A big event has been decided and Yanmen is in a state of jubilation. Who can not welcome a doctor who is so skillful? What's more, if such a long time goes on, there will probably be 10, 20 and 100 doctors like this, which can be said to be beneficial to the country and the people.

After a period of time, Zhu ye and Qian Ning still need to rest at home. In this cold winter, they are not able to go out. However, the poison in Liu He's body has been basically eliminated. Although he is still a little weak, he is basically in good condition. Therefore, they have resumed their daily work and martial arts practice.

Liu He called Cui Jun, Shi Tao, Meng Jian, Qian Li, Guan Yu, Cheng Liang, Zhang Yong, ye Xiang and Gao Shun to discuss and solve the military and political affairs that had been accumulated during this period.

High bamboo slips were piled up on the desk.

Liu He looked through them one by one, sometimes dignified, sometimes contemplative, and sometimes sad.

"All the lost land has been recovered. It is indeed time to appoint the officials sent to the counties. Otherwise, there will be no one to manage. Even if there is a tax-free policy, the people and caravans will not dare to go there. Just for a while, it's really hard to get together so many local officials. It's really a headache... "

Guan Yu and others were not good at government affairs, so they did not speak.

Meng Jian's face cleared up and solemnly said, "this can be done in three steps."

Liu he originally frowned and asked, "Oh? What are the three steps? "

"The first step is to transfer the current officials to Wuyuan, Yunzhong, Shuofang and Shangjun. There were officials in Yanmen and Dingxiang, but many local officials were unable to take up their duties because of the rampage of the Hu people, and they have returned to their places in succession for several months. Although these people may not be competent enough, they will not make a big mistake if they act according to the orders issued by the Lord and deterred by the army left behind. Therefore, we can temporarily transfer the people under the Lord's command to those places which have been deserted for a long time and there is no official sent by the imperial court. "

"The second step is, after a period of time, from the original group of officials, select people with both political integrity and ability, carry out promotion and transfer, replace the people under the Lord's command, slowly take back the close friends of the officials, and give those officials a fair opportunity to close their hearts."

"The third step is the most long-term, selecting and training new people, and deploying them one by one. If these three steps are completed, then the political talents under the Lord's command will be able to go back and forth. Even if there are more prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of the Lord in the future, they can do so. There will be no big mistake. "

Cui Jun nodded his head and said: "this matter can not be solved completely in a short time. Gongwei suggests that we should take good care of the old people, the new people and the distant and close relatives, which is an excellent policy."

Liu he thought for a moment and said, "well, let's do it like this. It's very difficult to send Mr. Zhao chengshuo and Mr. Huo to Guangsu County for a long time. As for Wuyuan County, I will leave it to you. "

Qian Li did not directly agree: "report to the Lord, I want to ask for several people from the Lord, and I will go to the post with my subordinates."

Liu he rubbed his temple: "who do you want to take?"

"My subordinates want to take Moda mowende, Zhao Kui, Zhao Mingliang, Zhan Lian and Zhan Qingyuan away."

Liu he was stunned and moved: "it seems that my brother has done a lot of homework these days."

Qian Li was flattered by him, but he was a little embarrassed.

"The Lord has entrusted an important task, and his subordinates are not afraid to spare no effort. Along the Yellow River, fertile fields, no matter farming or grazing, are a treasure land. Mo Wende is proficient in horse raising. Zhao Mingliang is good at raising and herding various livestock. Zhan Qingyuan is good at farming. Now it is unparalleled in the world. With the three of them, I believe that in two years' time, Wuyuan County will be able to support hundreds of thousands of people and tens of thousands of soldiers! "

As soon as Liu he wanted to agree, Shi Tao yelled: "it's not necessary. In terms of the vast grassland and fertile land, Shuofang county is much more than Wuyuan County. In fact, Shuofang county is the main one in Hetao area, which Xiongnu and Xianbei fight for all the year round. I think it's appropriate for them to go to Shuofang with me. "

"This This I... "

Qian Li has always been a bit shy. When Shi Tao said this, he felt that it seemed reasonable. For a moment, he did not know how to refute it.

"OK, OK, Guangyuan, don't bully your prospective brother."

Liu He and Qian Li grew up together as children. Their friendship and understanding of each other are almost second only to Liu He's.

"Wuyuan and Shuofang are adjacent to each other, but Mo, Zhao and Zhan are not local officials. I will send them to you two to help. Some of the hundreds of thousands of livestock captured this time were specially left over to Yuanqing and Boping. Now they are all in Guangmu city. Zhao Kui has made some achievements in grazing in Qiangyin county. Based on these livestock, we must manage Wuyuan County and Shuofang County properly. In the future, we can rely on you to provide food and grass, cattle, sheep and horses. "

"Well, don't worry, my Lord."

Qian Li and Shi Tao guarantee.

Liu He is full of confidence to have them go. Once this is done, the soldiers in the army will be able to eat meat every day. With this condition alone, they will have the advantage in recruiting soldiers. The intensity of training in the future can also be greatly improved, and their strength can be restored as quickly as possible. At that time, what is the fear of the world?"My Lord, I'm afraid it's not so easy. If we want to develop agriculture, mulberry and animal husbandry in this Hetao area, one thing must be solved. "

Cui Jun suddenly said.

Liu he thought for a moment: "huh? What did the military adviser say about the flood of the Yellow River? This matter has been mentioned by the military division. It is really a big problem. "

On hearing this, Shi Tao frowned: "it's my fault. The river bed of the Yellow River is higher than the ground, and the River breaks through the river bank all the year round, so that it overflows. If this matter is not solved, the fertile soil on both sides of the Strait may be difficult to use, so we can only stay away from the river bank. In this way, a large area of land will be wasted and farming and grazing will not be effective. "

"My Lord, Jun remembers that in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Shuofang County, there is a huge lake named Tu Shenze. If we can make use of the lake to develop and build water conservancy projects, or introduce the turbulent water of the Yellow River into it for irrigation, perhaps we can improve the water damage

Cui Jun's proposal was approved by all.

"Well, Zhou Ping is very kind. It's just that I am not good at water conservancy. Moreover, the project is huge and involves a lot. I'm afraid that we have to start from the upstream and build many water conservancy projects along the Yellow River, supplemented by other means, to complete the project. The cost is so huge that it is hard to imagine. "

What Shi Tao said also made everyone nod frequently.

Liu he knew with his own eyes, what he had heard and what he had learned in his previous life that even in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the river bed was only slightly higher, and it did not become a real suspended river, and the sediment in the river was far less than that in his previous life.

In the final analysis, the flood problem of the Yellow River is the problem of sediment. A large amount of sediment on the loess high slope enters the Yellow River and silts in the riverbed. With the scouring for many years, it is of course that a piece of fertile alluvial plain appears, but it also makes the river bed and embankment rise gradually. Finally, the water of the Yellow River breaks through the levee, as if pouring out from the sky Potential.

The disappearance of vegetation on the Loess Plateau and the water and soil flowing into the Yellow River are inseparable from the excessive grazing of the northern nomadic people for thousands of years. With more and more livestock, the original turf was gnawed less and less. When the grassland disappeared, they changed into a grassland and continued to live. They were not responsible for the land they lived on.

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