The original place where Zhang rang and others were located was not as quiet as before.

I saw Duan Yi and others, the bodies lying on the ground, one by one, with their eyes closed.

The only one left, Zhang rang, was covered with blood, holding the sword tightly in his hand, and looking at the army in front of him trembling.

"Hum Ha ha Ah ha ha ha! I can't think of it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I didn't expect that you would be cheap in the end... "

Dong Zhuo rode on a high horse and looked down at Zhang rang.

"Zhang rang, the traitor, will not be captured with his hands. If you hand over your majesty and the king Chen Liu, you can still have your whole body."

His words were light and light, without any stern color. Even when he spoke, he did not even look into Zhang rang's eyes, which made Zhang rang feel humiliated.

"Dong Zhuo, you are the son of a small official in Longxi district. How lucky you have been today? If you want to order me to make Zhang rang, you should never think about it! Do you think you won? Ha ha ha, your end will only be worse and worse, ha ha ha... "

Zhang rang gave out a shrill laugh, jumped behind him, and disappeared in the Taotao river.

At the same time, a voice came.

"Your majesty and King Chen Liu have been found!"

Dong Zhuo's face, which was sneering at, suddenly became very solemn and got off the horse in a hurry.

More than ten miles away from here, a man drove a carriage and came to a shade of trees.

The driver respectfully called out to the carriage behind him: "Mr. Zhao Changshi, we are not far from Luoyang. If we go further south, we will arrive at the north gate of Luoyang City. My lord ordered us to take good care of you. Villain, you can rest here for a while. Villain, that companion of villain has gone out to look for water."

Behind him, a lazy voice of consent came from the carriage. Then the curtain was lifted and a man came out. It was Zhao Zhong.


Zhao Zhong glared at the man who spoke. The man immediately understood, jumped out of the carriage and lay down. Zhao Zhong stepped on his back and got off the carriage.

"You two have served with all your heart. In the future, the old slave will say something nice to your master, so that we can have a better future."

The man immediately piled up a face of flattery: "Oh, that villain can thank you!"

With that, he took out some dry food and handed it to Zhao Zhong.

Zhao Zhong accepted it with a look of disgust. He hesitated for a long time, but he still didn't eat it.

"You, go and get some game. Come here. How can this dry food be eaten by people?"

The man's face was: "my Lord, we have many cities and restaurants to eat along the way, but now there are no villages around, so you can eat some, and you will arrive in Luoyang City after another hour's journey. Then you can have a good meal."

After hearing the dry food, Zhao Zhong felt a bad smell and threw it out.

"No, no, I can't. I can't eat it. Go and play some game, or I'll make you look good!"

The man laughed awkwardly and finally had to agree.

"Well, the adult will sit down and the villain will play game."

As soon as he turned around, his face immediately became disdainful. He took the weapon from the carriage, ran and jumped, and soon disappeared into the forest in front of him.

In the mountains and forests, some trees and stones are engraved with various marks. With these marks, the man finally came to a place and saw his companion who "went out to look for water".

"Yunrang, how are things going?"

The man saw the man coming, looked behind him and asked, "is the castration done?"

"Hehe, as the Lord expected, the eunuch was well fed and treated well. I gave him the dry food that had been put for several days. He really didn't want to eat it. He asked me to come out to play game. Such a fool should be on the business of the Lord."

The man called yunrang nodded.

"That's fine. I have found out that the rest of the eunuchs took the little emperor and the king Chen Liu to flee. Not long ago, their guards rebelled and met Dong Zhuo's army who came from Xiliang. These guards led them to meet Zhang rang and others. All the eunuchs were killed. Zhang rang jumped into the Yellow River. Now Dong Zhuo has received the emperor and is preparing to go back to Luoyang. "

"Hey, my Lord, I'm sure you're right. It should not be too late. You and I will do as the Lord ordered. "

"Naturally, let's go!"

They ran back and soon disappeared into the forest again.

Dong Zhuo, riding a fine horse, walked in the front of the mighty team. His eyes and eyebrows were filled with pride and excitement, and he was almost unable to restrain himself.

Li Ru rode his horse to his side.

"Luoyang city is less than 20 miles ahead. From today on, my Lord can be proud."

As soon as he said this, Dong Zhuo could no longer bear the emotion in his heart and burst out laughing.

Li Ru knew that for this day, Dong Zhuo had to endure and endure for a long time. Now that he has had a good time, it is natural that he would laugh so wildly.

It was in this wild laughter that the ambition and desire in Dong Zhuo's heart gradually began to replace his forbearance and reason for more than ten years.Suddenly, a voice came from the front left.

"Which general is leading the army ahead? But are you going to Luoyang? "

Dong Zhuo's laughter suddenly stopped, a pair of eyes like eagle eyes, tightly staring at the person shouting.

Two soldiers in armor and armed with long knives, one on horseback and the other driving, stopped by the official road, clasping fists at their own side.

"Well? Who are these two men? It seems that the armor is new, but this weapon has never been seen before. When will this kind of slender sword be popularized in the Han army

Dong Zhuo thought for a moment, but he couldn't think of why. He turned to a general nearby and said, "Guo Si, go and have a look."

"Here it is

Guo Si took his orders and rode his horse.

Li Ru came together and whispered, "maybe it was the soldiers in Luoyang who escorted their master to escape because of the accident in the city."

Dong Zhuo nodded slightly and did not speak. He just waved to stop the army.

Guo Si went over, talked to the two men for a while, and then ran back.

"Back to my Lord, these two men are the soldiers under the tent of Liu He, the commander of Shuofang

"Well?" Dong Zhuo suddenly flashed a trace of essence in his eyes.

"How could Liu He's men get here?"

Dong Zhuo duo fought in Xiliang area. Although he had never met Liu He, he had heard of him for a long time. He had always been on guard against this imperial general, but he had not contacted him for many years. As time went by, he didn't take seriously. Now Liu He's soldiers suddenly appeared in front of him, and Dong Zhuo immediately raised his heart.

"Why are they here, and who are they in the carriage?"

Guo sigang wanted to answer, but the curtain of the carriage suddenly lifted up, and Dong Zhuo's eyes were immediately attracted to the past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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