On the official road to the west of Huguan, banners and banners are waving and people are swarming.

Twenty thousand troops are marching out with great force, and their military appearance is so strong.

But look carefully, the soldiers are all dejected, and there are even some with fear on their faces.

And riding in the front of the jaw, is also a dull face. Although he was furious in his heart, for the sake of the overall situation, he had to obey the orders and lead the soldiers to fight. However, no matter how hard he swallowed his anger, his emotions could not be raised.

One side vice general followed Zhang jaw for many years. Seeing him sulking, he also murmured and complained.

"Gao Lan is really hateful. A defeated general still dares to flaunt his power. If he has the ability to be a pioneer, he will be captured by Guan Yu again. If you don't have the ability to fight, you will know where you are

Zhang jaw took a look at the vice general: "this is the order of the Lord, we can not discuss in vain."

The deputy general was disdainful: "Gao Lan dare to be so arrogant. Isn't it relying on the support of the Lord? So is the Lord. He was fascinated by a woman and disrupted the military affairs. I think he is determined to fight Liu He. "

"What are you talking about? Look out for trouble, my Lord

Zhang jaw gave him a stern look.

The vice general was not afraid: "the last general is right again. According to the news from yesterday, Mr. Tian Feng admonished the Lord because of Gao Lan, but he was demoted to be the magistrate of the county. General, you are loyal, but the LORD put a shameless villain in high priority. On the contrary, all the generals of the Shangdang are brave and brave. The last general will see that our army will surely lose in this battle. The general has better make plans to avoid losing his life in vain. "

"Bold, how dare to disturb the morale of the army!"

Zhang jaw is really angry this time.

"If you follow me for many years, just write it down. If you dare to talk nonsense, you will be punished by military law."

The assistant general was silent.

But his words, but in Zhang jaw mind repeatedly floating, long lingering.

After a long walk, the vice general spoke again.

"General, there are still two hours to go before the eldest son city. After a morning's journey, the officers and men should take a rest and eat something before continuing to go on their way."

He looked up to see the sun in the middle.

"Well, it's good to send orders and have a rest for half an hour."

Twenty thousand soldiers sat down on the ground, drinking water and eating dry food.

Seeing this, Zhang knew that the army with such morale would be taken to the eldest son city. He was afraid that the whole army would be destroyed in less than an hour. After thinking about it, he finally stood up.

"Soldiers! Don't lose heart... "

Zhang jaw is one of the generals in Jizhou, who is considerate of soldiers and soldiers. Therefore, he has a high prestige in the army. Even if many soldiers are listless, they all look up at him one after another.

Zhang jaw yelled: "General Gao and I have a good strategy against the enemy. As long as everyone is brave, our army will win this battle."

However, the reaction was very cold, and not many people took his words seriously.

"You can rest assured Zhang gnawed his teeth and went on to say, "we will go to the eldest son city. The enemy cavalry will surely go out of the city to meet us. When we feign defeat and retreat, the enemy will pursue us. General Gao has laid an ambush on both sides of the road. When the enemy comes, they will surely die without any burial ground."

These words let many soldiers have a look of hope in their eyes.

Seeing that it was effective, Zhang jaw hastened to continue to add fire: "my Lord, if you win this battle, everyone will be rewarded with good farmland and coins to reward those who have done meritorious deeds!"

At last, the officers and men cheered.

The deputy general looked at Zhang jaw with a sad face: "general, you have put this out. If..."

Of course, Zhang jaw knew what he was worried about, and there would always be a day when lies would be uncovered. Zhang Xi took his prestige in the army as a bet, and made it clear that 99% of the bet would be lost.

His jaw heaved a heavy sigh.

"Well, the Lord has shown me great kindness. Although he is unkind to me today, I can't be unjust to him. In this attack on the eldest son City, Zhang died, which is also a reward for the Lord's kindness. When you see that the war situation is unfavorable, you can take your own soldiers to escape. "

"General Zhang..." The deputy general was very moved and wanted to say something else.

"Well, needless to say, eat something quickly and replenish your physical strength. After that, there will be a bitter battle."

The assistant general opened his mouth with tears in his eyes. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say anything at last.

"What's the matter? Why are you all sitting down? Don't get up and keep on going

A rather arrogant voice sounded, Zhang jaw and deputy general looked at the past. It turned out that Gao Lan's deputy general caught up with him and urged him.

Zhang jaw deputy general can't bear it and strides forward.

"I've been on the road all morning. What about taking a break? What's the rush? "

"You? A group of guys who have just lost the battle, what qualifications do they have to fight against this general here? "

Gao Lan's deputy general's head is even higher than Gao Lan himself. He almost looks at people with his chin."My general Zhang clearly played back the attack of the allied army in Huguan, but you are the one who is the one who is in the middle of the country Hum... "

"How are we?" The other side stared at the deputy general in anger.

He was not afraid at all: "a guy who has been defeated and who has been a prisoner, has a real face to command and command here, and is shameless."

"What do you say! You say that... "

saw that the two men were going to fight, and Zhang hurried forward to conciliation.

"Zhang has no way to go under the royal family. Please forgive the general. Please tell General Zhang. I will leave here."

After that, he did not give the other party the opportunity to continue to speak, immediately ordered the whole army to be promoted.

Although the high reading deputy general still has the heart to accept, but also cannot chase up to continue to scold.

"Hum, fight with my general. If you have any, wait..."

He scolded in secret and turned and left.

In the elder City, all the people will be very happy.

"Brother two, it's time to go out? Jizhou group of stupid people is being said by the fourth brother. So soon, they came to attack. Today, brother two does not fight with his younger brother. If you ride with 500 Lei gods, you can beat his 20000 soldiers and horses down the water. You brothers are not allowed to rob me! "

Lin is very excited and excited.

Guan Yu stroked his long beard and smiled: "this is not only a plan for the four brothers, but then how to attack, the fourth brother will be the master of the whole. The fool is also assigned to you. Now how to stop, the fourth brother will do it even if he orders it."

Although Zhang Yong is modest, but now the war is in the process, and he knows it is not a time of politeness.

"Since the second brother said so, the younger brother is not as respectful as obedient."

He went to the center of the hall, and saw the general in the hall. Indeed, they all stretched their necks and were wary.

"Where is Ye Xiang?"

"The end will be!" Ye Xiang stood out.

Zhang Yong took a flag: "you are ordered to lead your own Shenji camp, go out of the city for ten li, and ambush in the mountains on both sides. Remember that when the enemy comes, it is not allowed to move. It is important to wait until the enemy is defeated and withdrawn before you can act."

Ye Xiang was a little stunned, but soon some understood Zhang Yong's intention, smiling and walked up, hands took over the flag.

"The end will lead!"

"Where are Qin Chu and zhangliaohe?"

"The end will be!"

Zhang Yong took the two flags and looked at them seriously: "you are asked to take 3000 heavy cavalry soldiers, and general Qin Chu and general Yexiang are buried on both sides of the mountain road respectively. When the enemy retreats, the army will be responsible for blocking the enemy's way. If an enemy is taught to escape, the army will engage in it!"

"The end will lead!"

Qin Chu took over the Lingqi, Zhang Liao looked at the order and his own, and was anxious.

"General, what about the end?"

Zhang Yong looked at him eager to urge, smiled, and handed him another flag.

"Zhang Liao is ordered to take the cavalry to the direction of Tunliu County to Huguan. I expect to look at the attack. Even if not the whole army is out, there are thousands of defenders in the Guanzhong. There is no general to defend. You must seize Huguan by chance, and there must be no mistake!"

Zhang Liao is very pleased to hear the words. He is the best at such a fight and is busy taking command of his life.

"Ye will obey!"

"Ha ha, it's finally to me. It will be there!" Lin jumped out of his seat in a hurry.

"You are asked to take 500 thunderbolt rides, and then send you 5000 heavy cavalry troops. A total of 5500 people will be sent out of the city to fight with the vanguard forces of the enemy."

"And the end will lead! Ha ha, you are waiting for the report of the young master! "

Lin is about to pick up the flag. He doesn't want Zhang Yong's hand to shrink suddenly and let him fall into the air.

"What is the five brothers in a hurry, I haven't finished yet."

Zhu Ye starts to chat up and laughs: "Hey, brother four goes on."

Zhang Yong stared at him with no enthusiasm: "in this war, you may not win. You must make a hard war after that, you will not defeat the enemy."

"Ah?" Lin is a fool.

"I fight, younger brother, always win. This only makes the fight lose. Then I will not do it. You can let the third brother go on."

Chengliang was in a hurry: "Hey, fifth, I think you are itchy. You don't want to do such things. Can I be happy? Brother always stressed that, the prohibition of the operation, what, you want to fight the life can not be? "

Guanyu also board up the face: "five younger brother Hugh to make a fuss, Ming Wei since such arrangements, must have deep meaning, you do it."

Both brothers spoke. Zhu Ye was helpless and left his mouth and could only take his life.

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