Looking at Cheng Liang's reversal of the war situation again, Cao Cao, who thought the overall situation was in control, gradually cooled down.

"A mere Cheng Liang can even fight with the most valiant general in our army. If Guan Yu and Zhu ye come here, will they not overthrow our barracks by themselves?"

The more this kind of time, Cao Cao's expectation for the most powerful general became more and more intense. He was fascinated by the arrogance of being able to do everything in one's power.

Xia Hou yuan saw his face showing anxiety, and said, "can I shoot this guy?"

Cao Cao did not immediately express his position, but was silent. Xia Houyuan saw the situation and stopped talking.

In a flash, they fought again for 50 or 60 times. Dianwei's Halberd cut the back of Cheng Liang's right hand, and Cheng Liang also hurt Dianwei's chest. The wounds of both men were full of blood.


The scarlet blood stimulated Cao Cao and made him cry out.

Xia Houyuan said: "Meng De, Cheng Liang is really a master who can't fight for his life. If he continues to fight like this, he will be killed, but he is afraid that he will be killed. It's better to make a quick decision. "

Cao Cao no longer hesitated: "kill."

Xia Houyuan's spirit was inspired. He took his strong bow, drew his bow and arrow, and aimed at Cheng Liang.


An arrow shot straight at Cheng Liang's back.

"System prompt: Xia Houyuan's archery skill is 98 points, the attack in hand is increased by 1 point, archery is used to replace force, and the current force is 99 points."

The two men were only a hundred paces apart. The sharp arrow arrived in a flash. There was no time for people to react. What's more, Cheng Liang was still fighting with Dianwei. Xia Houyuan was full of confidence. This arrow aimed at Cheng Liang's head, which would surely pierce his head.

However, what he never expected was that Cheng Liang was more brave in the war and braver in the wounded. Now he is seriously injured. Not only is his martial arts more excellent, but also his ability to listen to the voice and distinguish his position is better.

He heard the sound of breaking through the sky. Even in terms of the current injury, every violent rotation of his body would bring a sharp pain to the heart. However, he ignored it. Even though he almost broke his teeth, he tried to turn his body to one side. As the arrow passed by his side, Cheng Liang suddenly stretched out a hand and caught the tail feather of the sharp arrow.

"What?" Xia Houyuan was stunned on the spot.

However, Cheng Liang's body was dragged aside more than ten steps by the powerful force of the sharp arrow, and then he could stop.

"Give it back to you."

Cheng Liang has a big drink. As soon as his feet stand firm again, he throws the sharp arrow in his hand at Dian Wei, who is chasing him.

"Yi la..." Even though Dianwei dodged quickly, he was still left a bloodstain on his neck by the sharp arrow.

"No, this Cheng Liang is as brave as this. Dian Wei is afraid to suffer a loss. Miaocai, you should attack Cheng Liang immediately. No matter what happens tonight, you must kill Cheng Liang. Otherwise, the soldiers of our army will be exhausted and it will be difficult to fight Luoyang again. "

"I will obey you."

Xia Houyuan had been sharpening his sword and was ready to rush out as soon as he got the military order.

"Cheng Liang died."

A long gun comes from the air and stabs Cheng Liang in the chest.

"System tips: Xia Houyuan participated in the battle between Dianwei and Cheng Liang. Xia Houyuan's basic force was 94 points, and his weapons and armor were increased by 2 points. At present, he was fighting alone against the enemy without commanding the light cavalry. Therefore, it was difficult to trigger special effects" galloping ", and the comprehensive force reached 96 points."

Cheng Liang was bleeding all over his body, but even so, seeing Xia Houyuan and Dian Wei attacking together, he was not afraid to laugh back. However, under his smile, he affected the wound and spurted blood directly.

"Cough You want to kill me? You two will be buried with you

Cheng Liang roared to the sky, and Tiangang's Halberd danced. One halberd opened Dianwei's attack, and then hit the gun with his halberd and hit Xia Houyuan's long gun.

After a light sound, Xia Houyuan was shaken back and forth. Before he could stand firm, he saw that Cheng Liang had already jumped up.


Cheng Liang's bloodstained face, coupled with this twisted face, looks extremely ferocious. The soul chasing halberd in his hand seems to be a magic weapon in the hands of some devil.

Xia Houyuan stands in a hurry and stabs out his spear. In a flash, he is caught by Cheng Liang's Halberd blade and buckled it down. When Cheng Liang wants to kill him, Dianwei comes in time, and both iron halberds are waved together and cleaved to Cheng Liang.

Cheng Liang, however, did not dodge. He drew out his sword and took the blow from Dianwei.

However, his strength was not as strong as Dianwei. Although he was more brave than Dianwei, his physical strength was not as good as that. In this collision, Cheng Liang was shocked again and his five internal organs were overturned, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.


But even so, he would not give up Xia Houyuan. While Xia Houyuan was still controlled by himself, he took the sword back and chopped it.

Xia Houyuan was restrained by him, and it was difficult to dodge. Cheng Liang directly drew a long wound from his abdomen to his chest. The blood flowed through his heart, which was frightening."Good thief, dare to hurt general Xia Houyuan in front of me."

Dianwei was a little angry and flew out of the air and kicked Cheng Liang's face. A tooth flew out of Cheng Liang's mouth. At the same time, Cheng Liang's whole body was kicked several steps and fell to the ground.

Xia Hou yuan angrily yelled: "good Cheng Liang, you hurt me a sword, I return you ten guns, look at the gun."

He shakes the silver gun in his hand and stabs at Cheng Liang's abdomen regardless of his chest injury.

At the moment, Cheng Liang was exhausted, even exhausted. His body was scarred, his ribs were broken, and he lost too much blood. He could no longer stand up.

In the face of Xia Houyuan stabbed by a gun, Cheng Liang suddenly laughs, which makes Xia Houyuan feel a little bad, but the gun has been stabbed, even if he wants to take it back at the moment, it is impossible.

Cheng Liang didn't dodge, so he was stabbed into his abdomen by a long gun. However, he had gold silk armor to protect his body. Even at this time, the gold silk armour was somewhat damaged, but the long gun still only penetrated half of the gun head.

Just as Xia Houyuan is ready to continue to use his force to stab his spear deeper, Cheng Liang grabs his gun shaft, and then uses his last strength to throw the halberd as a concealed weapon.

"This..." Xia Houyuan was shocked and looked at the halberd flying towards him, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"General, be careful." Dian Wei appeared in time, threw his short halberd in his hand and hit the halberd. The halberd fell down after two circles in the air, but stabbed an unfortunate Cao soldier.

Seeing this, Cheng Liang suddenly collapsed.

"Big brother I'm sorry for you I'm going to break my vow. I'll go first... "

In his mind, he flashed the scene of the five people's marriage in the pine forest, and recalled the fighting and killing together, drinking and having fun together in these years, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But Xia Hou yuan is infuriated, looking at him is still laughing, is angry not to hit a place.

"Laugh, I'll make you laugh. I'll cut your tongue first."

He kicks Cheng Liang to the ground, pulls out his saber and stabs Cheng Liang's mouth.

"Who dares to kill my third brother, I will destroy his nine clans!"

A loud voice, resounding through the sky, is even more earth shaking in this dark night.

Cheng Liang's eyes were bright: "big brother..."

Cao Cao suddenly turned his head and looked along his voice. He saw three figures, leading a group of cavalry behind him. In the moonlight, they all entered the camp.

Although it was difficult for Cao Cao to see clearly the appearance of the comer because of the darkness, he could hear the voice very clearly.

"Liu He! It's a big fish. It's bigger than I expected. Tonight, the overall situation of the world is settled. "

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