Just as everyone was ready to leave, a voice suddenly rang.

"Wait a minute, everyone. We have an important notice to let you know!"

We stopped. Driven by curiosity, we all wanted to hear what the firm wanted to do with such a big opening that it didn't sell anything.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you must have seen the notices posted all over the city. From today on, Yanmen county implements" salt and iron liquor monopoly ". Without permission, anyone who makes wine, mines, or sells salt without permission will be severely punished."

This notice has been posted in the city for more than ten days. Even if many people have not seen it, they have not heard it mentioned.

This is not new at all. However, the law and discipline have been broken in recent years. Many families and businessmen have taken advantage of the loopholes to occupy iron ore, forge pig iron, occupy salt mines, sell private salt, hoard grain and brew fine wine. As a result, the price of grain is getting higher and higher. Ordinary people who want to make iron wares can only buy pig iron from them. If they want to eat salt, they can only buy private salt. Things are getting worse and worse, But the price is getting higher and higher, but the people are helpless.

Because of their trust in Liu He for many years, many people originally welcomed the announcement. However, after more than ten days, there was no follow-up progress. We only thought that this was an empty talk and thought that Mr. Liu was also blocked by some families with relevant interests, so it could not be implemented for a long time.

Now hear this new business, the first notice mentioned this matter, everyone immediately came to interest.

"Authorized by the governor's office, we will auction 10 liquor making licenses, 10 mining licenses and 10 salt making licenses in 20 days, that is, on the eighth day of next month, with the starting price of 10000 yuan. At the same time, we will sell 10 salt wells, 10 iron mines, 100 thousand refined grains, and 10 land leases of restaurants in Yanmen County, with an initial auction price of 20000 yuan."

A word out, the crowd is in uproar!

"What? The auction right of the license is in the hands of this firm? "

"The starting price of a license is only 10000 yuan! Although I'm not a rich family, I may be able to take a picture of it all by patching things together. Maybe I'll go all out! "

"Hey, I don't have any money, but I have a relative who has a lot of assets. I'll go to Jinyang city to look for him right now. If he can take a picture, I may have a share of the pie."

"You think it's really beautiful. The starting price is 10000, not the price 10000. Now our yinguan city has a population of nearly 100000. In the past two years, we have had a good time and a good harvest. If you set up a restaurant here, you may have a profit of more than 100000 yuan a year. It's hard to beat it. "

"My ancestral iron making skill, the pig iron and iron ore I bought before are of poor quality, and they can't give full play to my ability. If any of you take a mining license, you must remember to cooperate with me!"

"You are so narrow-minded. If you want to say that the biggest benefit is salt! We don't produce salt in Bingzhou. Salt can only be transported from other states, so the price is very high. This firm is so large that it seems to have some capital. He dares to say that he has salt mine auction, but he is afraid it is true. As long as you can get a salt well, you don't have to worry about food and clothing for eight generations

Among these things, there is no doubt that this salt making license and ten salt mines are the most attractive! Even ordinary people know what crazy interests lie behind this thing!

Just such a short notice, the firm immediately set off a huge commotion in the city of Yin Guan, and it was also spreading rapidly to the surrounding counties and counties.

A number of large families in Yanmen county have been killed by Liu He, but there are still some smaller families, or those who follow the rules relatively and do not make any big mistakes. At this time, they are ready to move.

Not only that, Liu He also secretly let the hundreds of Rangers from the flying eagle guard spread the news of the auction in various places. Soon, it spread to many states and counties.

Before long, some families in Taiyuan County, Xihe County, and even Jizhou, east of Taihang Mountain, as well as many businessmen, all sent to yinguan city to inquire about the news. After confirming the truth of the news, many people poured in one after another.

Two days before the start of the auction, many inns in the city were already full of people. However, it was hard to find a room in the city, which was rarely visited.

In the prefect's residence, people gathered and the atmosphere was very happy.

Although Cui Jun is currently the eunuch of Yanmen in name, the other five counties have not yet been recovered. Therefore, the Anmin army still trains troops and deals with government affairs in yinguan City, and the master of the prefecture is still Liu He.

"Big brother is really clever. With just a few words of Kung Fu, so many people have come to our remote Yanmen. I'm convinced."

Cheng Liang looks excited.

Zhen Yi sighed: "when Mr. Liu put forward this plan, we still thought it was ridiculous. Today, we know how wise it is. We, who have been engaged in business for many years, are not as fierce as Mr. Liu. We are really ashamed."

Liu he said with a smile: "Mr. Zhen flattered me. Liu is the most clear about Yanmen. In the past two years, Yanmen has witnessed a stable public order, a large population growth, and continuous reclamation of wasteland. People's families have not been able to feed themselves before, but now many industrious people have begun to have some surplus food and money. As soon as people have enough food and clothing, they will naturally have other needs. The need for drinking, eating out of restaurants, eating better refined salt, working in the field, using more iron instead of wood and manpower, and so on. If we change to another city, we will not be so enthusiastic about these permits. ""Mr. Liu is far sighted. The larger the population is, the better the living conditions are. The higher the profits will be and more people will be willing to invest money in these franchised businesses. We have lived in Zhongshan for a long time. We are only famous for the situation under the rule of Lord Liu, and we have never experienced it personally. Therefore, it is natural for us to judge with the thinking we have seen and heard before

Said Su Shuang, stroking her beard.

"But big brother, it's just enough to sell the license. Why even sell grain, salt well and iron ore together? It's better for us to keep those things ourselves."

Zhu Ye is puzzled.

"Hehe, Dehui, you don't understand. How to make wine with license and without food? Without iron ore, how to mine ore to make pig iron? How to make salt without salt well? We said that if we don't personally participate in the operation, first of all, we are not professional. Even if we do, we may not be able to do well, and it involves a lot of energy. Second, if we only have licenses, but these resources are in our own hands, the enthusiasm of families and business travelers for licenses will be greatly reduced. "

"What's more, although we don't have much grain at present, we can still cope with it for a few months. Although there is a lot of grain for 100000 stones, the impact is not great. Now the grain price in Yanmen is 400 yuan a stone. We are afraid that it can be sold for 500 or 600 yuan. But with the continuous increase of grain production under the government, those who set up restaurants will surely try to transport grain from other places. When we have money, we can buy 150000 or even 200000 stone grain with the same money, Isn't it better? "

Zhang pointed out: "yes, if it was me, I would be worried. After spending a lot of money to get the license, I would have to spend a lot of money to buy these resources from the governor's office. Isn't that a waste of effort? Licenses, restaurants, grains for wine making, salt wells, and iron ore are all ready for them, so they don't have to worry about their future. As long as they get something, they can start production and operation immediately and start to earn money back. This is what businessmen attach most importance to. "

Zhu Ye suddenly realizes: "so it is. Alas, business is really troublesome. It is easier to fight."

Qian Li was also in the assembly hall at this time. Now he has 86 intelligence and 89 politics. Such attributes make him stay in langtiao County, and he has been a bit of a talent. So Liu he transferred him to Yanmen not long ago.

At this time, seeing Zhu Ye's appearance, he couldn't help but tease.

"Hehe, five generals are too troublesome? There are more advantages in this than that. "

"These things are put together for auction, and the people who got the license in front of them can't wait to transport these materials from other places. It's time-consuming and costly. Therefore, these people will definitely choose to take pictures of these materials in the back. For example, those who have the right to make wine will definitely want to take them to the restaurant, so that they can open after a few days of preparation. Therefore, it will indirectly increase the price of these materials to be auctioned later. "

"So it is. How do you grow your brain seeds? I have read some books these years, and I can barely understand some things about marching and arraying. But I'm afraid I can't understand these things after reading for half a lifetime."

"Ha ha, General Zhu only wants to win the battle ahead. I'll leave these mundane affairs to us."

Everyone laughs, and Zhu Ye laughs with no shame.

Guan Yu, on the other hand, seemed to have thought of other problems and said, "elder brother, among those who come to prepare for the auction, there are no lack of unscrupulous businessmen. If they were allowed to take away the license, would it not be for the sake of the people and discredit the ANP in the future?"

This matter is really a trouble, people all look at Liu He, want to see what attitude he is.

Liu He is smiling.

"I was prepared for it. The three military divisions, together with Huo Qing and Qian Li, have worked out a series of future business requirements and regulations, which will be announced at the auction. I will specially allocate ten thousand troops and horses to maintain public order in the city and the order of market operation. As long as anyone violates the law and discipline, he will never be lenient. "

Seeing that Liu He is well prepared, everyone is relieved.

On the eighth day of September, it soon arrived. In the early morning, hundreds of people gathered at the gate of the firm. All of them were looking forward to the opening of the firm.

"Why don't you open the door? I've been waiting for more than half an hour."

"What are you? I've been waiting here since dawn."

"You are free, too. It is clear in the announcement that the door will be opened at three o'clock. Who told you to come so early?"

"Hey, there's such a big thing waiting for us. Where can we sleep? Why don't we come here earlier and wait for it? Maybe the person in charge of the commercial bank may send me the license directly when he sees me waiting sincerely."

"You think so well, you boy."

People are talking in succession, trying to use the strength of this speech, to resist the cold of the late autumn morning.

I don't know who was the first to shout: "look, open the door!"

The people immediately focused their eyes on the past, and sure enough, they saw that the two heavy doors of the firm, which seemed to be made of pure copper, were slowly opening.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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