Ruyang County is one of the northernmost cities in Runan County. Through this city, you can go up to Chenliu and to Yingchuan in the West. At the same time, there are three cities within 50 miles around, which are in three different directions. It can be said that many stars are arched. Therefore, this small County town has been vigorously built by Cao Cao Cao in recent years, making the city high and deep, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Gao Shun half squints his eyes and looks at the towering city wall and the wide moat in front of him. He listens to the fierce fighting and is calm and calm.

Chen Gong walked slowly to his side and said, "although this city is a strategic place in Runan County, Yuan Shu, the leader of Yuzhou, was weak and incompetent, and did not pay attention to it. However, after Cao Cao arrived, he rebuilt the city wall every year. He raised the wall by more than 10 meters, set up arrow tower sentries at four corners, and dug the moat of four or five feet wide outside the city 。”

Gao Shun hears the speech, but does not make a statement, just in the eyes, reveals a confidence.

Chen Gong saw that he didn't speak, but he refused: "General Gao, how many times has our army attacked the city?"

Gao Shun stretched out three fingers, and Chen Gong nodded his head slightly: "well, three times. It's time to come."

Gao Shun shook his head: "not busy."

Chen Gong is well aware that the right general of the imperial court today has always had a delicate mind in marching and fighting. He would never use his own means when he was facing the enemy and was not sure of winning. Therefore, he was not surprised by his reaction.

Above the tower, the general of Cao's garrison is mengtan, a yamen general. Like Gao Shun, he stands at the head of the city with a light air.

"It is said that Gao Shun is a first-class general under Liu He's command. Over the past ten years, he has won a hundred battles. Even if the Lord personally led the army, he suffered from his losses. Even Yanzhou was captured by this man. Now, it seems that this is just the case. It's been a long time since the midday war. We have attacked the city twice, but we've lost a lot. It seems that there will be no progress for the third time. "

"That's it." The deputy general was full of flattery and said: "the general, with less than half of the other side's forces, can defend the high and smooth attack and spread it out. The Lord will also look at the general with great respect, and he will attach great importance to it."

"Ha ha Well said, well said

Meng Tan held his abdomen in his hand and laughed happily: "I learned that when Gao Shun attacked in person, I was still like a big enemy. I don't want him to be mediocre. Ah, after a hard day's fighting on the tower, he suffered from backache and was really hard to bear."

Said, he stretched a stretch, the bones on the body, as if in the "click" sound.

The deputy general understood and immediately said, "what is the general's responsibility for such a small war? The general is in danger of the whole city, so you can't overwork. It's better for the last general to guard the city on behalf of the general. Please go back to the city and rest for a while. I don't expect that Gao Shun will be able to attack. "

"This..." Meng Tan's face showed a puzzled look: "so, isn't it a burden to the Lord?"

"Ah, the general is both intelligent and courageous. He has repeatedly defeated Gao Shun's offensive. As we all know, the enemy's potential is great, and they are afraid that they will attack the city overnight. The general goes back to have a rest, and he is also preparing for the follow-up battle. The Lord knows that he only praises the general for his calm and calm attitude and his command. Is there any reason to punish him?"

"Well Good, good, you boy. You're right. "

At the thought of his newly accepted concubine a few days ago, with her exquisite figure and silk skin, she felt a ripple in her heart.

"Well, you are so loyal. After this war, when I write the war report, I will give you more praise. I will also record your contribution in the merit book."

The vice general was overjoyed, and the whole man would like to fall down in front of Meng Tan and give him a big gift.

"Thank you, general, for your kindness. I will never forget it."

"Then you should guard the city here. Don't slack off. If anything happens, please inform me again."

Montan confessed, yawning and walking down the tower.

"If there is a change, you will be informed. The implication is that if there is no special change, don't disturb it? Hey, I've been in the army for many years, and now I'm afraid I'll turn over. "

This vice general seems to have fantasized that he is on his way to success. On the day when he becomes a marquis and worships a general, the corners of his mouth are unconsciously left with a Harrah.

He was immersed in his own fantasy when a soldier called out, "general, look, the enemy is retreating."

The deputy general suddenly woke up and looked down the city. Sure enough, he saw that the army who had been storming the city was retreating rapidly at the moment.

"Ha ha, Gao shunzhen has earned a false reputation. Now it's getting late. I'm afraid that the enemy will withdraw their troops and set up camp. This military feat is just like this. Tonight, you should go to the Mazen tower in the city and call on some girls to have a good time and reward yourself."

"General, look, what are the enemy doing over there?"

A small soldier reminds one, this adjutant is a little impatient, along the direction that he points to a glance in the past.

At first, he thought that there would be no big deal, so he would give a few words at will, and he also pulled down the tower early, but when he looked at it, his eyes could not be moved for a moment.In the Han Army camp, a group of soldiers were pushing a car to the front line, and finally stopped about 300 steps in front of the city gate.

In these cars, there are various shapes of wood, rope and so on. The soldiers take these things off the car, and then they play with them on the ground.

"What are they doing?"

The deputy general was puzzled.

"General, the enemy has always been deceitful and has many strange siege equipment. In those years, villains have seen the fire beast, Jinglan chariot, and bed crossbow, all of which are extremely powerful. In this siege, they have never seen these things. Is it because they are heavy and difficult to move, so Gao Shun is ready to launch the final attack?"

Listening to the small soldier's report, the deputy general repeatedly shook his head and denied: "no, No. The fire beast is really heavy, but I've seen that Jinglan cart, pushed by soldiers, can walk freely. How could it arrive a whole day late? Hum, Gao Shun always likes to make mysteries and cheat us. Don't pay attention to it. What's more, even if he arrives with fire beasts and Jinglan cars, the Lord has already left a way to deal with it. At that time, you should take precautions according to law. "

Another general said, "do you want to send someone out of the city to rush out to find out the truth?"

"Break it." The deputy general stopped him: "this must be Gao Shun's plan to lure the enemy. He deliberately put the soldiers 300 paces away, which was hard to reach with bows and crossbows. He lured our troops out of the city. I thought there would be an ambush outside the city, or it would be better to stay in the city."

The general also felt reasonable: "well, what the general said is very true."

The deputy general also yawned and looked at the Han army who was still playing with the wood there and laughed.

"Well, general Ben is tired. Go down and have a rest for a while. You wait here to guard the city."

He turned around and went down the tower. After he had gone far away, the faces of the remaining generals changed from deference to disdain.

"Bang, flatterer..."

"That is to say, he became an assistant general only by flattering general Meng. It's really a disgrace to our generals."

"It's not true. I heard that the concubine that the general took a few days ago was chosen by this person and bought and offered by himself. If the Lord knows about it, he must deal with him severely."

"That's hard to say. General Meng is no better than you and me. In those years, he recruited 2000 pieces of music by himself to vote for the Lord. As long as he didn't make any big mistakes, would the Lord punish him? "

"That's right. Hey, that's all. We'll bear it if we're not provoked."

Several people are saying, one of them suddenly called out: "you see, Han Army that is what thing?"

Several people turned their heads and looked, and they were all shocked.

"This is Oh, come on, go and inform general Meng... "

"Well, you go and inform the general that I will immediately lead 5000 troops and horses to rush out of the city before the other party is fully prepared, or disturb the enemy's arrangement."

Several generals, one by one flustered, scattered.

After a while, the gate of the city opened, and one of the generals, with 5000 soldiers, rushed out with a loud voice.

Gao Shun said, "Mr. Gongtai knows everything."

Chen Gong said with a wry smile: "I have lived in Cao camp for a long time. I know the nature of many generals. Meng Tan relied on his merits and was greedy for pleasure. On the one hand, he never made a big mistake. On the other hand, if there was a war, he would be brave enough to fight. He would not be fatuous and incompetent. Therefore, Cao Cao regarded him as important. Today, when our army has failed several times, he must have despised it, and even showed laziness. This is the time for our army to win. "

"Well." Gao Shun only responded to this word, and then looked at the weapons that were still a little short of being assembled. Then he waved to the heralds around him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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