Zhongshan County, Jizhou, borders on Bingzhou and Youzhou at the same time. As a result, many rich merchants came into being. They made a lot of money by selling war horses and fur to the Han Dynasty, and selling grain, salt, pig iron, cloth, silk, lacquerware, etc. to foreigners.

In the war horse business, it is Zhang Ding and Su Shuang who dominate more than half of the horse trade in Youzhou, Jizhou, Bingzhou and Qingzhou. At the same time, they are also involved in other businesses. Some people say that their total wealth can be compared with the annual income of a state.

On this day, Zhang Ding and Su Shuang personally escorted a group of horses that had just been purchased from the north to Zhongshan County. After all, they were not young and were inevitably tired.

"Shi Ping, not long ago, my son-in-law sent me two men. They said that they were in the bathing place specially used by the army to massage and relieve the fatigue of the soldiers. The effect is excellent. How about you come back to your house with me and ask them to press them for me?"

Zhang Ding said with a smile: "ha ha, you old man, you take some advantages and show them off in front of me. Your son-in-law is filial. Is it not as good as cloud Chang of my family? He also sent me these two men. "

Su Shuang said with a embarrassed smile, "Hey, I can't hide this little abacus from you. However, I'd better go to my house first today. Although Lord Liu He is successful in his official career, he is still surrounded by foreign enemies, which is not smooth. Our two incompetent sons, promoted by him, have now officially become county magistrates. We should discuss what we can do to repay them. "

After hearing this, Zhang Ding also nodded.

"Well, you are right. Apart from that, with the help of Mr. Liu and our two sons-in-law, we have been doing more and more business in the past two years. It's that Lord Liu has repeatedly broken the enemy at the border, in public and private affairs, and in reason. You and I should also have some expression. Well, then go to your house and discuss this matter. "

They got on the ox cart and went to Su Fu together.

It's not that they can't afford a carriage. It's just that the big man has a rule that no matter how rich the merchant is, he can only take the ox cart. Although sometimes they sit in the carriage, no one knows, but now they have to be more cautious when they get to the city.

"Welcome the Lord back to the house!"

They walked into the mansion, and people came one after another, handed them hot towels, removed their heavy coats and replaced them with lighter ones.

"Go and invite the two jiaofa Tuina masters sent by Gongyi a few days ago to relieve the fatigue of elder brother Shiping and me."


Su Shuang and Zhang Ding walk into a wing room.

The servant came in with hot water, washed their faces, and then walked out.

"Ha ha, it's rare that Yunchang and Gongyi have such filial piety. It's really wise of you and me to make this decision at the beginning."

"Yes, Mr. Liu He is in danger now, but in my opinion, he still has a bright future. In particular, he attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and will never forget the contribution of our two families in the future."

They were chatting here when a third person's voice rang out in the room.

"You are so elegant, but you don't know that disaster is coming."

Suddenly, they turned over and took off the sword hanging on the wall beside them. They stood back to back together and looked around warily.

"Who! How dare you break into the houses in broad daylight

A dark figure suddenly jumped down from the beam. Zhang Su and Zhang Su felt a flash of cold light, and their swords had been photographed on the ground.

At a glance, the two men saw that the martial arts of the man in front of them were far more than their own. They were afraid that the resistance was futile. They called for the guards to come in, and they were definitely not as fast as the other's swords.

With half a lifetime of wandering experience, the two quickly calm down.

"Do you want money, or are you entrusted to take my life?"

The man in black had no expression and said in a solemn tone: "you don't need to panic. I was entrusted by General Liu He to protect your family secretly. Now I have found a news which is very unfavorable to you. So I come to tell you."

The two men were suspicious.

"Entrusted by Lord Liu? What evidence do you have? "

The man in black took out a letter from his arms and gave it to them.

They took it and looked at it carefully, and their facial expressions softened a lot.

"This is Mr. Liu's handwriting. This kind of cloth and silk was brought to him by brother Su and I from Xuzhou at the beginning of the year. It can't be wrong!"

They put down their guard.

Su Shuang said: "it's impolite. I dare to ask you what important news you said is related to the survival of our two families. What is the news?"

The man in Black said: "two days ago, my brother secretly found out that the prefect's office of Zhongshan County deliberately poisoned a number of war horses with poison, and prepared to falsely accuse you of selling sick horses to the imperial court, so that you will be robbed of your family and family."

The two were shocked at the speech!

"This How can this be possible? The two of us have always cooperated very closely with the governor of Jizhou and the prefect of Zhongshan. They have never had any conflicts and enmities. How could they... "The reaction of the two men was obviously expected by the man in black.

"Although we have not yet found out the specific reason why they acted like this, we are afraid that their real purpose is not the two. What they want to deal with is just another person."

Zhang Ding and Su Shuang were not ordinary people after all. They soon thought of a possibility.

"It's Lord Liu! They want to make an example! Both of my sons-in-law and my son-in-law have written to say that when he was in charge of the local government, he acted with great vigour, which offended many powerful families in many places. They have been trying to get rid of him quickly. They must be unable to fight against him, so they want to start from us and look for opportunities! "

As for this explanation, the more they thought about it, the more likely they felt. They couldn't help but sweat a lot.

The man in black seems to think this explanation is very reasonable.

"It seems likely to be so. Since I have been appointed to protect them, I will certainly try my best to do so. However, my brothers and I are so weak that we have no chance to win in the face-to-face confrontation. We have to think of a perfect plan. "

"If you can solve this problem, you are at your command."

The man in black hesitated for a moment and said, "it's impossible to fight. There's only one way."

"What can I do?"


Two people smell speech, seem to fall into hesitation.

"It's not because I and I don't want to. It's just that our two families have a big family, a big business and a large population. It's not easy to hide."

Zhang Ding looks sad.

Su Shuang seemed to think of something, and her face became firm.

"It's hard to say, but it's not hard."

"Oh? What's your good plan, brother Su? "

"Abandon your family property and flee to Yanmen all night!"

"What!" Zhang Ding was shocked and then shook his head.

"No, this is the family business that you and I have worked hard for half my life. I just give up, I I can't bear to... "

When he said this, Su Shuang's heart was moved and couldn't speak for a while.

The man in Black said, "when are you still thinking about this property? Is it money or life that matters?"

Zhang Ding said with heartache on his face: "that's what we say, but this is not only property, but also the painstaking efforts we have made for half a lifetime."

The man in black pondered for a moment and said, "the prefect's house has been attacked by the black mountain army for many times, and there is not much left. If you want to deal with the tens of thousands of guards and visitors of your two families, he will certainly borrow troops from the surrounding counties or prefectures, which will take at least a few days. You can quickly discount your property. At midnight three days later, my brothers and I will escort you to Yanmen. I will fly pigeons and send letters to General Liu, who will lead troops from Yanmen to meet you. The decisive abandonment of the abandonment, everything as soon as possible, do not delay

"Good! It's the right time for both of us to give up this humble career and give up all my heart to him! "

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