"Good, good!"

In the palace, Liu He looked at the good news that had just been sent and laughed with joy.

"In just 20 days of the expedition, the second younger brother and his younger brother wiped out Xiliang. They not only destroyed Han Sui, but also recaptured Jiuquan and Dunhuang counties, which had been occupied by shaodang and xian02 Qiang people. After they come back, they will surely be rewarded with great achievements."

Cui Jun said: "congratulations to your majesty. It is indeed your Majesty's great fortune to solve the problem of Xiqiang, which has plagued me for a hundred years."

Liu he said with a smile, "well said Zhou Ping."

However, Xunzi said: "Your Majesty, the Qiang people are nearly 100 tribes. Shaodang and xianzero are the most powerful. Although the patriarch of the two tribes has been killed, and the main force of the two tribes has been destroyed by chief Yun, there are still tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of thousands of people in the clan. Now they are far away from home. In case of a comeback in the future, they can't help it. What's more, less than half of the Xiqiang tribes now submit to the imperial court. According to the information from the merchants and flying eagle guards, there are dozens of tribes, including Baima Qiang, Zhong Qiang, le'er'er Qiang, Bonan Qiang, Qileng Qiang, Po Qiang, Dangjian Qiang, etc. they are unwilling to be driven by the Han Dynasty. They are afraid that many of them will disturb all over the country in the future. It is not the time to take them lightly. "

Xunzi's words, although very disappointing, but every sentence is reasonable.

Nowadays, with the combination of military awe and commercial trade, many tribes have chosen to submit to the Han Dynasty. Moreover, they have learned more about the Qiang people's tribe, which is convenient for further control in the future. However, in terms of strength, these subjugated tribes only account for less than half of the whole Qiang ethnic group.

"From Wen ruo's point of view, how should we deal with the remaining Qiang tribes?" Liu he asked.

"In my humble opinion, in Liangzhou, there are Qiang people who are rebellious, and even the Han people in our country are living in hardship because of the border disturbance. In addition, Dong Zhuo, Han Sui and other generations have been tyrannical for many years, which makes the common people turn away from the Han people. For today's plan, one should be the border of the town, and the other is to return to the heart. "

Hearing the speech, Liu he pondered: "well, some truth, continue to speak."

Xunzi Gong said: "the so-called town border is to send heavy troops to guard the important passes in various places to guard against Xiongnu, Qiang people and even Liu Yan in Yizhou. As for returning home, it is necessary to send officials in all parts of Liangzhou, strictly observe the law and discipline, and widely extend kindness and virtue, so that the people will naturally return to the court again. In this way, after a few years, Liangzhou will be completely stable. "

Hearing this, Liu he frowned slightly: "the matter of garrison is easy to say. However, there are ten counties in Liangzhou, nearly 100 counties. Now the government has some deficiencies in its own officials. After some promotion and strong recommendation from ministers, it has only filled about 67% of the vacancies. For a while, it is a difficult task to select so many capable officials to govern Liangzhou. "

Unexpectedly, Xunzi said: "Your Majesty, I have been prepared for this matter."

"Oh? If Wen really expects everything ahead of others, he can always share my worries for me at the critical moment, and tell me quickly. "

"I think that after years of governance, Bingzhou and Sili are in good order. The government decrees are clear and the officials perform their duties. The people are attached to the farmers and businessmen. The officials at all levels are not as busy as before. Therefore, Wei Chen suggested that the cadres of Bingzhou and Sili should be selected and transferred to Liangzhou. "

Xunzi's proposal was totally unexpected to Liu He before.

"Well Interesting. Interesting. Compared with what I did a year ago, many of them did. However, there are no less than 100 county-level officials needed in Liangzhou. If we want to draw out so many officials, we are afraid that it will also have an impact on the administrative affairs of Sili and Bingzhou. "

"This is also a helpless thing. We can only wait for more recommendation and promotion from all over the country and gradually fill in the vacancy. "

Xun said.

"Talent, talent Where to find so many talents is a real headache... "

Liu He is confident that all the princes in the world can't be compared with himself in both literature and martial arts. However, it is impossible to govern a country by these people alone. State, county and county officials are indispensable. For example, playing games, a few kings, with a large group of rookies, the same can not win.

Cui Jun said: "the only way to do this is to rely on the big families to recruit more disciples and cultivate scholars for the imperial court, otherwise there is no other way."

Liu he felt that there was something wrong with this. In the final analysis, the power of government officials to recommend officials was in the hands of those big families. Only their family children, as well as students and apprentices, would be recommended. Other people, not to mention being recommended to become an official, had very little chance to read and read. This is a situation that Liu Hewan did not want to see.

However, for a while, I didn't have a good way. The imperial examination system of later generations would hardly have any effect in this era. The vast majority of the people were illiterate, and running the imperial examination was just to serve those powerful families. The results were the same.

"Well, let's settle it for the time being. The name list of the transfer will be worked out by you and then submitted. In a few days' time of the court meeting, after consulting with all the ministers, the decree will be issued. "

"No!" The three took orders together.A few days later, Liu he went out of the city to welcome the western expedition army, the triumphant class teacher, and Liu he held a celebration banquet in the palace. All the officials, civil and military, attended.

In the morning of the next day, there was a big court meeting in the palace.

"Xuan: General Guan Yu in the north of the town, Zhu ye, general in the west, Zhao Yun, Deng yuan, Deng yuan, and Ma Chao, the commander of Langqi, will go to the hall!"

With Gong saner's shrill voice, Guan Yu and other five people walked into the hall.

After that, Gong san'er took out the imperial edict and read: "carry it by heaven. The emperor Zhao said: here is a traitor, Han Sui, who colluded with the Qiang rebellion and attached himself to the puppet emperor. He ran wild in Xiliang, rebelled against the imperial court, and caused trouble to the people. Thanks to Guan Yu, general of the northern part of the town, Zhu ye, general of the western part of the town, Zhao Yun, Deng yuan, Deng yuan, Wang Yong, and Ma Chao, the commander of Langqi, have made far-reaching plans. They have made great contributions to the country, and I am very happy to see that they have made great contributions to the country. "

"Guan Yu had a good expedition, and he was named a former general and Marquis of ShiChan township."

"Zhu Ye broke through the enemy's trap, and Jin inherited the Marquis of Anxiang."

"Zhao Yun killed three thieves, including Han Sui, with outstanding achievements. He conferred Pingdong generals and envied the Marquis of Yinxiang."

"Deng yuan followed Zhao Yun, crossed the desert, killed the enemy meritoriously, and conferred partial generals."

"Ma Chao is brave in killing the enemy and confers partial generals."

Five people respectfully received the order: "I'll thank you for your Majesty's long grace. I'll go through fire and water for your majesty, and I'll never say goodbye!"

"Hehe, the second brother, the fifth brother, and Zilong, Ziyang, Mengqi, please get up quickly."

Liu he was very happy and helped them to stand up again.

At this time, Lu Zhi stood up and said, "Your Majesty, now that Liangzhou is under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, it is actually the protection of the ancestors of the Han Dynasty and the blessing of his majesty. The people of Liangzhou have suffered a lot from bandits and Qiang people for a long time. Now they should dispatch officials to deal with them so as to show his Majesty's kindness to them. "

Liu He secretly praised Lu Zhi's deep understanding of the overall situation. It seemed that he had been somewhat condescended to be a left riding general with no real power. Liu he began to think about what position he would be transferred to.

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