Within a short period of time, an imperial edict was handed down from Yizhou to all directions.

"Liu He, the general, was both civil and military. He had made great contributions to the creation of the world. He should have kept the integrity of his officials and devoted himself to the country. However, his desire was numerous and led to usurpation."

"Liu he was guilty of four crimes. First, he said that he had taken the throne of the monarch, and the following crimes were disloyal."

"Second, it is unfilial to betray our ancestors and despise the family law."

"On the third day, when the Yellow River burst its levee, it was because of the anger of heaven and the resentment of people."

"The fourth is to be good at killing loyal and good officials, and to slaughter meritorious officials for injustice."

"Although Liu he died of these four crimes, he could not be redeemed. Now the country is in chaos, and the country is in chaos. I, Liu Yan, who is the great grandson of emperor Xiaojing and the nobleman of the Han Dynasty, has no choice but to stand up. He temporarily takes the throne, uses the tools of the orthodox temple, and helps the country. After removing the thieves, he goes to the Zen throne. I hereby announce to the world. "

As soon as this edict was issued, the whole world was in uproar!

If you want to punish the emperor, you should pay more attention to the Emperor than the emperor Reward.

The two sides were in the Hanzhong generation, and in the Guanzhong area of Chang'an. They laid down heavy troops and were at daggers drawn. They were about to wait for the spring to break out into a big war.

On the day before the Spring Festival, a great news came from Yunhai county.

"The five cities of Yunhai county have been completed. The government offices, houses, shops, streets, roads, and some small water conservancy facilities in the city have been completed. This time, the government spent 890000 stones, thousands of cattle and sheep, and more than 870 million yuan, involving 273 merchants, 193 craftsmen and 141000 laborers More than 6000 people have attached a Book of merit to this chapter for your Majesty's inspection. "

After Xunzi finished reading the memorial sent by Xunzi, he handed the memorial and the merit book to Liu He.

Liu He looked through the thick merit book. He Chang was the first one in this row, which surprised him. After all, although he Chang was close to Xun Chen, he came up halfway. Liu he didn't expect that he could catch up. Moreover, he was much higher than the others.

"Put forward the strategy of foundation pouring of DINGHE City, put forward the method of changing the direction of the river outside Dingrong City, and solve the problem that the south wall of Anma city is easy to collapse. In this way, we can save more than 34 million yuan and improve the construction method of Hu City in Fude city..."

Pile by pile, piece by piece, every credit is clearly recorded.

"He Chang is indeed a talented person, but Chen Qing didn't boast that day."

Liu he said something.

Xunzi said: "these merchants and craftsmen have contributed a lot to the completion of Yunhai County on schedule. According to the original imperial edict, we should reward them one by one according to the merit book. You Ruo te came to ask your majesty. I don't know how to reward them? "

Liu he heard the speech and thought for a moment.

"What do you three have in mind?"

Cui Jun was the first to open his mouth: "my highness, I think that on that day, his majesty promised to confer the title of nobility to those who have done meritorious deeds and give them the same scholar's origin. However, there are too many merchants and craftsmen to participate in this time. If all the merchants and craftsmen are awarded, I'm afraid it is not appropriate. Therefore, I suggest that the top ten in the merit book should be selected and granted the rank of Marquis of the township, the top 50 and the Marquis of Pavilion. After the fifties, no knighthood will be granted, and only the scholar's origin can be granted. "

After listening, Liu he didn't make a statement, but looked at Xun Yu and Xun you.

Xun you stood up: "Your Majesty, what I see is the same as that of Zhou Ping."

"Well..." Liu He nodded slightly, but still did not make a statement.

The three looked at the look of the emperor, and they were all puzzled.

Xun's eyes turned and he seemed to have an idea.

"In reply to your majesty, I suggest that all those who have done meritorious deeds in the list should be knighted. Take the first 80, give the township Marquis, after 80, give the pavilion marquis. In addition, he Chang and other top ten people, or business owners, can be given a special reward

"It's just a few empty titles. There's neither salary nor fiefdom. If only part of the title is awarded, it will inevitably cause resentment among many other meritorious people. Isn't it self defeating

After hearing this, Cui Jun also kept nodding: "if Wen is considerate, it should be so."

Liu He is a smile: "Wen ruo's words are very good, but I think, this is not enough."

All three were somewhat surprised: "I don't know what your majesty means?"

Liu He smiles and does not answer. Instead, he directly raises his pen and begins to write on a blank imperial edict

Yunhai County, Fude county. This county is the only one of the five cities to set up Hu City, and it is also the earliest city for Anhan commercial bank to settle in. As the five cities are newly established, the people have not moved in, so almost all the merchants have not opened business. However, the Fude branch of Anhan commercial bank has opened early.

On this day, the Spring Festival, just two days after, the weather in the north of Yunhai was very cold, the wind was sharper than the knife, and the roar was like a strange animal. However, in this business, it was very warm, and the head was surging, which was very lively.Hundreds of people gathered here, and everyone's face was full of expectation.

Not long after that, the prefect Xunzi and the branch shopkeeper of the local commercial firm came out from behind the high counter, and all of them immediately surrounded them.

"I've seen the prefect!"

"I'd like to see the governor Xun!"

Xun Chen chuckled and gave him a hand: "you don't have to be too polite. You are all great meritorious officials of Yunhai county. It's really gratifying that such a huge project in Yunhai county can be successfully completed in such a short period of time."

"I'm flattered by the prefect. We are also the people of the Han Dynasty. It's of course for us to contribute to our country."

"It's not bad, it's right, it's right."

Although these people all say so, but the color of expectation on their faces is more obvious than before.

Xun Chen chuckled, but he didn't care.

"You must be in a hurry. Now that the project is over, you must be eager to know how your majesty will reward you and who will get it, right?"

Seeing that he broke his mind, everyone was embarrassed.

Seeing this, Xun Chen took out an imperial edict from his sleeve. Everyone looked very nervous. Many of them were rich businessmen who had seen big waves. At this time, they all clenched their fists and were in cold sweat.

Everyone has guessed that there are more than 400 merchants and craftsmen who have made contributions to the construction of Yunhai county. I'm afraid it is unlikely that all of them will be awarded titles. Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, there has never been such a scale of knighthood. It's just fantastic.

Because of this, those who don't rank too high on the merit list are more nervous.

Xun Chen took a look at the contents of the imperial edict, and then looked at these people in front of him.

"According to heaven, the emperor Zhao said: the completion of Yunhai county has been passed on to the capital. I feel happy, and both the government and the public are happy. I know in my heart that if there are no merchants and craftsmen to help the country, it will take a long time and cost a lot of money. Although you are not in the court, your contributions are no less than those of the front-line officers and soldiers. I am very grateful. "

When the imperial edict was read here, the faces of all the people were very relieved. Since ancient times, they had never been treated by the nobles and nobles of the upper class. But now they can be praised by the emperor. Compared with the soldiers who fought in the front line, they also expressed their gratitude to them. Such a move is unheard of, unexpected, and popular The head is warm.

One of them suddenly sighed, "well, your majesty is really a benevolent son of heaven. Even if you don't get the title, my family is worth it."

He said this, many people's faces have shown the color of emotion.

Xun Chen laughed and continued to read: "the people who have done meritorious deeds this time, except those who have committed crimes, cut corners, and muddled through the customs, there are 229 businesses and 176 craftsmen, totaling 405."

Hearing this, we all know that the key content is coming, and they have raised their ears.

Xun Chen laughed, but did not open his mouth, but there is still a voice into the ears of the people.

"I am grateful for your hard work and devotion to the country and the country. I hereby decide to confer the rank of Marquis of the county to the top 30 in the merit list. The top 150 were granted the rank of marquis. The rest of them were conferred the rank of Marquis of Pavilion. In addition, I hold a dinner party in the business house here, and invite the top ten craftsmen or business owners to have a dinner party. Eleven to one hundred merit books will hold a banquet in the county government of this city, accompanied by the prefect and the county magistrate. "

As soon as he said this, the whole audience was dumbfounded!

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