Chen Lao's words, as if there is magic in general, let Wang Chen's eyes a little bit firm.

"It's a big deal. Will these aliens follow our plan? Is Mr. Chen sure? "

A family owner suddenly laughed and said: "ha ha, my good nephew, although these alien races are brave, their brains are all one track mind. They are short of food and clothing. In the face of such temptation, they have no other choice. The guy who went to the county at the beginning was so ignorant of the current affairs. Mr. Chen and I

In the middle of his speech, the master was suddenly interrupted by Mr. Chen.

"Master Liu, there is no need to mention the past. Let's have a good discussion on the specific matters to be done next."

The Liu family leader's face became stiff. After a smile, he stopped talking.

After a long time, everyone looked relaxed and walked out of the house and took their own carriage to leave.

The leader of the Liu family supported Mr. Chen and finally came out of the Biejia mansion.

"Liu Xiandi, you are also nearly forty years old. How can you speak so carelessly today! Although these people are on the same front as us now, there are a lot of intrigues on weekdays. How could you easily disclose that incident at that time? "

The leader of the Liu family even said with a smile: "don't be angry with Mr. Chen. I'm just in a hurry for a moment. Anyway, we haven't followed up. In addition, it's been eight years since the incident happened. Even if they want to check on us, there's no clue."

"Well, you have to be more careful in the future."

"Yes, yes, yes, in accordance with old Chen's instructions!"

Mr. Chen's face softened a little. He stepped on the man's back, got into the carriage and left slowly.

"Hoo It's really dangerous. I almost got into trouble with my mouth open. "

Liu family master wiped the sweat on his forehead and soon left with him.

But he didn't find out. Just after his carriage left biejiafu and turned on a street, a dark shadow flashed across the corner of the street and followed him closely

More than ten days later, a piece of imperial edict from the governor's office was placed in front of Liu he again.

"This is the second time that Ding Zhishi asked our army to dispatch troops to rescue Xihe county. When a plague broke out in the army, more than 8000 wounded officers and soldiers died suddenly. In addition, more than 3000 people died in the previous war. Now, the troops stationed in Xihe county to guard against Xiongnu are very limited. Under such circumstances, this imperial edict is really hard to refuse."

Liu he said with a frown and an imperial edict in his hand.

Guan Yu said, "elder brother, it's not long after the summer. Soon the first half of this year's grain should be harvested. If Xianbei came to plunder after harvesting the grain as in previous years, we would have retreated to Yanmen pass to guard against this dangerous pass. It would be no harm to transfer 15000 people to the governor. But if Xianbei attacks ahead of schedule this year, just like last autumn, our army will have to fight against them in the wilderness in order to protect the people

Ye Xiang also interrupted: "yes, last year Xianbei was blocked in our army's hands. Although both sides were hurt, and even our army suffered more casualties, it must be a great shame to Xianbei. If we attack Yanmen county again this year, the troops will be far more than 450000."

"I also know that, but in this order, the governor Shi had a very heavy tone and a tough attitude. We were subordinates of Ding Cishi, so we couldn't disobey the military orders of the governor for many times. The second brother, the fourth brother, will send out a group of soldiers from the two of you for help. "

Although Guan Yu and Zhang Yong are reluctant, they are not good at violating military orders.

After discussing some trivial affairs, Liu He let everyone go.

Liu he himself just wanted to leave, suddenly, from the door shot in a sharp arrow, straight into a pillar in the house.


Liu He ran to the outside of the house, but found nothing suspicious.

He looked back at the arrow. It seemed that there was something strange about it. He took a closer look, and then his face changed a little.

"Come on, send in Cui, Shi and Meng, three military divisions..."

At the same time, Chu Yan's black mountain camp is located in a dense forest in Taihang Mountain.

In a cave, several people are drinking and having fun, and the first one is Zhang Yan.

Although Zhang Yan has just had a full drink, her face is not happy at all.

He had a piece of cloth in his hand. It seemed that he did not speak for a long time.

The following few people see him so look, also embarrassed to enjoy oneself.

"General Zhang, what's written on the cloth? Why does the general look sad?"

Zhang Yan looked up at the speaker.

"Oh, it's old brother Guo. Hey, don't mention it. The fool brother has always been connected with some powerful men in Bingzhou. You know that, now they have sent me letters to teach me to send 70000 troops to fight a man. I'm worried about this."

The man did not care.

"Well, what's the difficulty. There are more than 70000 warriors under the general's command. Now his younger brother and several brothers have brought more than 50000 people, including more than 30000 soldiers. With such a large army of more than 100000, 70000 of them have been sent out, and even Jinyang city can be captured. As long as they give enough benefits, it's a good deal. "Zhang Yan shook his head and said, "well, my brother has only been here for a few days. I don't know. The man they want me to attack, the fool has suffered great losses on his hands twice. Not long ago, I almost couldn't return to the first World War. "

The man surnamed Guo was stunned.

"Is it Liu He, the eunuch of Yanmen?"

Zhang Yan sighed: "this is the man. Liu He is cunning and cunning, and has many powerful generals under him. He is skillful in military training and has a strong fighting capacity. He is far from comparable to other officers and soldiers we have seen. It is said that there are as many as 890000 soldiers in Yanmen now. Even if 100000 people pour out, I can't defeat him. "

Guo, who was surnamed Guo, stroked his disordered beard and asked, "let's face such a strong enemy. How much benefit do these guys in Bingzhou give us?"

Zhang Yan said, "we are the only one. They said that it was harvest time. Last year, Xianbei suffered a loss from Liu He. This year, he must make a large-scale invasion. He taught us to station troops in the mountain forest east of Yanmen, wait for opportunities and attack him with the Xianbei army. After that, there will be 60000 stones of grain and grass. "

"What? Attack your own border guards with foreigners? These guys who are paid by the imperial court are much more cruel than us. But it's a good way. It's just that 60000 grain is too little. If you want to ask my younger brother, at least 100000 of them will be needed. What do you think of Yang Feng? "

A thin man with a goatee next to him saw that he had asked about him and quickly replied, "what the elder brother Guo said is certainly not wrong. He should have asked him for 100000 stones, and he must send half of them first. Otherwise, he will have to pay off his debts afterwards."

Zhang Yan settled down and said firmly, "OK, that's it! The messenger is still outside. Let him in. "

Almost the same night as Zhang Yan received the letter, a sharp arrow suddenly appeared on the flagpole of kuitou, far away from the northern prairie.

"Ten days later, the gate of Yanmen pass was opened."

Kui head looked at this simple sentence, hesitated in place for a long time, and finally decided to hate.

"Hum, I'm going to set out with 70000 cavalry. Even if there are traps in the pass, I'll break through Yanmen pass and plunder the whole southern Yanmen County! At that time, I'll see what the supporters of Ziman have to say! "

He held the letter tightly in his hand. His bloodshot eyes glared at the rising sun in the distance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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