On the official road east of Hulao pass, Liu he rode his own white jade for thousands of miles and was galloping like the wind.

Behind him, followed by two people, one is the partial General Zhang jaw, the other is the eagle Guard commander you Lang.


After that, a huge whistling sound of the Golden Eagle fell from the sky.

You Lang takes off the urgent thing on his leg to have a look.

"As your majesty expected, general Cheng went to Yingchuan as expected."

Liu he said in a deep voice: "it is true. My three brothers and sisters are really talkative

In his tone of voice, there was more than a hint of complaint. Zhang Yong was seriously injured in the first battle of Runan. Liu he was afraid that he might stimulate Cheng Liang. When he sent him the war report, he gave this section to him. However, Cheng Liang's wife, Su Yue, the daughter of the Su family, accidentally said something out of the mouth.

"The third younger brother must have been angry in his heart that Cao Cao wounded the fourth younger brother. In addition, he had been locked up for half a year, and he had already held back his anger. Now that he is so stimulated, how can he not revenge for the fourth younger brother?"

Liu he sighed heavily and asked, "where is the third brother?"

You Lang replied: "an hour ago, the three generals had arrived at Yangguan. The general of Yangguan did not dare to let him go, but he was afraid of the identity of the three generals. When he was in a dilemma, he was knocked unconscious by the three generals and forced to break through the pass. "

"Did the fourth brother know about it?"

"My highness, according to my second brother, the four generals are still in peace of mind, and their vice generals have not informed him of this news."

"Well, good. When it comes to this matter, I will promote the deputy general to a higher level. " Liu He nodded.

Zhang jaw suddenly said, "Your Majesty, the three generals have passed the Yangguan pass and are nearly 200 Li ahead of us. I'm afraid it's hard to catch up with them in such a March. I propose that you and your majesty lead a thousand light cavalry of the Euphorbia soldiers to go ahead, leave the 5000 foot soldiers behind and march slowly. Otherwise, I'm afraid that they will be further and farther away from the three generals. "

Liu he immediately agreed: "well, I was in a hurry, but I was negligent, so I did."

Zhang jaw took the order, and asked the deputy general to lead the five thousand soldiers in the rear alone. The three of them, with a thousand light horses, pulled out a whip with all their strength, and the horses neighed under their hips, and ran away with their hooves.

Not long after that, in a wild field at the junction of Yingchuan county and Runan County, a man with a long halberd in his hand and galloped on his horse. It was Cheng Liang.

His eyes were scarlet and his face was full of anger. His hand holding Tiangang's soul chasing halberd was also full of blue veins.

"Son of a bitch, it's enough to rebel against the imperial court and establish another puppet emperor. Now I dare to hurt my fourth brother. If I don't take the head of you, I will not be named Cheng."

"Three generals, walk slowly..."

Suddenly hundreds of people rode after him.

Cheng Liang, however, did not even return his head and went on.

However, although the unicorn roar under his crotch is a rare divine colt, he is somewhat tired when he comes all the way from Luoyang. However, the horses of several people behind him are full of energy. After chasing for a moment, the hundreds of people catch up with Cheng Liang and stop him.

"The three generals must not go any further. Your majesty has an order to order the general to return to Luoyang immediately without any mistake. "

One of the generals reached out and stopped Cheng Liang.

Cheng Liang glanced at him and said, "bah, you're my fourth brother's servant in vain. You can't protect him in the battlefield, and you can't revenge for him. Now you're deceiving me with the will of my elder brother. It's really damned."

"Three generals, last general..."

"Get out of here

Cheng Liang wields a halberd, which will not be able to prevent, directly swept by him.

Although Cheng Liang didn't use his halberd blade to attack, he just swept the man off his horse and fell down.

"General Niu..." Other generals and soldiers rushed forward to help.

"When general Ben comes back, I'll convict you." Cheng Qiliang jumps forward and shouts at the front.

"Drive..." Cheng Liang took the opportunity to escape from their encirclement.

Several generals helped up the general Niu, worried one by one.

"General, it's not good for us to stop the three generals. I'm afraid your majesty will punish us."

"What about punishment?" General Niu glared at them: "we are deeply favored by your majesty. If it were not for your majesty, we would not know whether we are still alive or dead. Even if we die today, we should also protect the three generals' integrity."

When he said this, hundreds of people around him also showed a look of death as if they were going home.

"Immediately return to the camp, allocate troops and horses, and guard the intersection of the two counties. Your majesty has come in person. As long as your majesty orders us, we will send troops at once, without any delay. "


After noon, the sun began to tilt to the West. Cheng Liang rested for a moment because his horses were too tired. The rest of the time, he was on his way at full speed.

Until the sun fell on the top of a mountain in the distance, a city finally appeared in the distance."Hum, it's really the flag of Cao."

Cheng Liang saw a huge flag with the word "Cao" flying on the tower, and a small flag with the word "Hong" beside it.

After confirming that it was Cao Cao's city, Cheng Liang whipped his horse's whip and rushed straight up.

"Come on, Cao Jun in the city, listen. Your grandfather Cheng Liang is here. Come out and surrender quickly, and then take my grandfather to meet the old thief Cao Cao. Otherwise, my grandfather will not die under the halberd."

His roar made Cao Jun's soldiers in the city tower a little confused.

"What's the situation? Who is this man? "

"I heard from him that it was Cheng Liang? Is it the righteous brother of the emperor in Luoyang court

"No, how could he attack the city by himself? Is he a fool?"

They are discussing that a tall general in armor pushes aside the crowd and comes quickly.

He looked down into the city, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"It's Cheng Liang. When I was in Hulao pass, I followed my Lord to fight against Dong Zhuo. I had seen this guy before. I don't think he came here alone today. Isn't God helping me to make this great achievement? "

Cheng Liang points to the tower with his halberd: "wuna thief general, if you don't come out, you'll be arrested. Can't you get killed?"

As soon as general Hong patted his thigh, he said excitedly, "hurry up, prepare your troops and horses, follow the general out of the city and capture this fool who has thrown himself into the net. At that time, he was granted the Marquis and paid homage to the general. Ha ha."

He ran down the tower. Soon, the gate opened slowly. General Hong, with thousands of troops and horses, was on his side and headed for Cheng Liang.

"Ha ha, I'm worried that I don't have a chance to do meritorious deeds. You've just delivered your goods to the door, and you've just accomplished the merits of a certain family. Come on, give it to me. "

When General Hong pointed to the spear in his hand, thousands of soldiers and horses rushed to kill him.

Cheng Liang snorted coldly: "Tiao Liang clown, see me behead you."

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