Zhen Yi stood up and saluted Liu He, then began to speak.

"Zhen's entry into Bingzhou meant to discuss business relations with many big families in Bingzhou. Now those families committed capital crimes and were destroyed by Lord Liu. It is the will of heaven that Zhen family will cooperate with Lord Liu from now on. Since it is cooperation, my Zhen family should offer some sincerity. "

With that, he held out a finger.

"I would like to present 100000 stones of grain and forage as a deposit for future cooperation with adults."

"Good! My good brother, bo'an, is really cheerful

Zhang Ding cheered.

Guan Yu and others are also full of jubilation, looking at this Zhen Yi is more and more pleasing to the eye.

Cui Jun looked at Liu He and saw that he didn't seem as happy as everyone else. He couldn't help asking, "Lord, do you have any ideas?"

Zhen Yi is a little anxious: "is it true that I am not sincere enough?"

Liu he quickly explained: "no, sir, don't misunderstand. When we are in danger, Mr. Liu can be generous and help us in time of crisis. Is there any reason for Liu to abandon him? But my husband also said that we are cooperative. Therefore, I wonder how to make use of this cooperative relationship to make profits for both of us in the future. Isn't it better than a simple donation? "

Zhen Yi is overjoyed. What Liu he said is the result he really wants? He originally wanted to get married with Liu He, and then have more contacts, and then formally discuss business. Unexpectedly, Liu he was so straightforward that he was really surprised.

"I wonder how Mr. Liu thinks he wants to cooperate?"

Liu he paced back and forth, as if thinking about it.

"Mr. Liu is not good at business and has some vulgar views. I'll make you laugh. I'm thinking that if you continue to do business as before and then trade with me again, then the murder of Zhang and Su last night will happen again sooner or later. And it's more troublesome and risky to trade in this way. "

On hearing this, they all nodded.

"I don't know how Mr. Liu thinks this transaction should be carried out?"

Liu he said: "Liu is thinking that three people, together with Liu, will jointly contribute to set up a business firm, which will be used to carry out various transactions such as horses, livestock, cloth and silk, silk, ceramics, grain and forage. The profits obtained will be distributed by the four of us according to the proportion of contribution. However, we do not personally participate in the daily operation of the commercial bank."

Su Shuang couldn't help shouting: "wonderful! In this way, even if those people do the same thing, take and even kill several of us, it will not affect the operation of the firm itself. Even if the people of our two families die, it will not help. In this way, we will be safer. "

"Yes, as long as it is profitable, we can absorb some powerful families from other places with reliable character. As long as more people participate in the distribution of interests, our own strength will be strong enough. Haha, even if the court wants to move us, it will not be so easy."

Zhang Ding touched his chin and grinned.

Zhen Yi patted the table and said, "well, Lord Liu, this is a wonderful plan. Let's do it! It's just that we still need to study the details of the preparatory firm. "

"It's better to choose a day than to collide with the sun. Today I'll finalize this matter and prepare it as soon as possible."

In the camp, each of them was a business tycoon, a mastermind of strategy, or a general. A group of people from the morning to the afternoon discussed the matter for several hours, and finally decided on the event.

The four sides invested 10 million yuan respectively to establish an "Anhan commercial firm" in yinguan city. The garrison troops were responsible for maintaining the security of the city. At the same time, the commercial firm would hire a group of special guards. After that, Zhang, Su and Zhen sent reliable men to jointly take charge of the operation of the business.

Members of the three families and Liu He, among others, are not allowed to directly interfere in the affairs of the commercial bank on weekdays. They can only determine the overall policy direction of the commercial bank, and a group of managers selected by the four parties are fully responsible for the specific affairs.

However, the business of this chamber of commerce is different from that of Zhang Suzhen. The three families usually travel around, selling their products from the south to the north, from the coastal areas to the inland, and from the Central Plains to the Hu people, so as to earn a huge price difference. However, the journey is very hard, and they are easy to encounter robbers and government exploitation.

The commercial banks will set up branches in yinguan City, or in other cities in the future. All the commodities should be transported to the city by the caravans of different sizes. They can trade with other commercial teams in the commercial banks, or they can rent shops in the city after registering with the commercial banks.

Of course, you can do business in the city without the registration of a commercial firm. However, the resources of each caravan will be used for integration within the commercial firm. In terms of sales and security, it will be greatly beneficial, especially for the transaction of some bulk commodities or high-value goods, which is particularly important.

This idea was put forward by Liu He. At the beginning, people from the three families, including Cui Jun and others, had some doubts about the fixed location business. After all, in their eyes, if the business needs to be bigger, it must be run. However, Liu he insists on his own opinion.

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that in a short time, our business will be a sensation in the northern states, and yinguan city will become a holy city for many business teams and business families."When they saw that he was so committed, they did not continue to object. In any case, if this road did not work, it would be changed at that time.

The reason why Liu he dared to be so confident was that he relied on the stability and relative prosperity of many cities under his rule. In today's Han Dynasty, there are wars everywhere and bandits are rampant. If the layman does not have enough strength to protect himself, the risk is great.

Business people want to avoid risks as much as possible. If there is such a place, as long as you come here, you can complete all kinds of transactions, and this place is very safe and stable. Which businessman would not like it?

Although goods have to be transported from other places, it is better to take this route all the year round than to run around. Moreover, as long as you enter the territory of Taiyuan county and Yanmen County, the safety will be guaranteed. Let alone the businessmen in these two counties and the surrounding areas, they will be very enthusiastic about it.

What's more, Liu He has a secret weapon in hand.

As it was clearly stated in the imperial edict that Liu he was in charge of all affairs in the six prefectures, he decided to carry out the "salt iron liquor monopoly" under his administration. All salt must be licensed from this firm for making and selling salt. Restaurants and restaurants must also obtain liquor making license from the commercial firms, and collect iron ore to make pig iron and sell it to various blacksmiths A license is required.

At the same time, all the minerals in the territory are owned by themselves. Anyone who wants to mine locally must purchase the mine itself in addition to the license.

This practice is not uncommon in various dynasties. Let alone the Han Dynasty, even in the Northern Song Dynasty, the right to make wine must be bought by the government in order to make wine in their own restaurants. For other hotels, they can only buy wine from these restaurants at a high price.

As for salt and iron, it is more related to the stability and security of the country. The reason why the big Hu people in the north often go south is for food on the one hand, and salt and pig iron on the other hand, because these two things are difficult to obtain from normal trade. However, at the end of the Han Dynasty, the law and discipline are lax and the management is chaotic, which gives some merchant families and also secretly The opportunity for businessmen to make huge profits.

Nowadays, iron mines, salt wells and grain are mostly controlled by the big families. Blacksmith shops, restaurants, restaurants, and ordinary people can only find them to purchase. This has brought them great benefits, but the people are miserable.

Although Liu he would not make pig iron, salt and wine by himself, he would let the merchants select a group of blacksmith shops, salt merchants, restaurants and so on who could obtain the earliest license, and then let them produce their own iron wares, salt and wine, which could be circulated in the market or traded in the commercial banks.

Then, the buyer and the public will choose whose products are good. If it turns out that they have no strength and technology, they just waste the license in vain, or take the opportunity to disturb the market, they will be taken back by the commercial banks, and may even be punished by the government.

With the implementation of such a strong monopoly system, coupled with the fact that the population of each county under Liu Hezhi is quite large, and the people are relatively rich compared with many other states and counties, the profits that can be generated can be seen by a discerning person. In the initial period of time, the business firm relied on this set of things, which was enough to support, at least according to Liu he himself.

Just a dozen days later, in the yinguan City, a huge building was decorated, and "Anhan commercial firm" was officially established.

The people in the city were also busy, and they gathered at the gate to see what the firm was selling.

However, to their disappointment, there was nothing in the firm.

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