In the back of the hospital, Dianwei waited in front of a gate with anxious and worried face. From time to time, he poked out his head and looked inside. Even though it was clearly across the door and window, he could not see anything.

"I'm so anxious I'm so anxious... "

"Oh, Dazhuang, what are you worried about? How powerful the doctor is? There is nothing he can't cure."

With a relaxed look, Dameng patted Dianwei on the shoulder.

That day, after a headache and coma, he had a good sleep for a day and a night before he woke up. After waking up, he actually recognized Dianwei.

Although his temperament did not change at all, he still remembered a little about his childhood and Dianwei's memories. These two strong men with strong backs and strong waists were holding each other foolishly, crying and laughing. What he didn't know was that they were two madmen.

Dianwei was relieved, but his face was not relaxed.

"But But the cure method of the miracle doctor is too It's incredible Is it not murder to have my wife's head cut open? "

He said this, big Meng also seems to think about it.

"By the way, if you can still live by splitting your head, then big fierce used to kill enemies like to split people's heads from the middle, then are they not dead? Well It seems that ferocity needs to change his killing method later. That's right... "

"Oh, Dameng, I'm in a mess. Don't be kidding."

Dianwei complained.

However, Dameng looked as if he had taken it for granted: "Dameng is not kidding. Daming has done meritorious service to Liu's elder brother. If he can't kill all the people, where else can Dameng eat mutton leg and beef in the future? Well, Daming is really smart. "

When Dianwei heard this, his anger surged up.

"Hum, this Liu He is not a good thing indeed. Seeing that my brother is good at cheating, I'll use these words to deceive you to work for him. It's extremely hateful!"

Big fierce smell speech, the whole person instantly furious: "don't you say so big brother Liu! All over the world, he is the best to Da Meng. If you dare to say that he is, Dameng will beat you! "

"Good, good, I don't say, I don't say."

Dianwei knew that his brother was not clear, so he would not care about him. However, the more he reacted, the more he hated Liu He.

Li Chong frowned and scolded: "my master is the most famous doctor in the world. His medical skills are superb. He created" Ma boiling powder "several years ago. The patient took it as if he was dead, gouged his heart, dug his lungs, removed his bones and opened his skull. Everything was all right. He took out the sundries, cleaned them with liquid medicine, and then sutured them with medicinal thread. It is no different from ordinary people. The nature of this method in the world has never been seen in ancient times It's ridiculous to speculate


Dian Wei was not happy with Li Chong. How could he allow him to laugh at himself like this?

However, considering that the other party is a great disciple of Hua Tuo, and Hua Tuo has great kindness to himself, if you are in trouble with him, would it not be like that the hand of the hand will bite the hand that feeds him? So Dianwei could only endure for a while.

After a long time, there was a "squeak" at the door of the room. Dianwei immediately raised his heart to his throat and kept his eyes on the door. Only in this moment, it seemed that many years had passed.

Hua Tuo's figure came out of it, rubbing sweat on his forehead as he walked out.

Dian Wei quickly walked over: "miracle doctor, my wife..."

Hua Tuo said: "although it is the first time for me to perform this operation on the head, it is good that there is no danger. The things in Zunfu's brain have been removed and the head has been sutured. After two or three hours, the drug of the hemp boiling powder has gone away and you can wake up. After that, take a rest for seven or eight days. Remove the medicine line and you can act as usual. I'll give you another prescription. After you go home, you can take it according to this. The short time is one month, and the long time is two months. This disease should be cured. "

"Great!" Dianwei was overjoyed at the speech, and then "Putong" fell to his knees.

"The great kindness of the great doctor, a family will remember it in this lifetime!"

He hit the ground heavily three times, knocking the ground "bang bang bang".

Hua Tuo wanted to reach out and help him, but his physical strength was too heavy. He felt dizzy just as he tried to do it. He had to accept the great gift from Dianwei.

Da Meng grabbed Dianwei and laughed: "ha ha, Da Zhuang, Da Meng is right? Doctor Hua is so powerful. Brother Liu praises him. Brother Liu can't say anything wrong. Hey, Dameng, please drink. Your daughter-in-law is getting better. Ha ha, good thing, good thing. "

Dianwei was happy, and was more and more excited by Dameng's infection: "should drink, should drink, ha ha..."

At the same time, dozens of summoning cavalry went out from the four gates of Luoyang, carrying the imperial edict to the eight directions.

More than ten days later, it was early winter. Although it was not chilly, the east wind outside Luoyang still made people feel uncomfortable.

Dameng and Dianwei said goodbye.

He grabbed Dianwei's hand: "Dazhuang, don't go away. Stay in Luoyang and fight for Liu's elder brother with me. It's so good. There are beef and mutton to eat every day. There's a big house to live in and brother Guan's. they are all very good to Daming."

Da Meng did not know how many times he had said this to Dianwei. At the beginning, Dianwei tried to persuade him, but now he has not said it again."Good, good, big Zhuang, listen to me. However, Daming still has a house, other family members, and farmland. Besides, Dazhuang's grandfather is very good to Dazhuang. Dazhuang can't leave without saying anything? You have to go back and get ready. "

Big Meng pouted his lips. Although he was not happy, he still nodded: "well, that's right. Big brother Liu once said that you should know how to be a man. Your big brother is good to you. You must be kind to him, but it doesn't matter. After the new year, Daming asks Liu's elder brother to bring your big brother to Luoyang, and let him fight and kill enemies for brother Liu. Isn't that good? Well, that's a good idea. Daming is really smart. Hehe. "

Dazhuang smiles bitterly and shakes his head. At this time, his heart suddenly becomes a little envious. Although he was cheated by Liu He, he can live a happy and rich life. He is carefree. A little bit of small things can make him happy. How many people can't get it?

"Well, send it here, Damon. Go back."

"It doesn't matter. Let's see you off again."

Dian Wei let go of his hand: "it's nearly 20 Li out of the city. If you go further, you'll reach the tiger prison. It's getting late. If you send it again, you can't go home to eat mutton before dark."

When he said this, the whole person jumped up: "Oh, yes, this evening, brother Liu sent a batch of delicious food from the palace. Daming had to go back quickly."

Dian Wei smiles: "big fierce brother, goodbye."

Dameng had already stepped on the horse and waved his hands to him: "goodbye, go quickly. Daming wants to go home to eat delicious food with his daughter-in-law. Dameng's daughter-in-law is going to give birth to a baby. Daming has to take good care of her. What if she falls down while eating? How to do when choking? What if you want water? I want to... "

He broke his fingers and counted all kinds of strange things that might happen.

Dianwei gave a bitter smile and sighed at his good brother who had been away for nearly ten years.

"Dameng said that Liu He, Guan Yu, Zhu ye and others were all superior to him in martial arts. He often fought with Zhu ye and was defeated within ten minutes each time. In the past, I always wanted to be brave. It seems that many of Liu He's powerful generals outnumber me. If I want to save Da Meng, I have to work harder to practice martial arts... "

He made many vows in his heart and tried hard to practice martial arts. One day, he would save Dameng back to his side to take care of him.

"The system indicates that due to Dianwei's misunderstanding of the host, he vowed to take Wang Han away from the host, triggering a temporary task: if the basic force exceeds 99 points of the original peak before the end of Dianwei's original historical year of death, that is, in 197 ad, his basic force will be increased by one more point, and he will have the opportunity to perform some special effects he possessed at that time To some extent

Liu He, who is returning to the harem, is preparing to have a meal. As soon as he receives this prompt, the whole person is somewhat confused.

"What's the situation? What kind of temporary mission is this? After all these years, how did I meet for the first time? What's the meaning of Dianwei? Is it against me? I have been very kind to him when he was in Luoyang. "

"Restore host, temporary task, as the name implies, is a variety of hidden tasks that are triggered temporarily according to different situations. Just like the temporary task that the host activated to occupy a county, it is purely random, and anyone can trigger it, which is not a patent of the host."

The system's icy reply made Liu He entangled. However, he was not a teenager in langdiao county at that time, and soon recovered.

"That's it. Anyway, I can't tell you the system boss. No matter whether Dianwei can complete this task or not, he will be my man sooner or later. Even if he has been against me, my powerful generals are like clouds, afraid that only one Dianwei will not succeed? Eat and eat. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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