Cai Mao looked at the boundless Peng Lize in front of him, and suddenly his mind was wide open.

"Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu, by virtue of some insidious tricks, has caused much damage to our army. Now that we are in Peng Lize, the two sides of the navy are fighting head-on. I think you have any countermeasures."

He had great confidence in his water fighting skills, and immediately ordered the fleet to go straight to Chaisang city.

However, after a while, there was still no one around the lake, which made Cai Mao's heart beat again.

"Although there is no navy in Jiangdong, I heard that Zhou Yu had trained two or three thousand sailors. How can we not see them come out to fight, and even the sentry posts for our army's whereabouts have disappeared?"


When a Zou Ke came to Cai Mao's ship, a soldier said, "general, there is a Jiangdong water village in front of it. There is neither a flag nor a troop patrolling in the village."

Now Cai Mao was full of doubts.

Zhang Yun doubted: "what's the idea of Huangkou shaft?"

Another general said: "I think this Zhou Yu must be a man who can only play tricks. Now that he saw that our army had been killed under the city, he was naturally afraid, so he abandoned the city and fled."

"Well, that's right. It must be so."

"Yes, general Cai is famous. Who knows the place of Jing and Yang? It is reasonable for Zhou Yu to dare not to fight against the general. "

Cai Mao felt that it was reasonable to be so.

However, he was still a little uneasy. He said to a general, "take a thousand people to investigate. If there is no ambush in the stronghold, send someone to report back."

"Here it is." The general was ordered to take a boat and set off with several boats.

Soon, a Zoke sailed back: "general, there is no one in the water village, and the village is a mess, equipment, food and grass are all there, there are more than ten Zoke and two boats, oars and sails are complete, but also empty, and parking is extremely disordered, it seems that they were abandoned here in a hurry."

"As expected, he abandoned the village and fled." The generals were overjoyed, but Zhang Yun was a little reluctant.

"I'm so annoyed that Zhou Yu escaped..."

Cai Mao said, "in this case, our army will set out. However, Zhou Yu had many tricks. In order to prevent accidents, our army was divided into three routes. My general led 3000 troops and horses into the water stronghold. Zhang Yun, you led 2000 people to Chaisang city. Huang Zu, you led the rest of the troops and horses to take a rest somewhere between the water stronghold and Chaisang city. After finding out the enemy's movement, we can make a plan. Keep in mind that no matter day or night, no matter whether it's day or night, whether it's land or water camp, we must patrol constantly, and we must not take it lightly. "

"I will obey you."

Cai Mao led a group of fleet, and soon came to the gate of the water stronghold, where the general had been waiting.

"General Cai will be honored at the end of the year."

The fleet slowly sailed into it. Cai Mao looked at the water village carefully and nodded frequently.

"Zhou Yu is a talented person. The layout of the water stronghold here is loose in the outside and tight in the inside. Although it is not a top-notch work, it can also be called excellent. If he is a general of Jingzhou, I should be good at promotion and reuse, and will become a great tool in the future."

The general around him sneered and said, "it's a pity that he can't do what he can to fight against general CAI. He just doesn't know what to do."

When Cai Mao heard the speech, his face suddenly showed color.

"Go, take general ben to check the instruments and food left by Jiangdong rats."

The general was very proud: "general, please come here. Those incompetent people sent 30000 stone grain and grass and more than 1000 sets of ordnance to our army in vain. They were afraid that there would be more in Chaisang city. If there was such a harvest, the LORD would reward the general heavily. "

With CAI Mao, he went all the way to the village where the grain and grass equipment were stored. After opening the door of the Treasury, a smell of rice came to his face.


Cai Mao sucked hard: "it was the new grain harvested last year, but Sun CE was willing to do it."

"The general is really powerful. If you smell it from afar, you will know when the millet was produced, and I will admire it."

The general lost no time in flattering.

Cai Mao came forward and stabbed a bag of grain with a sword. The rice in it fell out instantly.

"Ha ha, good. These rice grains are full, even in our Jingzhou, military grain, it is very rare. Tell us to go on, and tonight the whole army will abandon porridge and change to plain rice. "

"Thank you, general." They were all in a hurry to thank them.

Although Jingzhou is rich, the army can only eat a meal of white rice in the daytime when they are out on the battlefield. The rest is gruel and coarse grain cake. How can porridge be more delicious and full than rice?

Soon, Zhang Yun's messenger came from Chaisang city.

"To general Cai, there is no enemy in the city of Chaisang. All the buildings are covered with broken armor and broken flagpoles. He asked the people in the city and said that about two hours ago, the garrison left in a hurry and could not clean up. His deeds were extremely flustered. There are more than 50000 grain and grass, more than 7000 sets of ordnance in the city. ""Zhou Yu's son, as expected, ran for his life." Cai Mao had no doubts.

"Order the three armies to rest tonight and set out tomorrow. First go to Yuzhang and then seize the Lujiang River. After making contributions, the general will surely be rewarded by everyone."

Soon, night fell, and everyone in the ten thousand Jingzhou navy was in high spirits. Either in the city or in the water stronghold, there was a festive atmosphere.

"Come on, drink..."

Cai Mao and other generals came to Chaisang city to have a feast with the prefect's residence. They were very happy.

"This time, our army won a complete victory. Not only did our army capture Chaisang in one fell swoop, but also won 80000 stone grain and grass and nearly 10000 sets of ordnance. After the general learned of this, the general would surely greatly promote general CAI."

"Yes, I hope general Cai will not forget the last general and others."

"Come on, I'll give the general a bottle."

Cai Mao was also very happy when the generals raised the wine bottle together. He could not erase the wine drops from his beard, so he took up his own bottle and drank it with others.

"Ha Good wine, good wine. Although sun jianpifu marched to fight in general, the food and drink in the city were very good, but it was a pity that it was cheap for us, ha ha. "

"As the general said, we will have a good drink tonight. Tomorrow we will follow the general, clean up Yangzhou and clean up Jiangdong. We will have such great achievements. At that time, we are afraid that Xia Hou Dun and Cao Ren will not be able to suppress you."

These words made Cai Mao's eyes shine and his heart brightened. When Liu Biao was under the command of Liu Biao, he could be said to be more than ten thousand people. Later, if Liu Biao had not been bewitched by Liu Yu and demoted to be a Chengmen captain, he would not have surrendered to Cao Cao, who had only one state and a half forces.

Now that he has become a member of the Cao army, Cai Mao's spirit naturally does not want to be subordinate to Cao, the Marquis of the Xia Dynasty. But now that the good time is just around the corner, he can't help being excited.


They were all enjoying themselves, but there was a voice in a hurry that interrupted the general's interest.

Cai Mao's face turned black and was about to be reprimanded. A small soldier knelt down at the door of the gate: "report to general, Zhou Yu suddenly led the fleet of the Navy troops and appeared outside the water stronghold of our army."

"What, he dares to come back?" Cai Mao was not surprised.

"How many people are there?" Zhang Yun asked

"General Hui, the moon is dark and the wind is high, so it is difficult to see clearly. However, there are only one building ship, five boats and more than fifty-six boats going."

"Hiss How could that be possible? When will there be such a large-scale Navy in Jiangdong

Zhang Yun was shocked and couldn't believe it.

A real estate ship can take at least 2000 people. There are also 3400 people in Kuai and about 20 people in Zoke. According to this calculation, there are at least 5000 or 6000 people in Jiangdong Navy.

But Cai Mao sneered and said, "there are five or six thousand people. What can we do? Our Jingzhou Navy still has 10000 troops and horses, and the benefits of ships are even worse than Jiangdong. What are you afraid of? Children of this generation think that this method of night attack can surpass our army, but they don't know that it is the way to die. All the generals will follow me to the water stronghold to meet the enemy. We will capture Zhou Yu alive and control Peng Li. It will be tonight. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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