Liu he stepped to pan Yun.

At this time, a shadow suddenly rushed over, "poop Tong" kneel in front of Liu He.

"Lord, my elder brother is confused for a while. Please give him a chance. He is for me..."

"Brother, get up! Although he has a great kindness to us, I leave him a secret illness. You broke his arm. We don't owe him. Get up! "

Pan Yun is hard to break his hands, and can only shout at Pan Xian.

"Big brother, you are confused. How can you talk like this! If there is no lord, can you and I live to the present unknown number, salvation, like reconstruction, what are you doing... "

Liu He and others looked at Pan Yun, and they were very confused.

Zhang Yong came over and knelt down to the ground: "elder brother, this pan Yun is the sole part of his younger brother. He has such an act, and he cannot forgive his guilt. The younger brother also has the crime of negligence. Please obey the rule of law of the army!"

Pan Yun hears words, looks at Zhang Yong with some tangled look.

"General Zhang, you But, this is what I do alone. I know that I can't live with the Lord. I also know that, according to the military law, I should behead my sin. Come on! "

Guanyu slightly nodded: "at a critical juncture, one can take the responsibility alone, but it is not a loss of conscience."

"It is very strange. I know that Pan Yun is not such a person. If you do not know how to do this, someone will be tempted to encourage it. If you say the person who is the leader, you can handle it leniently. You and your younger brother are young. Are you going to ruin your life for a thief

Pan Yun eyes bright, looked at Cui Jun, it seems to have some enlightenment, but soon he lowered his head.

"No need to ask, I pan Yun do things one person, nothing to say."

"You You are so stubborn! "

Zhang Yong looks at his hand to teach pan Yun to become now this, it is very heartache.

"Well, don't say it. Take it, go upstairs!"

Liu he said in a cold voice, which surprised everyone to look at him.

"Big brother, you really want..."

Zhang Yong is a little intolerable.

"My army has always ordered and banned, and mistakes will be punished. Pan Yun's crime is enough to behead. Since he gave up the opportunity to make a contribution and atone himself, what else can be said is to take him to the city building and punish the people in the face of the people! "

"Lord, are you in a hurry? I see this matter and the traitor who poisoned you, even if it can not be separated from the relationship, so hurriedly decapitated pan Yun, did not it break the clue again? "

Cui Jun is a little strange, too.

Liu He looked at Pan Yun and shook his head and said, "since he refuses to cooperate, what else can I do?"

Then he went up the horse and went straight to the city building.

Cui Jun and Guanyu looked at each other, and they all saw a little confused in the eyes of each other. They seemed to feel that Liu he was too impatient to do business today. But looking at Liu He's appearance, he thought that he had just been injured and recovered. At last, everyone sighed and said nothing.

"Put these young women on the ground, and then take pan Yun and pan Xianxing to the city building."

Cuijun ordered a group of soldiers to release the rope of the dozen girls, and escorted the brothers and two people, and followed Cui Jun and others to leave.

The people seem to be surprised.

"What, and You really want to kill general pan? "

"It looks like It's true... "

Those Han people do not have to say that even the Xianbei people, although they had been gnawing at Pan Yunyan before, now they see such a group of people who are mixed up to instigate, even if they are stupid, they can now guess that this is not so easy, even if pan Yun itself is framed.

In addition, Liu he really showed a very fair performance, and there was no partial private side for the two ethnic groups of people, and the girls who were robbed were safe and sound, which made the anger in the hearts of these people be eliminated by a large part. At this time, seeing pan Yunzhen was to be beheaded, many people were not able to bear it.

All of us couldn't help moving their steps, and soon they gathered under the city building.

Pan Yun was tied to his hands and knelt down. Liu He looked at him and then looked at many people under the city building.


The people were quiet.

"Liu made five claims, Hu and Han treated the same, and it is strictly forbidden to seize anything from the people. If it is violated, he shall be punished according to the law. And if the people in my army rob the women of the people, they will behead and show public! "

He paused, looked at the reaction of the crowd, and then continued to say it.

"Now, the military Marquis, Yanmen Guan guard will pan Yun, and seize 11 people and women, and it is imperative to punish the city for beheading!"

People in the city were talking about it.

"Really want to cut? General pan also made many achievements in the war. It is a pity that he has been beheaded in this way. "

"I think he was also a family, for a moment, but now those girls have not been hurt at all. So they killed a pillar of the army, and I always felt that some gains were not worth losing."A group of Xianbei people suddenly pushed to the front of the crowd.

"Taishou Liu, we are the parents and families of the eleven girls. We all admire the feelings of our Xianbei people. Even the leaders and generals of the same clan have never faced us squarely. We have all forgiven general pan. You can let him go once. "

A group of people knelt down one after another, and asked Liu He at the same time.

Pan Yun looked at this scene on the tower, originally full of resentment in the eyes, at this time also a little complicated.


He opened his mouth and found that he didn't seem to have much to say.

Liu he quickly ran down the tower and came to the Xianbei people.

"Everybody, please get up. You are broad-minded and can let go of this matter. Liu expressed his thanks here. But the law is like a mountain, and the military law is an order and a ban. You can't disobey it. Since I have such a military order, it must be carried out. Don't say it's Pan Yun today. Even my own brothers and relatives will never be lenient once they violate the military law. "

"Liu Taishou..."

"Well, you are kind, Mr. Liu. After this is over, Mr. Liu will bring a generous gift and visit you to show your gratitude. The matter of punishment in the army has been decided in my mind. You need not persuade me any more. "

After hearing what he said, Xianbei could only shake his head and retreat to one side.

On the restaurant in the distance, the masked figure could not sit still at this time.

"It's too bad. I don't want Liu He to be so violent. In a few words, he not only regained the popular support and calmed the chaos, but also made the people in the city respect him even more. I didn't expect that he would actually kill pan Yun in public because of this. Isn't it a waste of time for me? No, I have to find a way. "

He hurried downstairs, out of the restaurant, all the way to a small house in a remote part of the city.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong "Dong"

after knocking on the door in a specific order, the door finally opened, but only a crack was revealed. The light in the room was dim, and the situation inside was not clear.

"What else can I do for you? You have failed this time. We are going to leave here immediately to avoid being caught by Liu He. There is nothing to help you. Hide yourself and wait for the master's follow-up orders. "

With that, the people inside will close the door.

"Please wait a minute. Now I see that Liu He is going to gather people's hearts through this incident. Once he is successful, not only the 100000 Xianbei people under his rule will completely turn to him, but also many of the Xianbei tribes who have just experienced the great defeat will surely come to turn to him. The master has just planned carefully, which has greatly damaged Liu He's power. It will not be long before he will It can be completely restored, even more so. "

"Well, who is to blame? It's not that you don't do a good job! "

Outside the house, the man said in a hurry: "I know I can't escape, but I still have a way. Maybe I can make up for it."

The man in the room hesitated for a moment and said, "are you sure your method will work? We can never expose our deeds, or you will know the consequences. "

The people outside said, "don't worry, this plan is very simple. As long as you kill more Han people in the city in secret, there must be some people who suspect that Xianbei people are taking revenge. As long as the water is confused again, I will be convenient to act. "

"That's how it works? Didn't you see how a dozen of our men were arrested before? I think you are the means to see Liu He. You regret rebelling against him. Now you want to make contributions to us and return to his command? Hum, dream

The man said he was going to close the door.

"Oh, don't worry, your envoy. The reason why those people were arrested before was that Liu he had already predicted, so he arranged for people to wait in advance. Now that more than a dozen people have been arrested before, Liu He will certainly relax his guard. Now, as long as the envoys send people to hide in some alleys and do not move after killing people, they are still like ordinary people. How can they distinguish them? As long as the murderer is not caught in the first place, it is bound to cause chaos among the people in the city. Then the people will flee in all directions. If you leave again, you will be justified and no one will notice you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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