Then Huang Fu Song, the general of the right chariot, opened his mouth.

"As for the words of Zuo Qiqi, I deeply believe that although Liangzhou is a cold and bitter place, it connects the western regions in the West and the desert in the north. In the past years, the Han Dynasty educated the four barbarians and made the officials of all States come out of Liangzhou and set up the capital of the western regions. Dunhuang and Jiuquan were once prosperous places. If you can manage it well, you may be able to restore the glory of the time of the declaration. "

When Huang Fu Song said this, his expression seemed a little excited.

When Liu he heard the word "western regions", his heart brightened.

"What you said is just what I want. I intend to send generals and officials to all parts of Liangzhou. Beidi, Anding and Hanyang counties have been under the jurisdiction of the imperial court for many years, and the other seven counties are the most important ones. I intend to transfer a group of capable officials from Bingzhou and Sili areas to Liangzhou, and then to guard all places with heavy troops. After Liangzhou is stable and has abundant grain and grass, I will send troops to the South and go straight to Chengdu. Do you have any objection

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"I seconded."

Wang Yun looked at the reaction of the ministers around him and thought about it a little. Then he stood up and said, "the old minister agrees with your majesty."

With a smile on his face, Liu he was also very satisfied with the result. Even the ministers of Yang Biao's faction also expressed their support.

"Over the past two years, Yang Biao and others have been very respectful to me. It seems that they have figured it out. I will discuss with them and let them recommend more talents. "

Just when he thought that the overall situation had been decided, Du Ji suddenly stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I think that your Majesty's action can solve the problem of Liangzhou. However, Liangzhou is a place of four wars. In addition to the eastern border of Sili, the other three sides need to send large generals to town with heavy troops. In addition, there are so many cities in Liangzhou that the officials needed are far from being appointed in a short period of time, and there are also many generals needed. The court will employ more troops in the future, so it is inevitable that some of them will give up their talents if they are to be garrisoned by senior generals. "

He said these words, it can be said that Liu He's heart. A few days ago, when discussing with Xunzi and others, he was also worried about this issue. Liu he saw him open his mouth and asked if he had any good suggestions.

"Ai Qing has any suggestions, but it doesn't matter."

"Thank you. According to Wei Chen, there are also civil servants who are good at military. In general, there is no one who can control millet. For example, Cui Zhouping, a former general of Sili, Guan Yunchang, Zhang Mingwei, Zhang Mingwei, general of Zhendong, and Gao Boping, the general of Zhengnan, are all literate and military experts. They can lead troops to kill the enemy, and they can better govern one side. If your majesty doesn't send a group of such capable officials to the frontier cities of Liangzhou to fight, dismount and settle the people, and then send a general to take charge of the military and political affairs of Liangzhou, then the affairs of Liangzhou will be peaceful and the difficulties of the court will be solved. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? "

"Well Ai Qing's intention is to pick up the virtuous people from the ranks of the army and make them take the position of local officials at the same time? "

Liu He also felt that Du Ji's proposal was feasible. For example, Zhang Yong, with 89 intelligence and 71 politics, can barely be competent as a prefect. If he is in charge of a city, he is more than enough. Zhu ye, Guan Yu and Gao shun all have more than 60 political affairs, so it is necessary to govern the local government.

Liu He roughly counted dozens of generals and generals in the army who had reached more than 60 intelligence and more than 50 political achievements. It was difficult for them to make any great achievements. However, it was enough to let them go to local places and carry out and govern according to the will issued by the imperial court. Liu he did not think of this method before.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to open his mouth to express his approval, Lu Zhi objected.

"It's not going to work. What Jing Zhaoyin said was nothing more than to appoint a person as Liangzhou mu, and then to order the local prefect and county magistrate to integrate military and political affairs. As a result, many generals were appointed to serve as local officials or local officials to take charge of military affairs. Although many vacancies of officials can be eliminated, the local power is too heavy, which is no different from that of princes. "

Du Ji said: "if it is normal, political power and military power should be separated from each other. However, there is a shortage of talented people in the imperial court. If there are suitable people, it will be beneficial to the country and the people. It is not too late for his majesty to take over his power and divide them. Otherwise, there would be more than a hundred officials in the seven prefectures and dozens of counties? There is a lack of officials in charge in all parts of the court. If so many capable officials are sent from all over the country, it will inevitably lead to unrest or make the government order not smooth. "

At this time, Wang Qian also made a list: "the so-called matter of urgent power, Beijing Zhaoyin's intention, although not in line with the court practice, but also a good policy. What's more, the long-term survival of the country requires the imperial court to learn from the old and absorb the new. If we only pay attention to a few talented people who have already made great achievements, but do not give opportunities to young talents, then the number of vacant positions of officials will only increase gradually, and young scholars will be disappointed in the court, which is not beneficial to the country and the people. As for the excessive power of local officials, it is not a big problem. Those who are appointed by the court to Liangzhou must be loyal and honest people who have been investigated at different levels. Moreover, his majesty is wise and powerful, and his insight is like a torch. He will not make the place a major threat center. "

Both of them were right and reasonable. Although Lu Zhi could still see the unconvinced look in his face, he did not refute it.

Liu He looked at Yang Biao, who had not spoken for a long time, and asked, "what's your suggestion for this?"Yang Biao has always been a look of closed eyes, listen to the emperor's call, rushed out of the line.

"When the old minister was young, he was promoted as Yilang. Although he was already an official of the imperial court, he was not allowed to be used as a senior official. Later, his predecessor, Jing Zhaoyin, died of illness. When he was only 30 years old, he was appointed by the imperial court as jingzhaoyin, and he was able to sit in the capital for several years. This made me, from a young official, to become a man of a little virtue. Only in this way can I contribute to the country and the country. "

"Liangzhou is a bitter and cold place with few people, and the Gobi is all over the country. In the past, when Emperor Huan was in power, Liangzhou was not as good as a Wei County in Jizhou. It is suitable for young people, temper their mind, broaden their knowledge, and lay a foundation for serving the imperial court in the future. Taichang and other people's words can solve the problem of the court's employment at present, and can also train talents to kill two birds with one stone. However, your Majesty's holy light has its own judgment. The old minister is old and dim. There may be some places that you don't pay attention to

His words almost sum up the words of Wang Qian and Du Ji before him, and he also used his youth experience to "put the facts and reason" and let most of the ministers in the court nod in secret.

"Since the Taiwei also said so, I'll give it a try. Jing Zhaoyin and Taichang, since you have proposed so, do you have any suggestions for Liangzhou to become an official? "

Wang Qian took a step forward and said: "the old minister thinks that Zhendong general is calm, modest and generous, brave in fighting and superb in strategy. Since all ministers think that the example of State animal husbandry is not open, it is most appropriate for general Zhang to grant the power of fake Festival Yue as the governor of Liangzhou."

"Fourth brother, well, this is a good candidate." Liu He nodded slightly.

After hearing this, Guan Yu and Zhu Ye look happy. They don't care about the disputes between the court and the court. In their opinion, the fat water doesn't flow to other people's fields, and they are easy to deal with. When their brothers are in the front, Guan Yu and Zhu ye are still dissatisfied with Du Ji and others. At this time, they are completely angry.

Wang Qian went on to say, "Weiwu county was guarded by General Ma Teng at that time. It was not rich, but it was always stable. Besides, Beidi, Hanyang, Anding, and Yunhai County in Bingzhou were all rich places ruled by the court for a long time. Today, General Ma Chao is even more brave than his father, and he knows Weiwu county like the palm of his hand. Although he is young, he is also qualified to be a major official. I think that General Ma Chao can be appointed as the commander in chief of Weiwu county and act as the governor

Ma Chao's face was happy when he heard that. He was more happy to be a Duwei than to be a prefect in any other place.

"Lu Yong, who was born in Taicang, had a strong family background and both literature and martial arts. During his tenure of office, he always handled affairs cautiously and never made any mistakes. He could be transferred to Dunhuang prefect. Huangfuchang, the commander of Beidi County, not only has the style of famous generals, but also is gentle and elegant. He has excellent wind evaluation and can be transferred to Jiuquan prefect. "

Lu Zhi and huangfusong are both stunned. Lu Yong is Lu Zhi's nephew and huangfuchang is his eldest son. They never expected that the other party would recommend them, which made it inconvenient for them to refute.

After a long time, after the end of the court meeting, more than a dozen important official positions in Liangzhou were carried out in accordance with the proposal of Du Ji, Wang Qian and others. All the officials set out to take up their posts within 15 days. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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