After being affected by special effects, Ganning, who reached 97 points of comprehensive force, easily suppressed Zhang Yun, whose comprehensive force was just 90.


Zhang Yun accidentally, was a knife on the stomach by manning a blood mouth, at the same time, while he was disturbed by pain, Ganning flew up a foot, he kicked out, successive blows, let Zhang yunache face a little distorted.

Ganning steps forward to pursue, but a brocade sail thief soldier ran to him.

"Boss, there are many buckets in Jingzhou. Many of them have recovered a little bit of war at this time, and the brothers are unable to support them."

Ganning looked around quickly. Unexpectedly, among thousands of Jingzhou soldiers, there were no less than 1000 soldiers, who had picked up their weapons again and began to fight with the brocade sail thieves.

Jinfan thieves are only a hundred people in total. With excellent martial arts and mutual cooperation, although they can take one in ten, they will not be in danger for a while, but more and more Jingzhou soldiers will restore morale. Manning thinks for a moment, knowing that it will not last long to last, and there will be some damage on his side.

"Hey, interesting, I always hear people say that there is a certain truth. I have never ignored them. Now it seems that if there is a certain truth, we can't take life for a little money in this area. We can afford our employers because we have no small war results."

"OK." The man immediately whistled at the brothers of many brocade sail thieves in front of him.

After hearing the whistle, ninety-nine brocade sail thieves almost at the same time shook off their opponents, then facing the river behind, and leaping.

"Poop up..."

The sound of falling water rings continuously, and it is 100 people. All of them jumped into the water between several breaths. Even Jingzhou soldiers and horses have not been able to respond to it. They can see that the enemy they are fighting is gone.

Zhang Yun was red, and he cried out in his voice, whether it was anger or shame: "chase, chase me, and kill these thieves completely!"

However, thousands of soldiers under the command, but you look at me, I see you, no one dare to chase up.

At this time, Ganning suddenly came out of the water, waving to the building where Zhang Yun was.

"Hey, Jingzhou cubs, I will come and visit later. Wait."

"It's too much to deceive people."

Zhang Yun regardless of the small abdomen injury, picked up a long gun on the ground, and threw out.

Manning grinned at him, and then he didn't enter the water. After the long gun came into the water, it was not long before he floated up, and the river was back to calm, as if the fierce fighting had not happened before.

"I am angry I'm angry. "

Zhang Yun has scarlet eyes, and his chest is rolling violently. Soldiers around him can hear his teeth gnashing.

The military doctor came in a hurry, bandaged him, cleaned and disinfected, but the bandage was not wrapped up. A soldier called out, "general, general Cai's fleet has come."

Zhang Yunxin was surprised and looked back. This twist was pulling the wound just wrapped up. He grinned his teeth when he was in pain.

But the soldier was not wrong. The larger fleet of Marines led by Cai Mao had appeared on the river behind, and it was only a few hundred steps away from each other.

"It's over. It's bound to be dealt with by the military law this time."

Zhang Yun, with a dark face, followed him and looked at the river, and again showed the color of resentment.

"Ganning Brocade sail thief, sooner or later I will revenge today. "

After a while, Caimao's huge building boat, Zhang Yun knelt down in front of Caimao.

"General, it will be bad for you to be a teacher at the end. Please punish the general."

Cai Mao glanced at him with no good spirit: "useless thing, 5000 soldiers and horses, unexpectedly killed by a hundred brocade sail thieves in the District, and it is said that they will go out. How will the world treat Jingzhou water master? Is this general not to lose his face?"

Zhang Yun was ashamed and despondent, and his head was almost buried in his chest.

"The end will And then I will be ashamed Willing to receive the punishment. "

Another general said: "general, the brocade sail thief has always been haunted and has a very extraordinary fighting power. These years, Lord Oh no, Liu Biao has wanted to recruit Ganning many times, but they have no reply. Many caravans have thousands of guards and have not escaped their magic palm, so they can see their extraordinary points. It is reasonable that they have never moved the official ship, did not provoke the fleet of Marines, general Zhang was not prepared, and was attacked by them and damaged. "

"Yes, now that our army is attacking Chaisang, it is the time for the employing of people, and ask the general to suspend his punishment for general Zhang and allow him to make contributions on his own."

Cai Mao thought for a moment and said, "since you generals ask, you will forgive me this time. But you pioneer also do not need, first is a lot of seemingly sentimental walk Ke, lead our army thousands of people horse, followed by the cloth of dark piles, lead our army into the water, even by the brocade sail thief. Before Chaisang arrived, the army and horse had lost a lot. It can be seen that Zhou Yu is really important. It is better for the whole army to go together. However, there is only one hour to go from penglize. "Zhang Yun bit his teeth. Although he was reluctant, he had nothing to say.

On the tower of Chaisang City, Zhou Yu, Han Dang, and other generals ascended the heights and looked far away.


The small soldier ran to the crowd and reported: "I'd like to report to all the generals that Cai Mao, after meeting Zhang Yun's defeated soldiers, set out to explore the way with 20 boats. They used the iron juice prepared in advance and many torches. In just a few minutes, they broke the iron rope of the Hengjiang river that our army laid at the mouth of the river. Now Jingzhou navy has come straight to Chaisang city."

Among all the generals, except Zhou Yu and Han Dang, the rest were surprised.

Zhou Yu, however, was not surprised. He said, "Cai Mao is indeed the first person in the Jingzhou water war. As expected, he has excellent insight and extraordinary ability."

Han Dang said: "although there are Gongjin's ingenious schemes, which cost the Jingzhou army 45000 people, but the other side still has 10000 naval divisions, and the ships are tall and above our army. I don't know how to meet the enemy now?"

Zhou Yu was calm and relaxed. He said, "it's only ten thousand people. I'll teach them to fly away and make Cai Mao flee in a hurry."

Although many generals did not speak, their faces were full of doubts. Even Han Dang frowned slightly.

"This Gong Jin doesn't know what to do with it? "

Zhou Yu glanced around the crowd. Then he burst into laughter: "ha ha ha ha If you can trust me as a junior, can you hand over the troops and horses in the city to me? "

The generals were hesitant, but Han Dang, after a little consideration, said decisively, "Han Dang is willing to listen to orders."

What he said was extraordinary. Zhou Yu only wanted the control of their troops. Han Dang even handed him over to Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu was surprised and moved.

"It's really the blessing of Jiangdong that general Han has such a mind. Although Zhou Yu is not talented, he will never dare to lose the general's trust."

Han Dang solemnly said: "Han is not good at water war, but Gong Jin's ability has been revealed. Before we meet, Gong Jin will suffer heavy losses. Chai sang is the foundation of the Lord. We can't give up our hands. In order to stay here, Han's body can only rely on Gongjin's driving strategy. What's the point?"

With Han as an example, other generals followed suit.

Looking at the crowd, Zhou Yu was filled with emotion. At the same time, a strong confidence came into being.

"There are generals and men in the east of the Yangtze River. They are just like Cai Mao. How can they be invincible if they dare to attack our city?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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