Seeing that Zhu Ye was very upset, Li Yu could not help but said: "hum, since General Zhu is so powerful, it's better for you to deal with it this first time. We will surely win the victory and defeat the Alliance Army of Kanto."

"That's to say, if you win a competition in the army, it's nothing. You have the ability to fight on the battlefield."

Guo Si also helped to speak.

However, Zhu ye can't bear this anger, so he stands up.

"Well, go! If we have the ability, the three of us will each lead 500 soldiers. We will see who wins and returns, and who will be completely destroyed! "

Dong Zhuo hastened to argue: "Oh, Dehui, don't worry. I'll expose my plan and Xianzhao's plan for several months when you go to war? Why rush for a moment when you will do meritorious service in the future? "

He turned his head to Li Li, and then he turned to face.

"What do you two do? If you lose in the contest, it's because you don't work hard on weekdays. What do you throw here? Since you are in a hurry to perform, you two will each lead 30000 troops to guard the tiger prison. If you can't win the United Army, you can bring your head to see you! "


Li and Guo looked bitter and regretful, and the United forces were powerful. Although Luoyang City was powerful and there was a tiger prison to defend, the first battle was certainly hard. They wanted to make Zhu Ye ugly, but they didn't want to be dumb.

They cast a look for help to Li Ru, expecting him to say a few words and plead for their love. However, Li Ru returned with a helpless look.

At this time, it is Zhu ye who speaks.

"Grand master, my elder brother came to deliver a letter the other day, saying that the Allied forces are coming fiercely, and many strong generals are leading the troops, and they want to go down to Hulao in the first World War. My elder brother deliberately shows weakness and teaches them to think that my elder brother's army is all in vain. Therefore, I didn't let some of my elder brothers come out. For this reason, if you want to succeed, you have to be arrogant, and then you have to defeat the enemy

"After that, we waited for our work in Luoyang. The Allied forces could not last long outside the pass, and their morale was declining day by day. What was that saying? What drum, what goes down again? "

Li Ru said, "it's one go, then decline, three and exhaustion."

"Ah, yes, yes! That's what the elder brother said. It won't be long before the allied army's morale is exhausted. Then our army will take advantage of the situation to clear the anti thieves and capture Yuan Shao and Cao Cao alive. "

Dong Zhuo was overjoyed at the speech.

"Oh, my dear, Xianzhao, this is a wonderful plan. It fits my heart! I've seen Yuan Shao and other generations for a long time. They are all mobs. What can be achieved? Xianzhao not only excels in martial arts, but also has unparalleled resourcefulness. When those thieves are destroyed, I will make good use of him! "

At this time, a man suddenly stood up.

"Taishi, I'd like to go to the Guandong united army for a while to see how many Jin and Liang their so-called fierce general is."

Dong Zhuo was very happy to see this man.

"It turns out to be Hua Xiong. It's not bad. In my Xiliang army, you can be called the first fierce general."

Zhu Ye glanced at Hua Xiong and turned his lips: "well, general Hua has good skills. In the Xiliang army, you can take some moves from me. If my brothers don't show up, there should be no one in the Guandong army who is your opponent. You can win the prize for the Grand Master."

Hua Xiong's face is blue and purple. Zhu Ye's words seem to be praising, but it's hard to hear. However, what he said is the truth. At the beginning of the contest, he was defeated by Zhu ye in only ten or so matches, which is already the best result in the Xiliang Army.

Of course, he didn't know that Zhu ye had released water a little, otherwise he would not have been able to last five rounds.

However, he asked himself that for more than ten years in Xiliang, he had never met any enemies. Zhu ye, such as a monster, could not fight against him. Besides the five brothers Liu He, how many other monsters could there be in the army? He doesn't believe in this evil.

Sun Jian came from sour jujube and won many battles. Soon, the Allies came to Hulao.

Hulao pass, also known as Sishui pass, is a pass to the east of Luoyang City, with cliffs on both sides. Ten miles to the north, the Yellow River is very steep.

As soon as the Allied forces settled down in front of Hulao pass, yuan shaozheng summoned the princes to discuss the strategy of attack, when he heard the external reports.

"Newspaper, tiger prison closed, there is a strong general, calling himself Hua Xiong, come to challenge!"

People are angry, Yuan Shao is even more.

"What a Dong Zhuo, I didn't go to attack the city. He sent someone to challenge him first. He really didn't know whether to die or not."

Next, Cao Cao twisted his beard and opened his eyes slightly.

"Leader, there are many powerful generals in the Xiliang army. Since Hua Xiong dares to challenge, he must be conceited about his martial arts. If he goes to meet him, he is only afraid of being caught in his treacherous plot. If he is defeated, his morale will certainly be reduced. It is better to shoot back at random and make a plan."

"General mengde is true. Huaxiong is good at martial arts. When he was in the pass two days ago, he did not have a good fight with him. You should be careful."

Although Sun Jian, a pioneer, won many battles along the way, he suffered a small loss under the tiger prison. He was not angry in his heart."Haha, it's just your incompetence. It's just that you can't do anything. It's just that you can't do anything. It's just a matter of laughing off your teeth."

Yuan Shu's sarcasm made Sun Jian furious.

"Yuan Gong, you and I speak with conscience. If you had not delayed the arrival of grain and forage, which would have misled my army, would a certain family have been defeated? Considering the overall situation of the alliance, a certain family didn't want to refute your face in front of the princes, but you should not be aggressive

Yuan Shu was scolded by him and his face was livid.

"Nonsense, when did yuan deliberately delay food and grass? You must not slander

"You are obviously afraid that Sun Mou will steal the first prize, so you deliberately hurt me!"

"All right, stop it!" Yuan Shao patted the table and the scene became quiet.

Sun Jian glared at Yuan Shu and sat down reluctantly.

Yuan Shao glanced around and said, "Yuan Shu, the grain and forage affair should not be delayed. No matter what reason delayed the grain and forage of general sun, in short, we must never commit any more crimes in the future, otherwise the military law will be merciless."

Yuan Shu bit his teeth and took his orders.

"Yes, what Meng de said is reasonable, but now that we are in the tiger prison, we are afraid of the first battle. Isn't it ridiculed and damaged the prestige of our coalition? Although Hua Xiong is brave, is there no brave general in our united army? Who dares to fight! "

Listening to Yuan Shao's words, Liu he said in his heart: "this Yuan Shao is really not pragmatic. It's the key to win the war. What's the point in this breath. The other side is obviously prepared to come, but we have no solid foundation, so we go to fight in disorder. Winning is a fluke, and losing is a matter of course. "

However, he would not come forward to dissuade Yuan Shao. On the one hand, it was unnecessary, and on the other hand, he could not persuade him.

Yuan Shu was not happy in his heart. He was about to take this opportunity to get a breath, and called out to a general behind him.

"Yu Shu, you go to kill Hua Xiong and come back to ask for merit."

"I will obey you."

Yuan Shu seems to be very confident of his own man, sitting firmly in his position, with a proud smile on his face.

Liu He sneered: "a good life, so buried."

"What do you say?" Yuan Shu glared angrily, "Yu Shi is my Nanyang general. If you are brave enough to kill Hua Xiong's head, you are a countryman. Don't talk too much if you don't have insight!"

"Ha ha, General Liu must have said that Hua Xiong's life is going to be buried, and the highway doesn't have to be angry."

Cao Cao came forward and played a good role.

Yuan Shu swung his sleeves and ignored Cao Cao and Liu He. Liu He also showed up and did not speak again.


As soon as Yuan Shu saw the herald coming, he quickly asked, "what's the matter? But Yu Shu killed Hua Xiong? "

The herald looked embarrassed and said, "no no If you don't negotiate with general Yu Huaxiong He was beheaded by Hua Xiong... "

"What? You're talking nonsense

Yuan Shu was so angry that he reached out to fight the herald. Cao Cao ran to stop him.

"Why can't a little messenger cross the highway? General Yu Shea explored the depth of Huaxiong for our army. Although he died, he was still very proud. "

Yuan Shu glared at Cao Cao and returned to his seat, sulking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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