Ten days later, in the early morning, there was just a little white fish belly in the East.

In the gate of Yanmen pass, many people are pushing all kinds of vehicles to drive to the gate.

"The prefect is very well behaved. Why are we in such a hurry to harvest the grain at night a few days in advance, and the soldiers of special sects help us to harvest together, and teach us to withdraw into the pass in such a hurry. Will Xianbei attack in advance this year?"

"Well, what do you care about? Lord Liu is a very good official. If he asks us to withdraw, we will withdraw."

"This Xianbei attacked early last year for no reason, and this year it may be the same. Mr. Liu, this is called Wei What's the rain In a word, it's always right to prepare ahead of time. "

"Old Li Tou, you don't know a lot of words. You have to learn from others to drag words. Are you afraid this time?"

"Fuck you! You don't have a chance yet. "

In an alley inside the pass, several figures were watching everything at the gate of the city.

"Liu he suddenly called on the common people to collect grain overnight, six or seven days earlier than normal. Now he can defend Yanmen pass and avoid fighting in the wild. What can we do?"

"What do you care. Our task is to make sure that the city gate is opened today. Now they open the gate themselves and let the people in, which saves us a lot of energy. I think it will take at least a long time for so many people to withdraw into the pass. We will guard here. If they are going to close the city gate and we do not get the signal to withdraw, then we will try to delay their closing time. "

These people hide in a corner like this. At present, when Yanmen pass is so busy, no one will notice them, at least they think so.

However, what they did not dream of was that there was no one on the sentry platform not far away from the city. However, when they looked closely, they could see that there was a pair of eyes staring at the positions where the detailed works were located through a small hole in the guardrail of the high platform.

Liu He and others personally commanded and escorted the people into the city.

Slowly, Liu He seems to feel something is wrong.

"Mingwei, do you feel that the ground is shaking?"

Zhang Yong stopped carefully.

"Elder brother, if you don't say it, I still don't feel that it's really shaking when you mention it. Is it the earth dragon that has turned over?"

Liu He shook his head: "no, I think..."

At this time, only the sound of a very loud horn was heard from the upper wall.

"Woo Wu... "

Zhang Yong's face changed greatly: "this is the big horn attacked by the enemy! It must be Xianbei

"Come on! Leave behind a group of soldiers to pick up the common people as soon as possible. Brothers, follow me to the tower!

In the distance, kuitou, who was galloping at a gallop, was overjoyed when he looked at the looming tower of Yanmen pass in front of him.

"Ha ha, that secret report is true! Look at the gate of the city. There are so many people in the gate. They are rushing to the pass. At this time, the gate must be opened! Boys and girls, follow me to Yanmen pass. The rich people in the pass are far from comparable to those in other counties in the north. We are ashamed before the snow falls! "

Xianbei cavalry quickly approached the city gate, and the shaking of the earth became more and more obvious. The nearly crazy shouts of Xianbei people were getting closer and closer. All the people who were still outside Yanmen pass panicked and many fell to the ground.

"Don't panic, we will protect you if we are here!"

At the same time, they stabilized the order and guided the people into the city.

Looking from the gate, Liu He and others saw that the number of Xianbei cavalry was far more than that of the last time.

"I'm afraid kuituo is really angry this time. I think he brought more than 700000 cavalry this time. We can't fight hard, or even if we can beat them back, we will win as badly as last time. Our army can't stand the second large-scale damage. After all, there are more than one enemy around us. "

Zhang Yong clenched his fists and said anxiously.

Liu He nodded: "well, this time we must guard against risks and try to reduce losses. General Gao


"General Gao worked hard and led 5000 soldiers of Han Dynasty to go out of the city to stop the enemy. He must support all the people to enter the city."

"Don't worry!"

Gao Shun turns around and goes down the tower.

"Ye Xiang!"

"The end will be there!"

"You lead the Shenji camp to support the soldiers of Han Dynasty!"

"Here it is

"Guan Yu!"

"The end will be there!"

"You lead the 5000 purple gold dragon cavalry, depending on the needs of the war situation, attack at any time to assist General Gao in blocking!"

"Here it is

"The others follow me, pay attention to the situation here, and be ready to fight at any time!""Here it is

Kuitou led the army and arrived at the place no more than two or three miles away from Yanmen pass. Suddenly, he saw a group of troops in black and black shields coming out of the gate.

"What army is this? During the war a few months ago, I had never seen such an army in Yanmen garrison

Kui tou was puzzled.

At this time, a man beside him called out: "chief, look, that's not the commander-in-chief of the Han reinforcements who suddenly appeared in the last war."

Kui tou looked at it carefully and found Gao Shun very familiar.

"It's really him. The martial arts of this guy are quite good, but his ability of unifying troops is really good. Be careful. This army is only afraid of cheating!"

The man around him disdained to say: "don't panic, chief. You can see that the troops brought out by this man are only 4000 or 5000. Although they are all extremely strong, how can they be able to withstand the impact of more than 70000 cavalry of our army by relying on this number of men and horses, even if they are all the most powerful ones, they will surely be able to trample them into powder!"

Kui tou thought about it, and seemed to think it was reasonable.

"Well, it's true that the failure of the last war, in the final analysis, was that they didn't give full play to the advantage of cavalry charge of our Xianbei children. I think they also set up doubts this time, trying to deceive us to stop and watch, so as to weaken the cavalry's momentum. Let's not see the cavalry. Let's not see them

"Oh, Lulu..."

More than 70000 Xianbei cavalry, one by one like a wolf, powerful, straight into the sky.

Outside the gate of Yanmen pass, there are mountains on both sides. A path at the gate is shaped like a big bell mouth. The closer it is to the gate, the narrower it is. The position before the pass is only about 30 Zhang wide.

Gao Shun led his army all the way to the place more than 100 paces outside the pass, and then he lined up 2500 soldiers with heavy shields, while the soldiers with spears stood behind them.

"Set up

At the command of Gao Shun, one side of the shield was close to the height of one person. With the sound of "Dong Dong Dong", one after another hit the ground. With the weight of the shield itself and the strength of the soldiers, the lower edge of the shield was poked into the ground. The soldiers turned down the supports on both sides of the shield and pushed them into the soil, and then they stuck their bodies on the back of the shield.

Two thousand and five hundred black heavy shields, linked together, like a new great wall, were erected in front of Yanmen pass.

Kui tou was puzzled.

"What the hell, with these shields, trying to stop the pace of our 70000 army? It's ridiculous! Erlang, let me get rid of him

The 70000 Xianbei army, overwhelming, howling and rushing over!

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