At the end of an examination, the morale of the army was uplifted, and the army soon calmed down. However, the officers and soldiers practiced more diligently.

However, Liu He's mood has not been calm down.

Although he had decided to take a wait-and-see attitude towards the situation in the Central Plains for the time being, it was inevitable that he was concerned about it day and night.

The eagle guards sent to Luoyang to lurk, as well as the two Eagle guards who took Zhao Zhong back to Luoyang, would send news back every day. On the sixth day after the examination, Liu he received news that the great changes had taken place in the palace. After entering the palace gate, the general never came out again. Soon after, a group of Jiashi waiting outside, led by two generals, stormed into the palace.

In less than an hour, several eunuch like men, escorted by a group of soldiers, hijacked the two children and fled from the back palace in a hurry. The two generals led their troops to pursue and kill them, and they chased them out of the north gate of Luoyang City.

This is the end of the letter. Liu he read it several times.

"It seems that history is going to repeat itself. It takes a day for a pigeon to pass a letter from Luoyang to Yanmen. It seems that he Jin died yesterday. The two generals should be Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. Since the letter only mentions that he and he went out of the city to pursue and kill, but did not mention the result, Zhang rang didn't die yesterday at least, and I don't know whether Cao Cao and Zhao Zhong have tracked down these eunuchs today, and Zhao Zhong doesn't know whether it's going well. "

Liu He took out the torch and burned the secret letter.

"Now he Jin is dead. As long as this plan is successful, the yuan family and his party will also be severely damaged. By then, these three forces will be either dead or disabled. I will raise the imperial edict of the former Emperor and win the support of all the people. Then I will lead Wang Shi out of Yanmen to see who can stop me..."

At this time, the northwest side of Luoyang City, the Yellow River.

Compared with Shuofang County, the Yellow River here is more vast and majestic. The water is roaring and rushing towards the East.

A group of people, in a hurry, dusty, seems to be running for their lives.

At the head of the group were nine men, all dressed as eunuchs. It was Zhang rang and others.

One of the servants kept looking back.

"Zhang rang, take a rest. I don't think he can find me for a moment. Your majesty and King Chen Liu are young, but they can't stand such trouble. They are our talismans. You can't have an accident. "

After seeing that there was no trace of pursuing soldiers behind him, Zhang rang all went to the side of the carriage and raised the curtain.

At the sight of Zhang rang, the two children, red lipped and white toothed, immediately hugged each other, and their faces were full of fear. Especially the boy in the Dragon Robe was almost scared out of tears.

Zhang rang left and sighed bitterly.

"Too thirsty, but still water?"

A dusty guard came up and handed over the water bag.

Zhang rang quickly took it over, opened the plug and drank it. However, he didn't find that dozens of soldiers were staring at him with eager eyes.

Just after drinking a few mouthfuls, the water bag was empty. Zhang rang shook hard and then threw it aside angrily.

"Hateful, hateful! That's all for Yuan Shao. After Cao a concealed this son, he was a eunuch. He didn't help us. Instead, he joined the party with He Jin. If he would help us, how could we be today? "

Another Zhongchang servant came over and said in despair, "well, if you had known this day, you should not have been so anxious to kill He Jin. Originally, he acted according to the plan and echoed with Liu He of Yanmen. He could not worry about the big things, but now Alas... "

"Duan Li, what do you mean? At that time, I heard that he Jin was going to kill us. Although I suggested that we should do it first, you all agreed. If we fail now, would you blame me? I'm not a big fish! "

"Guo Sheng, you said at that time that the situation was so critical that we could not refuse. Now how can we talk about these shirking words..."

"You You've been deceiving too much! "

A group of people suddenly started to quarrel, and Zhang rang, who was already upset, was even more upset.

"What's the point? What's the noise?"

Zhang rang felt that he was upset and hopeless.

"For today's plan, we have to cross the Yellow River and find a way to go to Yanmen and meet Zhao Zhong. We have your majesty and Chen Liuwang in our hands. With Liu He's army, we can still have a chance to go south... "

This sentence made people see hope, but soon some people asked questions.

"It's just that we don't have ferries, and there are no villages around us. How can we get across the Yellow River when it is so turbulent?"

This is a normal question, but Zhang rang is now on the verge of emotional collapse. This ordinary question makes him furious and crazy.

"If you don't have a ferry, look for it! If you can't find it, you can't cut wood on the spot! Waste, waste

The faces of several guards who were insulted by him looked a little ugly. One of them stood up and said, "Why are you so angry? We are risking our lives to escort several of you here. It is the utmost of benevolence and righteousness. Today's situation is not our fault..."Zhang was angry and he pulled out his sword and rushed over.

"You dare to talk to me like this, I cut you!"

Duan et al. Hurriedly stopped him, and, in a good way, let him stop.

"I don't want to find the ferry yet!"

Duan turned back to those guards and drank. Although some of the guards were reluctant, they left and left.

These dozens of people walked a circle, and they were really "far from village, near no shop", no half of the shadow, a group of people met in a small forest, each sighing.

"These castrates, in ordinary days, will be a disaster for the country and the people. Now they are so bold and arrogant that they provoke the young master to meet the general yuan and Cao directly with their heads, and they can also be rewarded."

Everyone was very angry. This person said a word, and it was all stimulated.

"Brother said it is good. I will follow them. I will die on the left and right. It is a great skill to bind them and escort your majesty back to Beijing!"

"Well, this is a good idea! The castration thief is evil. It should have been killed for a long time. Now he dare to hijack his majesty and the king Chen Liu. It is a serious crime! "

Soon, dozens of guards were in collusion, sending several people around to find ways and water, while others continued to pretend to look for ferries.

After a while, one of the guards who went to the water source rushed back and the crowd rushed to meet.

"What? "Found the water source?"

The man was a happy face, shaking his head.

"No, it is Yes... "

Everyone is confused: "is it still?"

"Yes It's the army of the court coming, it's over there... "

He pointed to the mountain road behind him, and the people were surprised at the words.

"The imperial army? I wonder if it is general Cao or general yuan? "

"No, I see the flag, but Dong Zi banner."

All of them were confused.

"Dong? The generals in the imperial court, have not heard of Dong? Only one DongZhuo, also in Xiliang pingtreason is

Others don't care: "whatever general Dong he is, let's go and ask again!"

A group of people ran along the direction that the man pointed out. Indeed, they saw a group of horses and horses, and a large group of "Dong" flags. They were happy to break and rushed to meet them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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