All of them talked freely for a long time in Liu He's big tent. Finally, Liu He invited them to have dinner together. Liu Bei and Liu Bei said goodbye and left.

"System, check the properties of Zhang Fei and Jiang Huan."

"Ding Zhang Fei's historical peak attributes: Commander 79, force 99, intelligence 76, politics 35. "

"Zhang Fei's current attributes: commander-in-chief 58, force 94, intelligence 57, politics 22, special attributes: none, stunt: roar -- his character is fierce and fierce. If he fights in his own angry state, his starting force will be increased by 3 points. After that, his own force will be increased by 1 point and the maximum increase will be 3 times. At the same time, each roar will reduce the opponent's force according to the character and courage of the enemy's generals 0-2 o'clock. "

"Jiang Huan, unknown in history, current attributes: commander-in-chief 71, force 88, intelligence 73, politics 42, special attributes: none, stunt: none."

Under this investigation, Liu he was a little surprised.

"Zhang Fei's attributes are expected, but his roaring stunt is really worthy of its name. He is worthy of his loud voice, which may not have rivals in the whole history."

"Jiang Huan is really unexpected. Except for politics, the other three attributes are all excellent. If I am under my command, I would not say that Zhang Yong is the second. There is no doubt that he will become a general character of Zhang Liao and Xu Huang. It's a pity. When I dug the corner of Liu Bei's wall, God let such a talented man with both literature and martial arts slip away from under my eyes and make a vow with Liu Bei. It's even. "

Liu Beizheng sighed, and Cui Jun and Guan Yu came over.

"Lord, are you trying to win over the three brothers of Liu Bei?"

Before waiting for Liu He to speak, Guan Yu first said: "elder brother has always loved talents. Today, these three brothers are also affectionate people, and they have the country in mind. They are indeed heroes. It is worthwhile for elder brother to subsidize them in those years. What's more, the eldest brother and Liu Bei are both close relatives. Based on these two levels of relationship, it's not difficult to win over the three of them? "

Gao Shun rarely said: "three people, good. However, Liu Bei can't see through. "

Cheng Liang yelled: "there's nothing I can't see through. Liu Bei's ability is mediocre. He doesn't have the domineering power of his elder brother. His martial arts skills seem to be weak. I doubt what he can do if he really wants to join his command."

Liu He shook his head: "this is the problem. You think that he is so talented that he sits on one side and is unknown. He is not as bold as Zhang Fei, or even worse than Jiang Huan. But you have never thought about how these two rare heroes can follow him with his heart and soul when he looks so ordinary? "

"This Hey, my little brother is stupid. "

Liu He smiles and looks at the starry sky with deep eyes.

"I'm afraid it's very difficult to subdue him, haven't you found it? Although he and I have a deep relationship, from the beginning to the end, he didn't mention the need for officials, food, soldiers and horses. At least if he wants to take up the position in Yanmen six prefectures, I have no reason to refuse, but he has never shown his intention. "

"This person always talks from the overall situation, and talks about the results first and then the plan, rather than blindly pursuing his own interests. These people seem to be stupid, but in fact, they are good masters because they have a sharp edge and can hide without leaking out. "

Speaking of this, Liu he thought of Cao Cao who had seen and talked during the day.

This emperor Wu of Wei in the original history of the Three Kingdoms had something in common with Liu Bei in this respect, except that Liu Bei concealed himself by concealing his feelings. He did not express his joy and anger in his appearance. He spoke less. Once he spoke, it was the general principle and the overall situation.

You think that he is just a small character who can only talk big words, but you don't know that he is quietly dormant and growing up in the ignorance of others. In the original history, even Cao Cao and other figures were deceived by him, so that Chibi and Hanzhong were defeated.

and Cao Cao are different. He is explicit and hidden. He is not only less spoken, but very active. He mediates among the princes, and talks much, means many, and plans many. But every time he has the opportunity to show what is in the limelight, he gives Yuan Shao to others. Obviously he makes much effort, but others always focus on other people.

He only focused on the real things, not on the virtual things.

"It's worthy of being two top heroes. By comparison, Sun Jian is also a hero, but compared with them, there is a big gap."

Liu He explained to the crowd: "when I meet the three brothers of Liu Bei, we must treat each other with courtesy. As for whether to accept, ally or oppose each other, now I have a hard time deciding. This alliance will take a long time. It will be in the middle of this war. Let's see."

He didn't pay much attention to Liu Bei. It's good that such outstanding people can be taken for their own use. In case Liu Bei is really a crafty, cunning, shameless and despicable hypocrite, with his current strength, he is not afraid of him. There is nothing to worry about. This is also his courage to support Liu Bei, a potential enemy.

I don't know whether Liu He's military camp is relatively remote, or other princes are too busy. In the next few days, only Ding Yuan, Ma Teng and Cao Cao visited him. But of the three, only Ding Yuan came during the day, and the other two visited at night.Ding Yuan was just reminiscent of the past, while Ma Teng was interested in getting to know each other. As for Cao Cao's visit, he said it was chatting, but Liu he felt that he was more like beating around the Bush and probing into his own reality.

But who is Liu he? The light wind and cloud handled the past lightly. Seeing that he couldn't find out anything, Cao Cao said some flattering and self effacing words, and then left.

Liu he deliberately made the soldiers take off their armor and train in light. On the one hand, they were more relaxed, and on the other hand, they were also blindfolded. Otherwise, his troops, especially the 20000 heavily armed Zijin dragon riders, would have scared all the princes to death.

In the twinkling of an eye, a total of 370000 allied troops had been renovated, and grain and forage had been collected and transported to the front line.

On this day, all the princes of the 20th road gathered together, and Yuan Shao led the people to form a blood alliance.

On this day, twenty Han ministers were impassioned, as if they were loyal.

Every man is a brave man.

Three animal sacrifice ceremony, praying to heaven, smearing blood on the face, making an alliance on this.

"Send troops to tiger prison!"

At the command of Yuan Shao, the 370000 army, like a huge torrent, was marching toward Luoyang with the momentum of the earthquake.

In Luoyang City, in the Imperial Palace, Dong Zhuo summoned Li Ru, Guo Si and others to discuss countermeasures.

At this time, a man rushed in and apologized to Dong Zhuo and others.

"Oh, the pastry that the master ordered was really delicious. The villain was greedy for a moment. If he missed the hour, he should die. He should be punished."

Dong Zhuo looked down on the kneeling people, not angry but happy.

"Ah, it's Dehui. Ah, since you like the pastry, I'll send some more back. The meeting has not started yet. You are here at the right time. What's the crime? Come on, sit next to me. "

Dong Zhuo points to his first seat. Zhu Ye is not polite. After thanking him, he goes to sit down.

Many generals, such as Li Zhen and Guo Si, looked very ugly. But in the presence of Dong Zhuo, they were not easy to attack. What's more, who let them be inferior to others?

It turns out that Dong Zhuo was very happy when he visited the three armies during the Spring Festival. Unexpectedly, Zhu Ye kept chuckling.

How can Li and Guo tolerate it? He immediately questioned.

As a result, Zhu Ye says that the Xiliang army has been famous for a long time. At first sight today, the military appearance of the Xiliang army is nothing but ordinary. Besides, compared with the elder brother and the second brother, they are in charge of the five hundred Thor riders. Under the same number of people, the Xiliang army is far from invincible.

All the generals were almost stunned by his words and scolded him for his arrogance. All of them called out to fight him to death. Dong Zhuo was also interested and let both sides fight.

Dong Zhuoyi is celebrating the Spring Festival. Second, he wants to see what kind of skills the famous Liu He has. After all, Zhu Ye's ability, in his intelligence and impression, is at the middle or lower level among the five brothers. Through this competition, he can decide how to reuse these people in the future.

The result is no more important than nothing. After a competition, Zhu Ye has won more than ten generals, including Li Zhen, Guo Si, Xu Rong, Zhang Ji and so on. Dong Zhuo's face is flushed with excitement. Looking at Zhu Ye's eyes is like looking at a lot of treasures and beauties.

He proposed on the spot that Zhu ye should be promoted to be the right middle brother general, and he intended to be his adopted son. However, Zhu ye said that he had four elder brothers above him. Their official positions were lower than his own, and he did not dare to accept them. What's more, he didn't accept the reward without merit. Only after the brothers had retreated from the alliance did they dare to receive the reward. They also said that if the grand master really wanted to reward him, he would give him more food.

His "pure and selfless" appearance made Dong Zhuo dance with joy, and his beard almost cocked up. From then on, he became more and more intimate with Zhu Ye. Gradually, he even gave Zhu ye more gifts than Li Ru and others. From time to time, he said, "if I have your five brothers, you can have a high pillow without worry". In this way, people will dare to be angry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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