His tone is very severe, it can be said that there are murders.

In the crowd, there are more than a dozen people, suddenly began to slowly backward.

Liu he had sharp eyes and noticed these people at the first time.

"Catch them!"

This order, suddenly from the roof around, jumped down a number of black masked people.

Before many people understood what was going on, they saw the men in black fighting with the dozen people.

But it was obvious that the masked man's martial arts skills were better than before, and they were soon captured and escorted to Liu He all the way.

"Kneel down!"

Masked people directly toward their back knee kicked a foot, more than a dozen people eat pain and powerless, kneel down in front of Liu He.

Liu He looked at them. They were divided into two groups, wearing the clothes of Han people and Xianbei people respectively.

Although these people are held down by death, they are still desperate to resist.

"Why do you arrest us! What's wrong with us? We just want to take back our humble woman

"We are right. They are not rude. Of course we should fight back!"

"Why do you say that several of us took the lead in the fight? What is the evidence?"

"The man surnamed Liu bullies others. Don't be afraid. I don't believe he can defeat so many of us!"

Seeing that they were so rampant, Cheng Liang couldn't help rushing up and kicking one of them.

"Damn it, I dare to speak hard when I'm dying. If I catch you, I'm sure there's evidence. What are you talking about?"

Guan Yu pulled him back: "third brother, don't be foolishly, listen to elder brother."

Those more than a dozen people, who were not willing to let go of such an opportunity, howled one after another.

"Look, this man is so vicious, it can be seen that they are not good things. We should fight against it, and we can't be bullied by them in any case."

They yelled at the top of their voices, their voices were shrill, and their appearance was somewhat tragic. They really attracted some people to stand up for them.

"You Han people only know how to bully and humiliate our Xianbei people. The women who rob us are the first, and the men who arrest us are the last. It is clear that you want to drive us all out!"

"Mr. Liu, these people are also in a hurry for a while, which is justifiable. Please hold your hand high..."

Many people came over and pleaded with Liu He for them.

Listening to these words, Liu He looked down at the more than ten people, and suddenly got off the horse and went to the people who came to plead.

"You don't have to be like this. Liu has already said that I will treat all law-abiding and diligent people regardless of their origins. Today, I still do not change this. You are deceived. Although you have violated the ban, these people are the main culprits. Since Liu dares to arrest them, he is sure enough. "

These people looked at each other in disbelief at Liu He.

Liu he said decisively: "do you still believe in Liu? He vowed here that if I really wronged these people, there would be no evil people behind the scenes to sow dissension. I, Liu He, would like to resign immediately and return to his hometown and hand over his power. I have no empty words! "

As soon as he took such a heavy oath, those people were caught off guard.

"Oh, Lord Liu, you don't have to. We trust you!"

"This Although you are a Han nationality, you are really good. We Xianbei people believe you once, but you must take out the evidence immediately! "

Liu He laughs: "the evidence is far in the horizon, near in front of you."

"Oh? How to be close to your eyes? "

Liu he winked at Guan Yu and others. Several of them realized clearly that they had taken off their headdresses one by one and wiped off some mud and dust on their faces, revealing their complete appearance.

"How about it? Do you know any of these people

When he said this, many people of the two nationalities who were present stretched their necks to see it.

However, at this time, they found that none of the more than ten people who had been mixing with them and had the highest shouting voice actually knew none of them!

"There are more than 20000 Han people and more than 30000 Xianbei people in the city. Although it is impossible for all of them to be familiar with these ten or so people, it is impossible for them not to know each other, right? So where did they come from? Do you need some clarification from Liu? "

All the people were lost in thought.

Seeing that the matter was about to come to light, the dozen people were not willing to make a noise.

"We We are all foreign businessmen and tourists. It's natural that they don't know us. "

"Oh? Why do foreign businessmen deliberately dress up as ordinary people? Do you really think Liu is a fool when you wipe yourself so dishonored? "

Several people also wanted to refute one or two, but Liu he suddenly looked fierce and yelled: "who in the end ordered you to stir up hatred between the two ethnic groups and undermine the stability of Qiangyin County, and recruit them from the facts!"

However, more than a dozen people pressed their mouths one by one and did not seem to intend to reveal a word.Cui Jun said: "it is a bit of backbone, so we can only give the three generals to extort confessions."

Hearing this, Cheng Liang seemed quite excited.

"Great! These sons of bitches have collected money from people and want to ruin the good life of tens of thousands of people in the city. They dare to fight against my elder brother. He is kind-hearted, but I am not so good-natured! I've figured out dozens of ways to torture people every day, and I'm sure it'll make you crazy! "

Cheng Liang reached out to grab two of them. However, he saw that all of them suddenly turned pale, and then began to turn black.

"Third brother, be careful!"

Liu Hesheng was afraid of cheating, so he pulled over Cheng Liang.

I saw that more than ten people spit blood one after another, then two eyes a white, fell on the ground.

Guan Yu touched his neck one by one.

"Big brother, all dead."

Cui Jun said, "death! It is said that many big families in the imperial court have secretly cultivated such an army. I don't want to see it today. "

Many people around, see such a scene, one by one show fear. If they had any doubts about Liu He's words before, they are now convinced.

"Who on earth are these damned guys who want to fight against empress Liu? If we have a hard time making a living, they have to come and disturb them. It's so hateful!"

"It's really unforgivable to pretend to be our Xianbei brothers to cheat us and use us!"

Many people knelt on the ground.

"Liu Taishou, we are so ignorant and bewitched that we have made a big mistake. Please punish us!"

"You don't have to do that. Please get up quickly."

Liu he stepped forward to help them up.

"The matter is not over yet. Although the instigators and instigators have already committed suicide, the people behind the scenes, as well as pan Yun, who forcibly robbed women from the people's Republic of China, have not yet committed suicide."

As he spoke, he only heard a commotion in the county government. It was the soldiers who captured pan Yun.

Pan Yun was dishevelled and dishevelled at the moment, but there was no remorse in his face. Even if the soldiers behind him told him to kneel down, he would not die.

"Anyway, today I pan Yun is bound to die. What else can I say! If you want to kill, you will kill me. When I went to the yellow scarf bandits' army to set foot in the camp, I had already set my life free. But sooner or later, your bad reputation of Liu He's crossing the river and tearing down bridges will spread all over the world! "

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear you up!"

Cheng Liang was very angry and wanted to catch pan Yun.

"Gongyi, step down!" Liu he suddenly stops Cheng Liang.

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