Luoyang City, yuan house.

The yuan family had four generations of Sangong. Among the yuan family members in Runan, Yuan Kai is now the Taifu of the current Dynasty, Yuan Feng is Sikong, and the yuan family of Chenjun is also zhijinwu. As for Jiuqing, the governor, the prefect, the general and the lieutenant, there are countless.

In the next Dynasty, Yuan Wei returned to the mansion.

"Ciyang, what is the matter discussed at today's court meeting?"

A weak voice came from the room.

Yuan Wei came into the room respectfully, but he saw an old man who looked a little bit like him sitting in the middle of the room. Although his face was a little pale, his eyes were like electricity and he was very divine.

"Back elder brother, everything was as the elder brother expected. Huangfu song and Lu Zhi strongly recommended the Yanmen Liu He, but they were refuted by the younger brother and the courtiers, and even the general secretly helped us."

This time, Yang Zhen was written by Yuan Kai, but the man on the opposite side was not someone else. It was yuan Kai's elder brother. When Yuan Feng was a Sikong, he was not well, so the court meeting was called off.

Yuan Feng laughed at Yuan Fei's words.

"Ha ha, I have to say that Liu He is really a talent. If he is one of our own people, or shows a close attitude to the gentry, he will certainly get our support. Now I am afraid that he has been in the middle of a party, how can he stay in the cold and bitter land in the north. "

"Yes, it's a pity that he chose to do the right thing with my family. Over the years, he has killed dozens of local strongmen and aristocratic families. He has always shared all kinds of benefits with the common people. If he is allowed to grow up, it will certainly be a big problem for our aristocratic family, and we must get rid of it as soon as possible. "

There was a glimmer of Yin in Yuan Feng's eyes.

"Tell me more about today's court meeting."

"Yes Yuan Wei Gong voice said.

"Your Majesty is not in good health. He didn't want to discuss politics. However, huangfusong stood up and said that there was an important announcement about the border crossing. He pointed out that Liu he had won the Yanmen victory and captured Kui tou alive. He asked him to be appointed as a military officer. He also ordered him to lead his troops to Beijing to accept the reward. Lu Zhi also supported him."

Yuan Feng nodded slightly.

"Well, although Lu Zhi is a general, he is also a master of Confucian classics. There are many outstanding people all over the world. Unlike Huangfu song, he does not rely entirely on his military achievements. Naturally, the spearhead bird wants Huangfu to do it. The old man is very old now, and his sons are not good. Naturally, he wants to promote a close general as soon as possible, so as to provide protection for his Huangfu family in the future. "

"That's right, brother. Yu Di refuted that although Liu he had made great contributions, he could not make a holiday or go to Beijing. His majesty seemed to have intended to agree with huangfusong's proposal, but after I gave the reason, his attitude obviously hesitated

Yuan Feng sneered: "ha ha, our majesty is not stupid. He knew that he was getting weaker and weaker, but his sons were still young. Naturally, he wanted to find a reliable kinsman to take care of him, so as not to threaten the ancestral temple

"The elder brother is right. I think so too. If it is true, then Liu He will be the Minister of Tuogu. If he holds the army and becomes the Minister of togu, he is bound to lose his power. If we want to fight him again, we are afraid that it will be even more difficult. Therefore, I resolutely oppose him."

"You did well. And then what? "

"Your Majesty asked general He Jin for advice. He Jin proposed to reward Liu He more, not only to reward him, but also to reward all the people in his account."

Yuan Feng was a little puzzled: "huh? What butcher can have such kindness? Although he's from a humble family, he is now in power. His sister, empress he, has given birth to a prince. How can he Jin allow a Liu family member to take over the government and threaten his nephew's status? "

Yuan Fei laughed: "of course, he can't have such kindness. He Jin did propose that Liu He and others should be granted a reward, but all of their official posts were in Yanmen, Dingxiang, Yunzhong and other places. They were all counties bordering on Xiongnu and Xianbei

Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing: "this butcher is also very cunning. In this way, we can not only block the people in the world, but also imprison this royal relative and his family member in the border. Hey, we are ashamed of the evil intentions of this guy. "

"So what? We just do a little bit of action, let him carry the black pot for us, we can achieve the goal, as for who to do this, and we have nothing to do with nature. No matter how powerful He Jin is, he can't escape from the palm of our aristocratic family. "

The two brothers looked at each other with a smile, which was very strange.

But then, Yuan Feng's face suddenly became serious.

"However, in a short period of time, the first enemy of our aristocratic family was still those eunuchs. These rootless thieves encouraged his majesty to launch the misfortune of Party imprisonment twice, which greatly damaged the vitality of our family. If not, how could we be afraid of a mere Liu He and Huang Fu Song with our strength?"

Yuan Fei said with a smile: "brother, don't worry. I have already discussed with Chen, Yang, Wang and other families. Today, the image of chaos in the world is still very obvious. Although our strength in the court hall has been greatly damaged, our power in various places has increased several times or even dozens of times than before. As long as the image of chaos in the world is stronger, haha, it will be the time for our family to really rise and control the world! ""Good! Before that, it is a top priority to destroy Liu He, the people who attack our local forces. "

When the two officials talked about this seemingly immoral thing, they did not avoid it at all. On the contrary, there was a faint expression of joy.

"Brother, do we need to add fire to Liu he?"

Hearing the speech, Yuan Feng narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment.

"Well, I have an idea. If he wants to compete with Xianbei and Xiongnu in the north, one thing is very important. "

The two brothers looked at each other and said with almost one voice: "horses of war!"

Yuan Feng nodded: "good. It's easy to keep the city, but if we want to drive these nomads out of the Han Dynasty, we must rely on powerful cavalry. If there are not enough horses, hem, no matter how amazing Liu He is, it will be difficult for her to cook without rice. Even if she can't be trapped in the border, it will greatly increase the difficulty for him to continue to perform meritorious service. In this way, we will have more opportunities to make profits from it. "

"Brother, how clever! It's not difficult. According to Yu Di's information, Liu He's horses were mainly from two big horse merchants in Jizhou, in addition to relying on capture. The two men married Guan Yu and Cheng Liang, two generals under Liu He's tent, which helped their military development. Therefore, if we want to cut off the source of their horses, we need to start from these two people. As long as you casually find some accusations and copy the homes of these two horse merchants, Liu He will naturally break his arm. "

Yuan Feng said, "well, it's just two inferior merchants. You can find someone to do it."

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