The general of Cao's army had just rushed dozens of paces away and raised his broadsword. He was about to cut down at the soldiers who were still assembling sharp weapons to attack the city. But in front of him, Gao Shun's army suddenly broke up, and a group of soldiers with strong crossbows came forward.

"Caught in the trap..."

The general panicked and tried to stop his horse. At the same time, he called out: "withdraw quickly, withdraw to the city, quick..."

Gao Shun's face was expressionless. With a wave of his big hand, the thousands of crossbow bearers turned the magic crossbow into the sky ahead and pulled the trigger.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

More than 10000 crossbows and arrows rose from the sky, drew a perfect parabola, and quickly fell down, just flying over the heads of the soldiers who were still in assembly work.

After a rain of arrows, five thousand Cao troops were killed and wounded in a flash. The general was scared out of his wits and drove back.

Gao Shun waved again, and a group of cavalry rushed out to chase Cao's army. The chief general was not someone else. It was the son of Chen Qing, a merchant of the Chen family in Xuzhou, but also the Deputy General of Zhang Yong's army, Chen lie.

"Where will the enemy go?"

Chen lie waved his army breaking sword and soon caught up with the general Cao.

"General, spare your life, general Ah... "

After a scream, the head of the general flew high, fell to the ground, and rolled out of the distance to stop.

As soon as the chief General died, the rest of Cao's soldiers, of course, had no intention of fighting again and fled desperately.

At this time, Montan and his aide general finally rushed back to the city tower. They were shocked to see the scene.

"This What's going on? "

Montan's face was full of panic.

"General, Gao Shun set an ambush to lure our army..."

A general was about to give a report, but was rebuked by Montan: "I am not blind, I can see it myself! Tell me what to do now? "

Several generals, looking at each other, bowed their heads and did not speak. This was like adding fuel to the fire for Meng Tan, who was angry.

"You Waste, a bunch of rubbish

"Listen to the garrison in the city..."

Chen Gong rushed forward and called out to the tower, attracting the attention of all.

"Isn't this the master of Chen Gong?"

"What kind of military adviser? I'm already the Chen Liu prefect of the imperial court."

When all the people were talking about it, Chen Gong called out: "Cao Cao has no way. He holds the Emperor Xian, he is cruel and tries to usurp the throne. How can you help the tyrant to commit crimes? Today's soldiers are here, and the destruction of the city is only in a moment. If you can abandon the secret and surrender, you can still save your life. Otherwise, the army will attack the city and there will be no way out. "

After some words, many generals and men fell into hesitation.

"General, look..."

"What do you want? Do you want to betray the Lord? "

Montan glared at them angrily and fiercely: "my Lord has treated us well. How can you give up? I don't think Gao Shun can be a bluff. What can he do? Hold the city gate, I don't believe he can attack. "

Then he looked out of the city and said, "old thief of the Chen palace, you betrayed the Lord at the beginning. What kind of face do you have today? Sooner or later, I, Montan, will capture you alive and send you to the Lord. "

Chen Gong sighs: "Alas, Chen Mou also calculate benevolence and righteousness."

He returned to Gao Shun and said, "general, let's do it."

Gao Shun looks at the messenger and nods.

The herald took out a horn and took a deep breath: "woo Sobbing Wuwu... "

With the rapid and powerful trumpet sound, only the sound of "creaking and creaking" was heard. One by one, the soldiers lifted up pieces of stones about the size of human heads, and wrapped the cloth strips with something unknown.

Cao's generals on the tower were all a little alarmed.

"General, the enemy is really a little strange. Will our army avoid the edge of the enemy for a while?"

"Fart." "Isn't it a catapult? What's the fuss? The catapult can only attack a hundred paces away. Although it is much larger, it can take more than 300 steps to attack the city. What are you afraid of? "

Standing in front of them was a row of stone throwing carts, more than 30, each of which was more than two feet high, far higher than the ordinary one.

Montan, who was very committed, didn't seem to pay any attention to these catapults.

But the lieutenant general did not seem to think so. In his face, with a bit of panic and trembling hands, he pointed to the front.

"General, you You see, then What is that? "

"Well?" Montan looked suspiciously in the direction he was pointing.

One by one, the soldiers put the stones wrapped in cloth into the basket of the catapult, while another soldier, holding up a torch, approached.

As soon as the torch came into contact with the stone, the surface of the stone immediately caught fire."This This is... "

While Montan was still in shock, more than 30 catapults threw stones at the same time.

"Hoo Hoo..."

When the stone flies at a high speed in the air, the flame on the surface is blown by the wind.

More than 30 fireballs roared in the air, with a long black smoke behind them. The scene was so spectacular that it seemed like the end of the world came. The soldiers of Cao army who guarded the city were shocked for a moment.

Just as the fireball was about to fall on the wall, Montan woke up. In this instant, his face "Shua", turned pale, and the whole person could not help but retreat back.

"Quick, quick defense..."

As soon as the voice fell, more than 30 fireballs had already fallen.



"Ah Help... "

For a moment, many soldiers screamed bitterly, and the walls and towers were smashed into huge holes. At the same time, the place where the fireball rolled, also left a trail of flame formation, which was burning all the time.

"It's kerosene. They wrapped the cloth soaked in the oil on the stones..."

A general yelled, but it was too late to find out.

"Creak, creak..."

The second batch of fireballs soared into the air again

Montan looked at the air, looking desperate: "meteorite falling Meteorite sky falls Heaven is going to kill me... "

After several waves of fireball attacks, there were howls and howls all over the city wall. Cao's soldiers and soldiers, who survived, were also scurrying in desperation.


After a loud noise, the gate collapsed, leaving two burning marks on it.

"Go to the city."

At the command of Gao Shun, the catapult immediately stopped the attack, and tens of thousands of troops stormed away. Gao Shun took the lead and rushed into the city gate.

As soon as he entered the city, he saw that Meng Tan was scurrying westward under the protection of a group of generals and soldiers. How could Gao Shun make them happy?

"Close guard, catch up with me."

He called out to the pro guard behind him, and with the thousands of people, he ran after him at full speed.

These Cao troops can be sent here, of course, they can be regarded as the elite troops of Cao Cao. However, compared with Gao Shun's troops, especially his pro guards, there is a big difference between them. What's more, Meng Tan and others are heartbroken and their legs are shaking. How can they run fast?

With little effort, Gao Shun caught up.

In his hand, Aoxue plum blossom spears were repeatedly stabbed out. Several generals behind Meng Tan tried to resist him, but they all died under Gao Shun's gun, so that Gao Shun quickly killed Meng tan.

Meng Tan no longer had the complacent look when he denounced the generals and Chen Gong. Instead, he was no different from the dog who lost his family.

"General Gao General Gao, spare your life. I'd like to surrender. I'd like to... "

"Hum." Gao Shun disdains to snort coldly, the spear suddenly stabs, will Meng Tan's abdomen, stabbed a pair of wear.

"I I... "

Montan was very unwilling. He widened his eyes, grasped the gun head powerlessly with both hands, and then fell down from the horse's back.

Chen Gong ran after him, looked at Meng Tan's body, sighed, and then called out to Cao Jun: "today's son of heaven is the king of benevolence and righteousness. Now mengtan is dead. If you don't surrender, when will you wait?"

Cao Jun's officers and men thought that they were bound to die, but now they suddenly see their way of life. Is there any reason not to go? They lost their weapons one after another, knelt down and asked to surrender. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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