan have 200000 troops, it is impossible to eliminate Liu he completely, even if they can attack Yanmen pass. If Liu He is allowed to turn defeat into victory, then huangfusong and others will surely praise him in the court. With such contributions, even if many courtiers oppose him, the emperor will surely reward him. In this way, Liu He's power will only grow stronger! "

Only then did the people realize and wake up completely.

"Chen is an old-fashioned word. You can't have any hesitation! We all have a deep hatred with Liu He, and now he knows that we are making obstacles to him secretly. Once his power is strengthened, no one in Bingzhou can control him any more, and our doomsday will not be far away. "

"Yes, I can't be soft hearted now! To let Xianbei enter the pass is just to let them take some goods and kill some stinking people. It is not worth mentioning compared with our lives and future prospects. "

"Liu He will die! I'll do what Mr. Chen wants to do! "

All the owners of the house, one word, no longer hesitated.

However, Wang Chen could not help but step back.

"This This is a big crime, I If my uncle had known, he would have killed me No, absolutely not... "

Old Chen squinted at him with a disdainful smile on his face, and then walked to Wang Chen.

"What? It is Wang Bujia who comes to contact us and asks us to join hands to fight Liu He. Now you want to shrink back. We only have to bear the bad reputation, but you have to enjoy the benefits. Is there such a good thing in the world? It's not nice to say that if one day the east window incident happens and all the people present are arrested, do you think you can stay out of the trouble? Will the court believe you? "

Other owners also yelled: "that is, now that you know the plan, it is not so easy to retreat! Even if we are caught, all of us will insist that you are involved in such a big event. Since you have already known about it, we will never allow you to act arbitrarily

"That's right. So far, we can either tie together and work together to destroy Liu He. As long as he dies, no one else will know about everything. My nephew has a bright future. If you dare to retreat, hum, we are not so easy to bully! "

All the people slowly gathered around Wang Chen and looked at him aggressively, which made him feel at a loss.

"You How can you be so My uncle would never allow it... "

Mr. Chen laughed and said in a soft voice, "this matter is only known to a few of us present. Even if it is kuitou, he will only know that someone who doesn't know where to send a message to him and tell him that the gate of Yanmen pass will be opened. As for who said it, he will not have the chance to know. As long as Liu he dies, this secret will be rotten in our stomachs forever. "

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