"Erlang people, as long as we pass through this pass, we can take the grain, silk and beauty of Han people at will, and rush!"

With a big drink, Kui tou rushed to the front with full confidence. Behind him were 70000 cavalry, all crying with excitement. Everyone looked at these Han soldiers in front of them, as if they were not enemies, but also piles of treasure and beautiful women.

Ye Xiangyan saw that the Xianbei army had already run less than 200 steps. He quickly asked the heralds around him to raise the flag to order the attack.

Gao Shun shook his head at him.

"There is too much disparity between the enemy and our troops. If we shoot at this time, we will delay the enemy's attack, but reduce the casualties. We will not be late to shoot again until they are trapped in the formation."

Ye Xiang's eyes widened.

"But in this way, General Gao, you will be in danger! Without my bow and crossbow to slow down the attack, can the heavy shield soldiers really resist such a large number of cavalry coming? "

Gao Shun had no expression, but said firmly: "don't worry!"

Ye Xiang thought for a while, and finally let the herald lay down the flag.

Cui Jun, Zhang Yong and others on the wall were puzzled when they saw this scene.

Liu He seems to have understood Gao Shun's intention: "Boping has great courage and insight!"

Gao Shun looks at the vast army which is enough to cause the earth shaking. His face is calm and his heart is constantly counting.

"A hundred steps Eighty steps Sixty steps... "

A soldier behind him looked at him and said, "general, can we get a spear?"

Gao Shun shook his head and said, "wait until 20 steps."

"Fifty steps Forty steps Thirty steps Twenty steps

"Good! Out of the spear

The two thousand and five hundred spearmen behind him had been waiting in a hurry. At this time, when they heard the order, they almost stabbed out from the top of the two shields!

"What!" Kui head was shocked and tried to rein the horse with both hands.

He is a good horse selected by thousands of people. He has extraordinary physical strength and can certainly be restrained. But the ordinary Xianbei cavalry behind him can not be treated like this.

Several soldiers behind him suddenly stopped when they saw the leader stop, but they could not stop their horses. They had to turn around quickly to avoid rushing up and bumping into Kui's head.

It was such a small move that led to chaos among the cavalry behind Kui tou. Many of them even fell to the ground with their horses.

However, the more Xianbei cavalry in front of them could not stop the momentum, and they directly ran into the spear and were stabbed!

Many other cavalry, men and horses, dodged the spear and ran into the shield.

The surface of the heavy shield was covered with spines. After they collided with each other, blood holes were punctured on the spot. It was ten times worse than the man who died under the spear!

In such a strong momentum, although the Xianbei cavalry suffered heavy casualties, the soldiers of the heavy shield soldiers were not easy.

Under the impact of this moment, their blood surged one by one, and many people even vomited blood on the spot. Their eyes almost protruded from their orbit, which was very shocking.

Several soldiers were directly hit by the wrong point of force against the heavy shield, and their scapulae were broken.

However, even so, these soldiers were silent, no one cried for pain, and no one retreated!

"What a soldier! General Gao's ability to train his troops is really unique! "

Shi Tao couldn't help clapping at the wall and praising the way.

However, no matter how strong the willpower of these soldiers is, they are human after all. In the face of such great pressure, how can they completely resist without any flaws?

Almost immediately after the Xianbei army came up, the soldiers behind the heavy shields began to lose their strength. As a result, the heavy shields kept moving towards the rear under the impact, leaving a small distance from the other heavy shields on both sides.

Kui head at this time has moved backward for a distance, after feeling calm, soon found these flaws.

"Ha ha, when you are really so strong, it seems that it is just so. Let me get rid of them!"

At this time, Gao Shun turned to Ye Xiang and nodded.

Ye Xiang had been waiting for this moment, and immediately asked the heralds to raise the flag.


Just after these two words were spoken, tens of thousands of arrows immediately flew out from behind the soldiers of Han Dynasty. The so-called "flying arrows are like locusts" describes this situation without exaggeration.

The Shenji camp is just ten steps behind the Han Wu soldier. These arrows easily flew over the head of the Han Wu soldier, then flew forward for a distance, and then fell one after another.

This process took place in an instant. When kuitou and Xianbei troops reacted, the countless arrows had already fallen down like hailstones!

"Ah ah..."


People's scream, horse's whine, suddenly resound through the sky!"Protect the chief!"

Kui tou's personal soldiers used their own bodies to block the arrows coming from the leader.

Kui tou was in a state of shock. He looked at the dead and injured people around him. He was full of anger. He just wanted to scold him, but he couldn't speak any more.

"Damn it, come back!"

Even a gasping Kung Fu did not, the second round of arrow rain appeared on the top of the head again!

This time, those soldiers got ready, took out one side of the small shield that they carried with them, and put them all on the head of the Kui head.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

The rain of arrows fell on the shield and made a lot of noise.

"Chief, let's retreat! If the shield array in front of us is to be completely destroyed, it will take some time. Under such a dense rain of arrows, we will lose a lot of money when we rush to the gate

Listening to the advice of a close soldier, Kui Tou is not paying any attention to it.

"No! This war must be a complete victory, or it will be withdrawn like this. When the class teacher returns to the tribe, it will be the day when Qian man takes power, and he must not retreat! "

He took his heart out of a shield.

"Er Lang, hurry up and rush forward! Break through the shield array in front of you as soon as possible, then you can reduce some casualties! The first person who broke into Yanmen pass was rewarded with half a kilogram of salt, and ten women in the Han Dynasty! "

For Xianbei people, such a reward is more attractive than food, cloth, jewelry and so on!

On hearing Kui tou's words, all the Xianbei soldiers who had already been a little timid turned red again.

The heavy shield array of Han soldiers was broken several times in a short time.

The Xianbei people tried their best to vent their pent up anger on the soldiers who had been washed down. In a flash, they cut the soldiers to pieces.

"Dog thief!"

Gao Shunyan looked at the miserable appearance of the soldiers who had been trained by themselves and ate and lived with each other every day.

Liu he saw Gao Shun have to personally rush out of the appearance, quickly shout.

"General Gao, ye Xiang, you two should lead the army back to the pass quickly. There must be no mistake!"

Although Gao Shun was angry, he was not that kind of rash and impulsive person after all. He was so drunk by Liu He that he recovered his composure at that time.

Under his command, the Han soldiers kept their formation unchanged and marched back. Ye Xiang, who was behind him, divided Shenji camp into four groups of men and horses. Each wave returned to the city. The soldiers who had no turn to return to the city continued to stay in place and shoot forward arrows to slow down the enemy's attack, thus reducing their threat to the Han soldiers.

It was a long and exciting battle, but in fact it was less than half a quarter of an hour.

"General Liu, Gao is ashamed."

Gao Shun clasped his hands and bowed his head, looking ashamed.

"What's the shame of General Gao? It must be unprecedented to be able to block the impact of 70000 cavalry with 5000 people for nearly half a quarter of an hour. After winning, you should ask for the general's credit. "

"It's not Gao's contribution, but general Liu's armament."

Liu He laughs: "the general does not have to be too modest. Everyone knows the general's ability to train and unify troops. Well, let's look at the performance of Yunchang. "

Gao Shun did not speak any more. He stood beside Liu He and watched the battle downstairs.

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