There is a man in the carriage, but the man has never poked his head out, so Dong Zhuo and others can't see his face clearly. Otherwise, they will recognize Zhao Zhong, one of the ten constant attendants.

Zhao Zhong seemed to yawn, and then some lazy voice came out of the carriage.

"Why did you stop? Did you get to the gate?"

The driver said, "my Lord, I haven't arrived yet."

Zhao Zhong reprimanded him with some discontent: "you two wastes, you can't beat the game, and you can't find the water source. The old slave was hungry and had a hard time sleeping for a while, but he didn't come to Luoyang. What do you want to eat?"

What he didn't expect was that these two people who were obedient to themselves all the way at this time suddenly became less respectful.

The driver laughed and said, "don't worry, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to go back to Luoyang City, but you won't suffer from the hardships of running around."

Hearing this, Zhao Zhong suddenly got some hair standing up and yelled: "what do you mean? Be careful that some family will inform Liu He in the future..."

Half way through, he couldn't go on, because the man suddenly drew out his sword and put it on his neck.

"Ouch You What do you want to do... "

Zhao Zhong was so scared that he raised his hands almost instinctively.

The man did not answer, but winked at his fellow rider.

The man immediately realized that he drove his horse to Dong Zhuo, got off the horse and knelt down directly.

"The villain Xu Qian, the word yunrang, the driver is Fang Mu and the word gongze. Both of us are bodyguards under Liu He's tent, the prefect of Shuofang. According to the order of the Lord, I hereby pay more and more visits to Duke Dong!"

Dong Zhuo's eyes narrowed as soon as he heard this.

"Why, listen to you, did you two come all the way from Yanmen to Luoyang to see someone Dong?"

Xu Qian said respectfully, "exactly! My Lord has long admired the name of Duke Dong. He often says: today, the world is in chaos and the court platform is weak. Zhang rang, he Jin, Yuan Kai and other generations have lived in the temple for a long time. They only know how to collude with each other and are jealous of the talents. Only when we, who have experienced hardships, have worked hard and know the hardships of the world, can we stabilize the government and the public. "

Dong Zhuo couldn't help nodding.

He himself hated these people in the imperial court. If they had not excluded him, he would not have been removed from office and deprived of military power for no reason at that time, so that he would have taken refuge in Yuan's family for a living.

Liu He has been repeatedly harassed by He Jin and Yuan's family. He has heard many of them, so he has a deep sympathy for this.

Li Ru on one side was full of doubts and asked, "nonsense! Even if what you said is true, my Lord is secretly leading the army back to the army. How can Liu he know and how can he send you and others here? You have a lot of intrigue. Come quickly and avoid suffering from skin and flesh! "

Dong Zhuo was awakened by these words, and his face suddenly became fierce.

But Xu Qian was not in a hurry.

"My Lord has no way to know the whereabouts of Mr. Dong, so he just sent two brothers, one of whom he escorted, to Luoyang first, and then to Weiwu county to see him. He wanted to discuss important matters with him. Unexpectedly, he met him here unexpectedly. My brother saved a lot of merits."

When he spoke, his tone and look were quite excited, and he did not seem to be false at all, but Li Ru was somewhat convinced.

However, he only believed three points and had seven points of doubt.

"What's going to be discussed with my lord

Xu Qian said calmly, "it's two important things to talk to Dong gongsuo. One of them is naturally the border military affairs, and the other is to revitalize the imperial platform. "

"Well? What does Liu Taishou mean by these two things? "

"My Lord, I hold the villain high. The villain is just a soldier beside the Lord. How can we know this in detail?"

Li Ru snorted coldly: "it's ridiculous that you want to persuade my Lord in a few words. You say you are Liu Taishou's personal soldier. What proof do you have? Even if it's true, why don't he come here in person, so insincere, what's the matter? I think it must be the thief who wants to cheat my Lord. Come on, drag it down and cut it off! "

Dong Zhuo was a little worried when he heard that he was going to kill the man in front of him.

"Wenyou, you..."

Li Ru said with a smile: "don't worry about the Lord, your subordinates will deal with it."

Dong Zhuo thought about it for a while, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Li Ru got Dong Zhuo's approval and called out to the guards around him: "what are you doing? Don't drag them down!"

The guard was about to act, but Xu Qian took out a small cloth bag from his arms.

"There is something in the villain, which can not only prove the villain's identity, but also prove my Lord's admiration and admiration for Duke Dong. There is nothing false about it!"

Li Ru quickly waved to the guard to take the cloth bag and presented it.

He just wanted to take it, but his hand suddenly stopped in the air, and then pointed to the guard."You, open it!"

The guard did not dare to disobey. He opened the cloth bag layer by layer and revealed a black wooden box, which was very beautiful.

When Li Ru and Dong Zhuo saw the wooden box, they suddenly came to the spirit, especially Dong Zhuo. Their eyes were greatly enlarged.

"This Is this Come on, open it

When the guard heard the words, he quickly opened the wooden box. Everyone's eyes were focused on the past. He didn't notice the smile on Xu Qian's face with his head down.

In the wooden box, there was a thing lying there. It looked like a bronze casting, but it was in the shape of a tiger.

Dong Zhuo grabbed the copper tiger and was excited.

"This is The Hufu is the Hufu of Liu He's captains! "

Xu Qian then said: "back to Duke Dong, it's my Lord's tiger talisman! In addition, there is also a letter written by my Lord, telling me to present it to Mr. Dong in person! "

He raised his hands high and handed over a roll of cloth.

Dong Zhuo has already believed 99% of what he said to him at this time. He did not care about other things. He drove his horse to the front directly and took the letter almost like a snatch.

He looked at the letter, more and more happy, and finally burst into laughter.

"Ha ha! Good! Good! Excellent! Ha ha... "

Li Ru looked puzzled and asked, "my Lord, what's in this letter?"

Dong Zhuo just wanted to speak, but suddenly turned his head and looked at the carriage surrounded by many guards behind him. Then he handed the letter to Li Ru.

Li Ru took it and looked at it carefully, but his face was unpredictable.

The content of the letter is very simple, but it is particularly shocking.

Liu he said that old general huangfusong often mentioned Dong Zhuo to himself. Although there were many differences between the two in military and political affairs, Liu he thought that Dong Zhuo had unique views and was even more superior to huangfusong. Last year, when the Qiang people raided, the old general was defeated. Dong Zhuo was able to clean up the mess.

Today, the world is in chaos, and the Han Dynasty is weak. The powerful officials and generals who are not loyal to the Han Dynasty can not be pacified. However, the power in the court is complex and the party members are everywhere. All of them are their own personal interests. They are totally untrustworthy. Only Cui lie, huangfusong, Luzhi, Zhuhe, Liuyu and Dong Zhuo can rely on.

Among them, Liu He and Dong Zhuo are the only ones who have been defending the border for the country all the year round. They are both literate and military. They are more energetic than Lu Zhi and other old people. Therefore, only by working together can they deter the gangsters. However, Liu He, who is young and has little knowledge, is hard to shoulder the responsibility. Therefore, he has to entrust the burden to Dong Zhuo and help him to help gain and loss We should live up to the foundation of our ancestors and the high expectations of the people.

The northern counties have just been recovered, and the government affairs are busy. Liu He has no leisure time and is hard to visit in person. He can only send his cronies to bring letters and tiger amulets to show their feelings. I hope they can join hands to revive the Han Dynasty and become famous in history. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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