"The system indicates that Cheng Liang's basic force is 97 points, the king of war, the king of armour and mount are increased by 5 points. The special effect" blood evil spirit "has not been triggered yet, and the comprehensive force is 102 points."

Cheng Liang gave out a low hiss and roar. Tiangang's Halberd waved and killed a Cao soldier.


He called out again, and the soul chasing halberd chopped the life of another Cao soldier into two sections.

Only this one face-to-face, Cao Jun was awed by his powerful martial arts and cruel means. The soldiers who had been killed and rushed forward unconsciously began to slow down.

"What are you waiting for? If you don't hurry up and kill him, who dares to hesitate and engage in military law. "

General Hong spoke and scolded the more than 1000 soldiers.

Cheng Liang saw his figure through the crowd and said, "thief, I'll cut you first."

The unicorn roars out, and Cheng Liang opens the road with a soul chasing halberd. Occasionally, several brave Cao troops are killed under his halberd, and the death is tragic. In this way, the rest of the soldiers are shocked and stay at a standstill.

"You You all deserve to die... "

General Hong pointed to them and swore angrily. However, as soon as his voice fell, a red figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Damn you."

Cheng Liang said a word maliciously, and then Tiangang soul chasing halberd fell from the sky.

"Ah You... "

General Hong only had time to call out these two words, and then his head fell to the ground.

When the commander died, many soldiers fell to their knees.

"Spare your life, general..."

Cheng Liang glanced at them, then looked up at the three words "Dingying city" on the gate of the city. He did not say anything more. As soon as he patted the horses, he rushed into the city.

"This is Dingying city. If we go on for more than 100 miles, we should go to Pingyu city. Bandit Cao will be stationed here and wait for me to attack Pingyu at night and take down the head of the old thief."

Cheng Liang made up his mind and ran straight through Dingying city.

The sky soon darkened. When Cheng Liang arrived outside Pingyu, it was late at night.

He hid in a forest outside the city and looked at the gate.

"Hum, it's really heavily guarded. There's no doubt that thief Cao will be here. Cao set up a barracks outside the four gates, thinking that the garrison was the weakest. I'll go to the camp first. If Cao Cao is the best in the camp, even if he's not there, he will certainly lead the army to help. Wouldn't it be convenient to kill him then? "

Cheng Liang was obviously very satisfied with his plan. He turned his head and looked at a brightly lit military camp not far away. He touched it without saying a word.

Although there were only 15000 troops in this barracks, which was much less than the other three places, the soldiers were constantly patrolling, and everyone was in high spirits. At a glance, we could see that it was the work of the art of war.

At this time, the night was getting deep. Except for the patrol soldiers, all the others had gone to sleep. Cheng Liang looked at them and saw that the lights had been extinguished in most of the barracks. His heart was overjoyed.

"Ha, it's said that Cao Cao is good at using troops. I don't think so. When I rush into the camp and kill one of them, I will kill the commander of the camp first. "

He took Tiangang's halberd in his hand and put it on the horse's back again: "old man, today we brothers will come to kill a happy life."

The unicorn roar seemed to feel the host's intention. He bowed his head and sneezed a few times. He scratched his front hoof on the ground, which made him eager to try.

Deep in the barracks, in the largest camp, Cao ang was carefully wiping his spear.

Suddenly, a soldier rushed into the tent: "general, someone came to rob the camp."

Cao Ang's face was startled, and the movement on his hand also stopped instantly.

"Who robbed the camp?"

"The other side called himself Cheng and Liang. He made a long halberd and a red horse under his hip. He was very brave."

"Cheng Liang!" Cao Ang's spear almost fell to the ground.

"This guy is not locked up by Liu He, how can he appear in Runan quietly?"

He turned his head and asked in a quick voice, "how many soldiers and horses did he bring?"

"General Hui, there is only Cheng Liang on the other side, and there are no other people."

"What? You said he was alone? " Cao ang repeated, as if he had heard it wrong.

The soldier said, "yes, he's the only one."

"Ha ha ha..." Cao ang got up and ran out of the account.

"There are several family uncles in our army, as well as Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Yu Jin, Li Dian, Le Jin, and so on? I don't want Cheng Liang to die tonight. God help me. "

He threw out a piece of brocade which was used to wipe the spear in his hand: "order the 2000 personal guards of general ben to capture Cheng Liang with me."

Cao ang was in high spirits, carrying the long gun which had just been polished, and stepped on the horse.

"Go ahead..."This way, Cheng Liang is in Cao's camp, killing all directions.

Although his martial arts skills are countdown among the five brothers, he is just like chopping melons and cutting vegetables against these ordinary soldiers. In particular, the Tiangang soul chasing halberd in his hand cuts iron like mud, and his gold filigree armour is invulnerable, which makes him almost rampant and unstoppable.

"Kill, I kill. I don't believe it. I can't attract the thieves. "

Cheng Liang's heart was fierce, and his soul chasing halberd was repeatedly chopped. However, all the Cao soldiers who rushed over were cut into two sections by him, or pierced through the body or even the head by him. The tragedy was inexplicable and frightening.

He killed all the way to the depth of Cao camp. Before he knew it, hundreds of Cao's corpses had been left behind. They piled up like mountains and shocked people.

"Hiss This guy is also very powerful. They all say that the five brothers, Cheng Liang and Zhang Yong in Xuchang, have the weakest martial arts skills. But these days, I have seen their martial arts skills, and they are really fierce. What are the more powerful Guan Yu and Zhu ye like? "

"Shall we hide? It's a death to rush up. "

"Are you going to die? Our military discipline is strict. If we are afraid of the war, we have to behead ourselves. We might as well rush to kill him. Maybe he has been tired of fighting for a long time. We still have some chances. "

The speaker immediately stepped forward to kill him. However, one of them was cut off by Cheng Liang. The head "gululu" rolled to the soldiers he had talked with before. They were scared to death. Some courage just raised was gone.

At this time, Cao ang led his army to kill him.

"Don't be wild, Cheng Liang. Do you know me, Cao Ang?"

Hearing the name, Cheng Liang immediately changed his anger to joy: "ha ha, are you cao ang, the eldest son of Cao Cao's old dog? Good come. I'll kill you first. Old dog Cao will surely go out of the city and eat my halberd. "

"I hate it. How dare Ann be so rude?" Cao ang is furious and stabs Cheng Liang in the chest with a long gun.

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