It should be noted that in this era, all doctors who want to accept apprentices have to come to the door to worship, offer gifts, and then follow the master to do hard work for several years, and then the master will see his performance, and then teach medical skills bit by bit.

If there are more apprentices, in this process, the benefits that the master can obtain are not small.

If Hua Tuo is really willing to accept apprentices, he will definitely be able to queue up from Yanmen to Taiyuan. He can become a rich man just by accepting the teacher worship ceremony.

But now, Cui Jun simply asked him to set up a medical school directly and teach skills widely. This is almost to say that he has cut off money and deceived people too much, which is not in line with the rules of the industry.

Guan Yu and others were afraid of Hua Tuo's anger. They were about to get up and appease them. However, Liu He gave them a wink and asked them to go back and sit down.

They didn't find out. After Cui Jun's words came out, Hua Tuo was stunned at first. Then, instead of showing any anger, he suddenly began to laugh.

Cheng Liang looked at Hua Tuo with a sad look on his face: "it's over, Mr. Hua Tuo is mad This time, we're going to bite the hand that feeds you... "

Zhang San Yong seemed to say, "I don't want to see it again. I don't want to see it any more."

Looking at Cui Jun and Liu He, Hua Tuo asked, "is Liu Taishou really willing to open a medical school and school for the sake of my husband? As you must know, I can't charge more for medicine than I do for others. I don't charge much for medical consultation. I'm not used to accepting gifts and tuition fees. When this hospital and school were opened, it cost a lot of money at the beginning, but I'm afraid that there will be no income after that. I'm not afraid of losing money if I spend money and food without making any profit? "

Then Liu He spoke.

"If I were a normal person, I was afraid that I would turn my face at the first time when I put forward this proposal. Even if I still want to talk about it, the first sentence must be about my own treatment. But the gentleman did not mention a word about it, which shows that he is broad-minded and concerned about the common people. Sir, if you can, I Liu he was ordered by the imperial court to govern the six prefectures. Is it not that ambitious? Although it costs a lot of money and food, it is very beneficial to the people. The people can make peace in the world. Liu knows this truth. "

Hua Tuo's face was moving, but he seemed to have some worries.

"Mr. Liu is so thoughtful. I've traveled all over the world, and I haven't seen a second person. How blessed are the hundreds of thousands of people in beizhou! It's just

Liu he leaned forward: "is there any difficulty, sir?"

Hua Tuo said with a low eyebrow: "when I went to the party, I heard that many places in Yanzhou and Jizhou had just experienced natural disasters. I was afraid that there would be plague. I should go to help."

Liu he said with a smile: "Sir, give up the book and pursue the end."

Hua Tuo's eyebrows moved: "I'd like to hear more about it."

"The land of our Han Dynasty is vast, and there are so many people. Every year, there are natural disasters and pestilence in some places. Can you save it by one person? Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to stop it every year? "

Hua Tuo thought for a long time, but he was very confused.

"I'm a rash man, please give me your advice."

"Natural disasters can not be prevented. However, after natural disasters, if relief is provided in time, how can such disasters happen?"

Hua Tuo seemed to understand and asked, "how to help?"

Liu he held out three fingers: "one house of porridge enables the victims to survive. The second is to divide the seeds of the land so that the victims can have a long-term livelihood. The third is to prevent and disinfect in time. If these three laws are adopted, the plague will not occur and the farming and taxation in the coming year will not be affected. However, to achieve these three points, there are three difficulties. "

"Oh? How about the three difficulties? "

"First, the local warlords are becoming more and more powerful, and land annexation has resulted in less and less land for the common people and more and more powerful land. However, the aristocratic clans concealed a large number of property and population, so the tax of the imperial court was less and less year by year. How could such a large amount of money and food be provided every year? "

"Second, the land was in the hands of the aristocrats. After each disaster, the people were poor and had no basis to depend on. Instead, they had to sell a little of their original thin farmland to earn a little money and food to support themselves. Therefore, every natural disaster is a time when the people become more and more impoverished, and the door lords are in great difficulty in getting rich. "

"Third, the number of doctors is scarce, and every doctor is too humble to spread medical skills. As far as I know, even in the city of Jinyang, there are less than 100 medical centers, and the cost of diagnosis is very high. Even if ordinary people have some daily pain, they are very hard to look up to, let alone in the time of pestilence?"

Hua Tuo nodded again and again: "a word from the prefect will open the door immediately! How strong our Han Dynasty is, the Chinese empire is now in disaster for many years, the country is poor, and the key is here. I see. "

Liu he said with a smile, "what do you understand, sir?"

Hua Tuo said: "in the first two items, I'm a grassroots man, and I can't do anything about it. But the third one, broadcasting medical skills, is just what I can do. It's better to cure the source of the disease than to mend the leak every year. Only when the world's medical science is flourishing can we really solve the plague. "

Liu He's eyes were bright: "so you said yes?""How can I refuse such an opportunity to do my best for our country? I'd like to do as well as you can

"Good!" Liu he suddenly stood up as soon as he clapped his desk, but he recovered from his injury and nearly fell down.

"Mr. Yuanhua is so devoted to teaching that in just a few years, many good doctors will surely emerge. This is really the blessing of the people."

"I'm flattered. Ha ha."

At this time, Zhang Yong also added: "you don't have to worry about the plague in Yanzhou and Jizhou. These two states are not as rich as ours. Even if there is a plague, if it is not too serious, it is enough to deal with it. In addition, we Yanmen will tell the court about this. Although it may not have much effect, it can at least help them prevent it. It is expected that it will not hinder them. "

"Not bad, not bad. What the general said is very true, so I'm completely at ease."

Liu he was overjoyed and ordered: "it is convenient to choose the address of the hospital in the city tomorrow. The place must be large. On weekdays, people can see a doctor and save people. At the same time, there is a separate hospital. As long as you are kind-hearted and willing to come to study, you can follow your teacher in the hospital. What do you think? "

Hua Tuo was filled with admiration and exultation: "it's so wonderful. How can I do my best?"

On the banquet, people were happy and toasted, and the atmosphere became more and more warm.

Just three days later, not far from the same street of Anhan commercial bank, there was a hospital with the size of six facades, officially opened.

For a city, the opening of a medical center is a gratifying thing, and the hospital named "Huairen Hall" is even more eye-catching. The reason is that on the day of opening, Liu He, Guan Yu and Cui Jun all arrived in Qi, and even Liu He's father, Liu Qian, who had never been seen by people here, also appeared here.

It turns out that in order to meet the needs of the hospital's daily herbs, Liu he specially sent someone to take over master Xu's grandparents and grandsons who were cultivating herbs. Liu Qian and Mr. Xu have known each other. Over the years, Liu Qian often goes to the medicine garden to keep company with him. When he heard about this, he simply moved his family together. One is to find something to do, and the other is to see his son often.

Liu he couldn't resist his parents, so he agreed to let his father do some chores with Xu and Hua Tuo.

When the hospital opened, the door was crowded with people, and Liu He's announcement immediately surprised everyone in the city.

This hospital not only provides medical services for others, but also enrolls students and apprentices free of charge. As long as you have a sense of benevolence and righteousness, you can come to learn medicine. This news almost makes many people in the city boil.

Next, Liu He also said clearly that Mr. Hua Tuo, who was in charge of the museum, had cured many of the wounded who were almost killed in the army, including himself. His medical skills were extremely excellent, which made everyone more excited.

On the first day alone, hundreds of people came to learn medicine from Hua Tuo. However, under the personal supervision of Qian Li and Hua Tuo, most of them with impure motives or poor talents were eliminated. Finally, only 56 people were left to follow Hua Tuo to study medicine in the hospital.

But even so, Liu He is still full of confidence. As long as he gives himself enough time, he will surely have a prosperous medical career. Although the hospital itself does not make money, and may even have to subsidize it all year round, it will be of great benefit to the people and the army!

For soldiers, it's not necessary to say that even ordinary people are healthier, so that they can cultivate more land and work more. In this way, their taxes will naturally be increased, and the people's life will be better. They will often go to the street to buy other goods. Naturally, commerce and trade will become more prosperous. It seems that they are losing money. In fact, they can do more with one stone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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