Zhu Ye's face is full of doubts: "this hutuan is guarded so tightly by Zhang jaw. Yuan Shao is fed up. Why send someone to replace him?"

Zhang Yong shook his head: "how can you forget that Yuan Shao sent a total of 60000 troops in Huguan, is it just to defend this desolate checkpoint?"

"Of course not. Yuan Shao coveted the land of Shangdang and tried to invade Shangdang from Huguan, and then plotted to merge with Luoyang."

Zhu Ye blurs out.

"Yes, it is. However, Yan Liang and Zhang jaw have been stationed in Huguan for more than half a month. They are defeated in both battles and have made no progress in making progress in the party. Now the commander-in-chief Yan Liang is seriously injured and in a coma. It is useless for Yuan Shao to let Zhang jaw guard Huguan so firmly. "

People seem to understand.

Zhang Yong continued: "Yuan Shao is eager for quick success and instant benefit. I expect that when he learned of the war report, he would not only praise Zhang jaw, but also scold him. But I'm not sure if he will send someone else to be commander in chief. However, as long as the general of Huguan is changed, no matter who comes, he will be strictly ordered by Yuan Shao to step up the offensive and seize the upper party as soon as possible. "

"Therefore, as soon as the general arrives at Huguan, we must prepare to take the initiative to attack. As long as he leaves the pass for a decisive battle and even comes to attack the eldest son City, we will be able to give full play to the strengths of our army. At that time, not to mention 60000 Jizhou troops, we will be able to destroy them with another 60000."

The crowd cheered again and again.

Guan Yu stroked his beautiful beard: "the fourth brother is really resourceful. If we can have a decisive battle in the open field, a certain purple dragon can wipe out all the troops and horses of Jizhou in the first battle. "

Zhang Yong clasped his fist at Guan Yu and said, "it is not good for the second brother to attack the city today. They are defeated at the expense of soldiers. Especially Zhou Yuan and Yan Quan are seriously injured. When this incident is reported to yuan Shaoer, it is inevitable to despise our army. In this way, even if he does not change the jaw, he will be urgent and strict with the jaw to take the initiative to attack. However, I am not sure whether this will happen. If Yuan Shao listened to his advice and stuck with our army in Huguan, our army would be in danger. "

Zhu ye also remembered something and said, "well, I remember. Before starting from Luoyang, two military masters once said that if we want to make full efforts to relieve the Yellow River's levee, the money and food will be wasted. I'm afraid that after the spring of next year, our army will be in danger of food shortage. If we confront the troops of Huguan, it will be very harmful to our military commission."

When they heard the words, they immediately fell into meditation.

"How can it be..."

"Well, if it's really not possible, we should take the middle policy. I think this plan is not urgent or slow, and it is the most secure one."

Cheng Liang yelled.

Zhang Yong gave him a wink: "third brother, did you forget that there are other arrangements for Bai Bo Jun, and we should try not to disturb..."

Cheng Liang was stunned at first, then suddenly patted his head: "Oh, look at my memory. I almost forgot about it. Oh, but it's not a thing to continue this stalemate... "

Zhu Ye patted the table impatiently: "this time, in addition to asking us to lead our troops to help, we also sent 20000 troops to Xihe county to administer the river for disaster relief. We almost emptied the troops and horses of Luoyang. Now we have no other reinforcements to look forward to. We can only choose one of these three strategies."

Ye Xiang looked at Guan Yu: "general Guan, you'd better make up your mind."

Guan Yu looked at the crowd and said, "Xihe county is suffering a serious disaster. The war will be over as soon as possible. You can spare people to help elder brother and daozhun as soon as possible. There is no room for further delay in this matter. I think it will be in accordance with the following..."

He had just half said this when another Herald came in a hurry.

"Report to the generals. There is something wrong with Huguan."

As soon as they heard this, they all turned their eyes to the herald.

Zhu ye asked in a hurry: "what's the situation? What did this jaw do? "

The herald shook his head and said, "it's not Zhang jaw, but Gao Lan. Gao Lan leads 20000 troops and rushes to Huguan."

"What are you talking about? High view

Hearing the speech, the generals were stunned, and then burst out a ecstasy.

When Guan Yu recalled that he had captured Gao Lan on that day, Liu he suddenly wrote a letter to explain to him. At that time, he and Meng Jian, Shi Tao and others didn't quite understand why they should treat Gao Lan like that. Now they all figured it out. Everything is for today, for the sake of separating Gao Lan and Jizhou generals.

"Big brother is really far sighted, and his feather is not as good as it is."

To the east of Huguan, Zhang jaw personally leads the soldiers to line up on both sides and place a guard of honor.

Gao Lan, riding on a horse, walked far away with high spirits. How could he look like a defeated general who was half captured?

Zhang jaw CE immediately before, smile ha ha ground embraces fist.

"Gongyu, are you all right?"

Gao Lan, as his name suggests, looks up at his jaw.

"Now that you and I are both here for military affairs, it's better to match your duties."

Zhang jaw face a burst of embarrassment, the corner of the mouth trembled, and finally said: "the end will greet the partial general."

"Hum!"Gao Lan snorted coldly and walked straight past Zhang jaw.

Zhang jaw looked back at him, his face immediately some gloomy down: "the villain is successful."

As soon as the party returned to Guannei, Gao Lan sat down on the throne.

Zhang jaw followed in and was about to take a seat when Gao Lan suddenly spoke.

"Jaw, do you know the guilt?"

His words made Zhang jaw confused.

"General Gao, you are..."

"Jaw, you know the sin!" Gao Lan's voice suddenly became sharp.

Zhang jaw for a while, do not know how to answer.

"I don't know what kind of crime..."

"Open your jaw Gao Lan stood up and scolded.

"The Lord has entrusted such a heavy burden to you and Yan Liang, but you and others have been caught in a trap for many times, and the war has not been favorable and has been delayed for a long time. Now, not only is there no progress in the capture of Shangdang by the main bus agent, but the Huguan pass is in danger. You can say that you don't know about such a big crime. It's just worse. "

Zhang jaw knew that Gao Lan deliberately excluded himself, but he could not refute it. He could only swallow his anger.

"The last general was incompetent, so that general Yan was seriously injured. Please punish General Gao! However, at the end of the year, he has set many traps in Huguan. As long as Guan Yu dares to attack again, he will never come back. "

"Nonsense! You can't believe in him. You can't even forget all the important things entrusted by him. "

Zhang jaw once again muddled: "General Gao, what is the meaning of this speech, please tell me clearly."

Gao Lan squints at him and looks at Zhang jaw. He is angry, but he can only hold back. This kind of feeling makes him very happy.

"What do you mean? Why did you wait for the army to come to Huguan

"It's a question to ask. Naturally, it's an enterprise to join the party and seize the state."

"Since you know why you have not attacked the eldest son city with the strength of the whole army for a long time, instead, you have only one heart to defend. Is it not that you have no enterprising heart and do harm to the Lord?"

Gao Lan almost made Zhang jaw laugh.

"General Gao's words are wrong. General Yan once led his troops to attack twice, but they were all defeated by Guan Yu's troops. Bingzhou has a strong military appearance and a strong army. He can't defeat the enemy. He can only..."

"Nonsense!" Gao Lan interrupted Zhang jaw directly.

"You two are as timid as a mouse. Each time you attack, you only bring twenty or thirty thousand troops and horses. You have neither superiority nor determination. If you have a slight setback, you will flee in a hurry. How can you win the battle? It's a disgrace to Jizhou. "

Gao Lan's aggressive attitude finally made Zhang jaw unbearable.

"Since General Gao is so confident, he should lead the army to attack. The general is willing to hold the Huguan pass and wait for the general's victory. When he reports to the Lord in the future, he will tell the truth and ask for the general's credit."

Gao Lan sneered and sat down again.

"Since I have been ordered to take over the military affairs, I naturally want to attack the upper party in one fell swoop to repay the Lord's great kindness. I will never be so afraid of the enemy as you are. Open your jaw and listen

Zhang jaw didn't understand what he was going to do, but he still stood up and took orders.

"The end will be in."

Gao Lan drew out an order flag: "order you to lead 20000 troops as the vanguard, rest for three days. At noon on the third day, send troops directly to take the eldest son city. My general will lead 50000 troops and receive them later."

Zhang jaw's face was startled: "General Gao can't! Huguan is the only way for our army to get in and out of Jizhou. Even if the army wants to attack the Changzi City, we must leave enough troops to guard the pass. If only thousands of people guard the pass, if Guan Yu and Guan Yu send troops to attack by detour, will our army not... "


Gao Lan said angrily, "are you questioning the general's strategy? If you have the ability to open your jaw, how can you defeat the enemy and make no achievements here? "

"You..." Zhang jaw is short of breath, pointing to Gao Lan and glaring at him.

Gao Lan was not afraid at all. He looked at him with four eyes: "do you dare to disobey the military order?"

Zhang jaw glared at him for a long time. Finally, he took back the hand pointing to Gao Lan and seized the flag.

"I will obey you."

Then he turned and walked out.

As soon as he left with his front foot, Gao Lan's smile was full of conspiracy.

"Zhang jaw, let you fight against general Ben and think that I am captured and want to step on my head? What a fool. This time I'll let you see the general's methods... "

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