"System prompt: the host led Zhang jaw and you Lang to kill. The basic force of the host is 98 points, the king of war, the king of armour and the mount are increased by 5 points. The special effect" trick soldier "is triggered. The force is increased by 5 points, and the current comprehensive force is 108 points."

"Open jaw basic force 93 points, weapons and armor increased by 2 points, no special effects bonus, current comprehensive force 95 points."

"You Lang's basic force is 95 points, weapons and armor are increased by 2 points. The special effect" Assassination "has not been triggered yet. The current comprehensive force is 97 points."

The three men led the cavalry of the thousand halberds and rushed into the Cao army.

Cao's army had been watching Cheng Liang's first battle without any precautions. What's more, Liu He's three brave generals. These 1000 halberds are Liu He's close guards, which can be regarded as the top elite. Once they attack, they can be described as a rampage in Cao camp.

"Liu He, Liu He, no matter how brave you are, today is also the time of your death. Surround all of them for me."

Cao Cao ordered that Cao's army, which had just been scattered by Liu He, soon gathered together again.

Liu He raised his eyebrows and said, "Cao Cao, I have to admit that although you are treacherous, you can use your army like a God. I'm not as good as you are. However, if you dare to kill my third brother today, I will surely take your life even if I face the crowd of thousands of troops. "

"Oh, is it?" Cao Cao didn't care: "in this case, please have a try, but Cao is quite looking forward to."

After that, he waved and tens of thousands of troops roared around to kill them.

Cheng Liang exhausted his last strength and exclaimed, "brother, go quickly, don't care about me..."

"Take care of yourself first."

Xia Houyuan sneered and the spear stabbed again.


A clear and crisp carving sound appeared on the top of his head. Xia Houyuan was surprised. He looked up instinctively, but suddenly he felt a strong wind blowing, which made him and Dianwei almost unable to open their eyes.


The sound of the carving sounded again, and Xia Houyuan heard that the huge sculpture had apparently flown to his head, and he quickly waved the spear upward. And Dian Wei, like him, waved a pair of iron halberds into the sky with his eyes closed.

It worked. The Golden Eagle flew away, and the wind stopped.

However, before they could be happy, they heard the scream of a soldier.

"Ah My eyes, my eyes... "

The powerful talons of the Golden Eagle directly broke the eye socket and head of the soldier.

"Good beast."

Xia Hou yuan angrily scolded, took a strong bow and shot an arrow.

However, the Golden Eagle flapped its wings and flew directly to the spot with the soldier of Cao army who was struggling in pain, and let you fly in the air with your sharp arrow.

"The beast is so brave." Xia Houyuan exclaimed.

The Golden Eagle flew high, and soon came to the place where Liu He and others fought. It directly threw the dying Cao soldier down and hit another unfortunate man.

"This What kind of monster is this

"This giant sculpture is too terrible..."

Cao's soldiers have never seen such a battle, and they are all frightened by the golden carving.

The two golden sculptures of you brothers have now grown into huge bodies. Their wings spread out for more than ten feet. Their two claws are extremely powerful. Under one claw, although the gold and stone will be broken, it is enough to frighten people.

The Golden Eagle repeatedly pounced, and each time a Cao soldier was caught up in the sky and then thrown down. This soldier not only died, but also his eyes became two blood holes. The death was extremely tragic, which scared the hearts of tens of thousands of troops.

"Good time, kill with me."

Liu he cut down two enemy troops in front of him, Zhang jaw and you Lang, and the guards were around him. They bravely killed the enemy. The Golden Eagle opened the way in the sky. A thousand light cavalry swam around them and soon killed Cheng Liang.

"Third brother." Liu he shouts, but Cheng Liang is already in a state of half syncope. Although he hears Liu He's cry, he doesn't even have the strength to open his mouth to respond.

After seeing Liu He, Dian Wei was furious for a long time: "Liu He, are you the dog emperor who cheated and killed my big brother? Take your life. "

He didn't give Liu He any chance to explain the difference. He waved a pair of iron halberds and cut them down.

Liu he used to love Dianwei very much, but now he is very angry when he sees his third brother in such a miserable situation. He can't care about other things. When he sees Dianwei killing him, he meets him.

"You Lang, you escort the three younger brothers to the safe place first. I will kill some of their generals and avenge them."


You Lang's icy voice came. He was strong and vigorous. He wandered through the army at will. If he entered the no man's land, he came to Cheng Liang's side in a twinkling of an eye.

"You want to go, have you asked me?"

Xia Hou yuan raised his gun and stabbed him. You Lang did not lift his head. He pointed forward the slender soul chasing knife in his hand. He saw that the blade somehow ejected, which surprised Xia Houyuan and retreated quickly.After the blade is retracted again, you Lang has already put Cheng Liangyi on the horse's back.

Xia Houyuan still wanted to pursue, but Youlang didn't stop at all, so he quickly withdrew with Cheng Liang.

With the golden carving on the top of his head, you Lang's martial arts skills are also very strong. Tens of thousands of Cao's troops could not stop him. Instead, he carved one by one, killing hundreds of people.

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and looked at the huge golden carving and murmured to himself, "no wonder Liu He's message is always so fast. I think it depends on the gold carving's merit. It's really terrifying to be so unpredictable."

Dian Wei and Liu He both attack with anger. Naturally, they attack the key points directly. They want to kill each other quickly.

"System Tip: host vs. Warcraft. The comprehensive force of the host is 108 points, and that of Dianwei is 104 points. "

Although Liu he had not seen blood for a long time, he did not have any blood in his hands. He rode on his horse and held himself in a commanding position to give full play to the advantages of long weapons. After less than 20 battles, Liu he had the upper hand.

"I think you were deceived by Cao Cao, and you are also a great friend. I didn't want to kill you. But you hurt my third brother. You can't be forgiven. Let's take your life."

Liu He's voice was low and Dian Wei was uncomfortable.

"Lord Cao treated me like a mountain of kindness. You thief, dog emperor, dare to talk nonsense here and eat my halberd."

"System prompt: Dianwei battle fell into the underhand, triggered the special effect" valiant ", the force increased by 3 points, and the comprehensive force reached 107 points."

Originally dominant Liu He, in a twinkling of an eye, was pulled back by Dianwei, which made him angry and anxious.

"Hateful, forget that he has this stunt. It's hard to kill him."

Although Liu he was extremely angry, he didn't lose his mind. He knew that with his three men and a small thousand light cavalry, he would be killed or captured sooner or later in the face of tens of thousands of Cao's troops.

He originally wanted to kill Dianwei and XiaHouYuan quickly to frighten the enemy. Now, it is obvious that Dian Wei, at least within 100 rounds, would never kill him. Such a plan naturally failed. Liu he quickly planned a new plan in his mind.

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