In Luoyang, the first snow of this year fell a little early. From last night, a big and big snow fell slowly. The next morning, after opening the doors and windows, everyone saw a vast white world. The streets, window edges, roofs and tree branches were covered with snow. Although it was not very thick, it still declared that the weather had entered the cold winter Section.

There was no court meeting today, but Liu he still got up early. A few days ago, Zhang Yu, who had just given birth to Liu Qian for more than a year, was once again diagnosed and treated as pregnant. Inside and outside the palace, there was a lot of joy. Even the Empress Dowager Xu, who was still recovering, made a special trip to visit Zhang Yu with the help of her maid.

Therefore, Liu He has spent the night in Diao Chan's palace for several days in a row. If we talk about the relationship between husband and wife, Diao Chan and Zhang Yu can hardly be compared with each other. However, when it comes to sexual intercourse between men and women, Diao Chan has won a lot. Fortunately, Liu He is young and strong, otherwise he will have to work hard.

Liu He has just got up, a pair of jade arms from behind him, a lazy and charming voice into the ear.

"There is no early morning today. Why should your majesty get up so early? Let's go to sleep

This voice, for any man to listen to, I'm afraid it's hard to bear to refuse, but Liu He has gone through hardships to achieve today's achievements, and his heart is naturally extraordinary.

He gently opened Diao Chan's hands: "the new dynasty was established, and the business is busy. I am the king of a country. How can I be happy? You can rest here. "

Liu He, in the maid's service, put on the dragon's robe, and left the Diao Chan, who was pouting and somewhat unhappy.

Xunzi, as usual, came earlier than him.

"Meet your majesty.

"Don't be so polite. What happened recently?"

Xunzi said: "many princes have replied to the imperial edict issued by the imperial court. For example, Ma Teng in Xiliang, Kongfeng in Beihai, Jiaohe in Qingzhou and taoqian in Xuzhou all said that they would leave for Luoyang to pay homage after the spring next year."

"Well." Liu he was not surprised by the reaction of these people.

"In addition, Liu Bei in Donglai, Gongsun Zan in Youzhou, Liu Biao in Jingzhou, Sun Jian in Lujiang, Chen Wen in Yangzhou, Cao Cao in Yanzhou, Zhang Miao in Chen Liu, and others in Donglai say that they will send envoys to send congratulatory gifts and expressions in the name of busy government affairs, bandits' rebellion, or ill health and inconvenience in travelling."

Liu He's fingers beat the desk in front of him. Hearing these, he frowned: "only these? Are there still some people missing? "

"Not bad." Xunzi replied, "Jiaozhou and other places in the south are far away. I'm afraid it's hard to reply. As for gongsundu in Liaodong, after his majesty granted gongsunzan his territory, he had already declared rebellion and naturally would not reply. Some of them, such as Liu Yan in Yizhou, Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, and Han Sui, Ma Teng's brother in Jieyi, and some of them, who were not strong but were born in the local area, should have answered the letter, but I don't know why, so far there is no news... "

Before he finished, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

A soldier came in at a quick pace and fell to his knees with a letter in his hand.

"Your Majesty, I have news from Yizhou..."

Liu He Spirit for a boost: "just said he, he came, Wen Ruo, you and see what happened."

Xunzi went over and took the letter. After he opened it, he looked very shocked.

Among these three advisers, Xunzi had the most steady character. Liu He seldom saw him with such an expression, so he became curious about the words in the letter.

"What's the matter? What does the letter say? "

Xunzi's lips and hands trembled slightly. He wanted to say it, but he seemed afraid to say it. He could only hold the letter above his head and walk to Liu He.

"Minister I don't dare to say that, your majesty... "

Liu He took it over full of doubts, but after reading the letter, he was not only shocked, but also very angry.

"Bold old Liu Yan, I respect him as an elder of the clan. He has violated the rule of self-reliance and set up a new court. He also made my emissaries and owls publicly known. He should be punished!"

Hearing this, Xun you and Cui Jun are also full of incredible color.

"This How could Liu Yan be so bold? " Cui Jun was surprised and doubted.

Liu he said angrily and contemptuously: "hum, it is said that the old thief had heard that Yizhou had the temperament of a son of heaven, so he took the initiative and went to this wild land. The old thief is ambitious. I had doubts for a long time. I only thought that he was so old and how long he would live. In addition, he would not dare to fight against me. He did not want to be so arrogant and bold as this! "

As soon as he threw the letter to the ground, he stood up.

"After the Spring Festival, we will send 200000 troops to invade Yizhou. I will personally cut off the head of this shameless old thief and make an example to others."

"Wait, your majesty!"

Xun you stands out.

Liu He looked at him: "why did Gongda stop me? Shouldn't this thief be killed? "

Xun you replied: "no, Liu Yan openly usurped the throne and established himself as an emperor. Although such a crime was committed, it was not too late to be executed."

"Why did you stop me Liu He's voice, anger does not reduce."As your majesty said, Liu Yan is just a dying man. Kuang's strength in Yizhou, not to mention the confrontation with the whole court, is among the numerous princes in the world. He is also a member of the lower middle class. He is not as good as Xuzhou. But his son, Liu Zhang, has always been weak in character. How can he be so ambitious?"

Liu He also calmed down a little.

"Is it fair to say Is this Liu Yan encouraged by others

"Yes, it must be." Xun you said categorically.

Liu He sat down again: "who is planning behind the scenes? What is the purpose of such behavior?"

Xun you stepped forward: "the people behind the scenes must be among the numerous princes, and they are one or even several of those who oppose the Lord. As for the purpose, it can not be more clear that they themselves did not dare to fight against his majesty and were afraid of being harmed by his majesty. Therefore, they encouraged Liu Yan, who was ambitious, to set up another court. In this way, his majesty, in the name of the world, had to devote most of his energy to dealing with Liu Yan's rebellion. The rest of the princes would have enough time to cultivate their strength and strength. After his majesty and Liu Yan are both defeated, they will wait for an opportunity to make a profit. "

Liu He's brow was almost inverted: "how can you be familiar with such a strategy?"

Xun you said, "Your Majesty, this plan is much similar to the plan of persuading Yuan Shu and other ministers against his majesty behind the scenes."

"Well? Cao Cao? Oh, yes, it must be him

Liu he said with gnashing teeth as he patted the table.

Unexpectedly, Xun you shook his head: "it may not be him, or he may be just one of several masterminds, yet unknown. But it doesn't matter, because even if your majesty knows that it was Cao Cao who did it, what can he do? "

Liu he was also stunned by his question.


Yeah, what can I do? Although Cao Cao won't come to Luoyang in reply, he explains the reason, and the above table wants to swear allegiance to himself. Does he leave a rebellious Liu Yan not to deal with, but to deal with Cao Cao, a "loyal official of the Han Dynasty"? How does this make people think of themselves?

"A good plot is a conspiracy and a conspiracy. It's settled. Even if I guess the person behind the scenes, I can't help it. Good, good!"

When Liu he said this, his voice became colder and colder. When listening to the three Xunyou people nearby, they all felt a little chilly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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